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fix(designer-ui): [A11Y] Auto-focus color picker in HTML toolbar #4813

Closed ek68794998 closed 1 month ago

ek68794998 commented 1 month ago

Bug fix (accessibility)

HTML toolbar color picker popover cannot be focused by keyboard. Fixes #4457.


HTML toolbar color picker auto-focuses when selected.



ek68794998 commented 1 month ago

Note: I think this whole HTML editor toolbar should be replaced with Fluent <Toolbar> component along with <Popover> and <MenuItem> for best accessibility, but this is a larger change than I wanted to do here since A11Y has a narrow SLA window.

cc @Eric-B-Wu

Eric-B-Wu commented 1 month ago

Note: I think this whole HTML editor toolbar should be replaced with Fluent <Toolbar> component along with <Popover> and <MenuItem> for best accessibility, but this is a larger change than I wanted to do here since A11Y has a narrow SLA window.

cc @Eric-B-Wu

agreed, yeah this would be a larger change to move this all over, but would be good to do it instead of building a separate component just for this

ek68794998 commented 1 month ago

Note: I think this whole HTML editor toolbar should be replaced with Fluent <Toolbar> component along with <Popover> and <MenuItem> for best accessibility, but this is a larger change than I wanted to do here since A11Y has a narrow SLA window. cc @Eric-B-Wu

agreed, yeah this would be a larger change to move this all over, but would be good to do it instead of building a separate component just for this

Awesome. I opened tracking item #4814.