Azure / LogicAppsUX
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Unable to change Source schema #4470

Open shahparth-lab opened 3 months ago

shahparth-lab commented 3 months ago

Describe the Bug with repro steps

  1. Create a new data mapper
  2. Add source and target schema
  3. Once added, change the source schema from Settings->Edit Source schema
  4. After I select new schema, I do not see it reflecting in the dialog box
  5. Also, the new schema is not properly loaded and is not overwriting the old schema as it should

    (Please find recording attached)

Screenshots or Videos


using logic app standard extension

Additional context

Expected behavior:

  1. Browse should reflect schema as I upload it (not when I switch options and then it shows as in the video)
  2. Old schema should be overwritten, but it does not
DanielleCogs commented 3 months ago

Able to reproduce this one, will start looking into a fix

DanielleCogs commented 3 months ago

Hi @shahparth-lab thanks for reporting this issue! We will take a look at fixing it. As a workaround for now, you can always copy the file into your "Schemas" folder and add it with "Select existing"