Azure / LogicAppsUX
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fix(vscode): Update command to build all projects for extension #4852

Closed ccastrotrejo closed 2 weeks ago

ccastrotrejo commented 2 weeks ago

This pull request includes a modification to the vscode:designer:pack script in the apps/vs-code-designer/package.json file. The change adds the -w option to the pnpm command in the script, which allows the command to run in the current workspace. This change ensures that the build:extension script is run in the correct context.

github-actions[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

Code Coverage Report

Code Coverage

Package Base Coverage New Coverage Difference
Overall Coverage 🟢 21.05% 🟢 25.45% 🟢 4.4%

Minimum allowed coverage is 0%, this run produced 25.45%