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VS Code_Office_Not able to Debug. #2503

Closed v-prakumar closed 1 year ago

v-prakumar commented 1 year ago

Describe the Bug with repro steps

  1. Create a Stateful workflow in VS Code.
  2. Open Designer and add http trigger.
  3. Add office_Send an email, create the connection and add all the details.
  4. Add compose action and add fx parameters'responseString'.
  5. Add paramerters.json file in explore pane and add : { "responseString": { "type": "string", "value": "helloone" }, "office365RuntimeUrl": { "type": "string", "value": "" } } 6.Save it and replace the connection value in parameters.json from connection.json.

Expected: For office while creating the connection, In connection.json connection runtime URL should be generated.

Actual: Connection runtime url is not generating. (@parameters"office365ConnectionRuntimeUrl") ![Uploading image.png…]()

What type of Logic App Is this happening in?

Standard (VSCode)

Are you using Preview Designer or GA Designer


Screenshots or Videos

No response


VS Code

Additional context

VS Code Artifacts:

VS Code extension: ​vsix icon vscode-azurelogicapps-2.18.0.vsix NuGet package: Extension Bundle (CDN URL):

Extension Bundle:

v-prakumar commented 1 year ago


{ "managedApiConnections": { "office365": { "api": { "id": "/subscriptions/@{appsetting('WORKFLOWS_SUBSCRIPTION_ID')}/providers/Microsoft.Web/locations/@{appsetting('WORKFLOWS_LOCATION_NAME')}/managedApis/office365" }, "connection": { "id": "/subscriptions/@{appsetting('WORKFLOWS_SUBSCRIPTION_ID')}/resourceGroups/@{appsetting('WORKFLOWS_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME')}/providers/Microsoft.Web/connections/office365" }, "connectionRuntimeUrl": "@parameters('office365RuntimeUrl')", "authentication": "@parameters('office365Authentication')" } } }


{ "responseString": { "type": "string", "value": "helloone" }, "office365RuntimeUrl": { "type": "string", "value": "office365ConnectionRuntimeUrl" } }

v-prakumar commented 1 year ago

@ccastrotrejo PFA. image

v-prakumar commented 1 year ago

@ccastrotrejo Issue is seen with office connector, After adding and saving office connector automatically parameters.json is adding. image

v-prakumar commented 1 year ago

Issue is still reproducible in vsix 2.18.1

v-prakumar commented 1 year ago

@ccastrotrejo @Eric-B-Wu @preetriti1 Issue is not reproducible in VSIX 2.24.3. Now the Parameterization test case is also working fine respect to this issue. For now I am closing this issue. If it is reproducible again in future we can re-open the same.