Azure / Hyperledger-Fabric-on-Azure-Kubernetes-Service

We are excited to support Hyperledger Fabric(HLF) Blockchain version 1.4.4 on Azure Kubernetes Service through a solution that helps to deploy blockchain network of your choice with minimal Azure and HLF knowledge. You are only charged for the underlying infrastructure resources consumed, such as AKS cluster, storage, and networking.
Apache License 2.0
35 stars 23 forks source link

Error: missing (?api-version=) parameter, script does not work #3

Open arsulegai opened 4 years ago

arsulegai commented 4 years ago

The URL here has api-version, however it doesn't seem to work as expected.

Error from the curl call: {"error":{"code":"MissingApiVersionParameter","message":"The api-version query parameter (?api-version=) is required for all requests."}}

arsulegai commented 4 years ago

More info after debugging: The issue happens if there is more than one deployment to the same ResourceGroup. In order to support more than one deployment in the same RG, the way script handles webAppName can be changed.