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Auto-scroll to end of result #187

Open mbifeld opened 3 months ago

mbifeld commented 3 months ago

When a command has a long output, the user has to manually scroll to the end to see the "bash" for the next command. It should auto-scroll.

vmarcella commented 1 month ago

@mbifeld Did we ever determine if this was due to the portals terminal implementation? I believe that our application does issue commands for the scroll to happen automatically after a command/result is shown on screen, but the scroll is issued as an ANSI escape code to the terminal emulator that it's running in. It's been a while since I've tried, but I think I've tested the scrolling inside the standard cloud shell experience and the scrolling worked just fine using ie execute <doc> --environment azure.

mbifeld commented 2 weeks ago

Portal has been testing if the scroll issue is on them, and current indications seem like this is the case.

vmarcella commented 1 week ago

This issue also seems to happen inside of iterm2, meaning that the issue might be with ie instead of the portal, but I have not tried to reproduce it myself to see the underlying cause.

zioproto commented 1 week ago

Commit aed8dc96b220e7a48eec1d15eabbc502f180e3f0 with the snippet of code:

       if viewportContentUpdated {

Fixed the issue for me.