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Buffer size #344

Open IgorMamushin opened 6 years ago

IgorMamushin commented 6 years ago

My application "eats" 22 MB per client. I found that this is because of the giant buffer size (16777216). How can I set the buffer size?

StormHub commented 6 years ago

That is the default global buffer pool (16 MB) shared by all channels and handlers. If you switch on debug logging, all the heap parameters are reported when DotNetty starts.

IgorMamushin commented 6 years ago

If it is global, is it normal that it is created for each client? And after disconnecting the client, the buffer continues to hang in the memory, causing a leak

StormHub commented 6 years ago

The global buffer pool lasts for the life time of the application and shared across all channels.

IgorMamushin commented 6 years ago

Okay, I did ChannelOption.Allocator, UnpooledByteBufferAllocator.Default. But the memory is not released after the client is turned off. What can I do?

StormHub commented 6 years ago

The global buffer pool lasts for the entire lifetime of the applications. The idea is to eliminate the GC pressure to improve performance. This is by design. You can tune the size down a bit though.

nayato commented 6 years ago

what do you mean by this?

memory is not released

If you're not accessing pooled allocator, it should not be used at all and should not allocate. What memory are you referring to here?

IgorMamushin commented 6 years ago

I meant a memory leak. The buffer is not destroyed with the client turned off. Even if I use UnpooledByteBufferAllocator

yyjdelete commented 6 years ago

@Fler Call this before your first call to DotNetty, on static init of class or somewhere else. Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("io.netty.allocator.type", "unpooled");

Or use the below code to lower the memory used by PooledByteBufferAllocator. Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("io.netty.allocator.maxOrder", "5");

nayato commented 6 years ago

@Fler could you pls check what holds the buffer? I.e. take a process dump and inspect path to root for the buffer.

goncalo-oliveira commented 6 years ago

@Fler did you manage to solve this issue? I'm also seeing memory not being released after a client disconnects and not being reused.

goncalo-oliveira commented 6 years ago

Here's what I can see in taking memory in the heap:

There's also a big chunk on Action items, being referenced by DotNetty.Common.Concurrency.XThread+<>c__DisplayClass10_0 via DotNetty.Common.Concurrency.XParameterizedThreadStart, which is a bit weird.

I tried setting io.netty.allocator.maxOrder=5 along with io.netty.allocator.type=unpooled and had no change. Also tried `io.netty.noPreferDirect=true', same result.

It's kind of frustrating, as a chunk is allocated every time a new connection comes in, but it isn't released when the connection drops.

Manual calls to the garbage collector don't produce any results either.

goncalo-oliveira commented 6 years ago

Through the memory dumps, I traced it to here

0:1051> !dumpheap -stat
00007fff6a0150f8       75      1230600 System.ArraySegment`1[[System.Byte, System.Private.CoreLib]][]

0:1051> !gcroot 2858da22a58
    000002858bb2ae20 (strong handle)
    -> 000002858d9ff710 System.Object[]
    -> 000002858d9ff988 DotNetty.Common.InternalThreadLocalMap
    -> 000002858d9ffa08 System.Object[]
    -> 000002858da004b0 System.Collections.Generic.List`1[[System.ArraySegment`1[[System.Byte, System.Private.CoreLib]], System.Private.CoreLib]]
    -> 000002858da22a58 System.ArraySegment`1[[System.Byte, System.Private.CoreLib]][]

This is using unpooled allocator.

MetSystem commented 5 years ago

The same question, is there a solution?

FabianHummel commented 11 months ago

5 years later and it still is not fixed. Why does the memory stay allocated after the connection is dropped? Any solutions?