Closed PeterKlapwijk closed 1 week ago
noticed similar behavior when you are trying to expressions on things like \n, took me a while to realise it was adding another backslash so my expression was never being evaluated had to go into code view and change it from \n to \n
Describe the Bug with repro steps
I have added multiple until actions in a Logic Apps flow using the new designer.
Under loop until I selected data from a previous step. In the right field I entered 204.
Upon saving the flow I get multiple errors:
Workflow validation failed for the workflow ''. {"error":{"code":"InvalidTemplate","message":"The template validation failed: 'The template action 'Until_Delete_windowsHelloForBusinessAuthenticationMethod' at line '1' and column '8632' is not valid: \"The template language expression 'sanitized' is not valid: the string character '\"' at position '89' is not expected.\".'."}}
Workflow validation failed for the workflow 'LAEmergencyRevokeAccessv1.0'. The template validation failed: 'The template action 'Until_DELETE_microsoftAuthenticatorAuthenticationMethod' at line '1' and column '10199' is not valid: "The template language expression 'equals(outputs('HTTP_GET_authentication_methods')?['statusCode'],"204")' is not valid: the string character '"' at position '65' is not expected.".'.
After reviewing the code in Code view it turns out the number 204 is added as \"204\"
When I remove the quotes and back slashes, I can save the flow. When I add additional actions to the flow, the issue returns after which I need to remove the "\ again and again.
What type of Logic App Is this happening in?
Consumption (Portal)
Which operating system are you using?
Are you using new designer or old designer
New Designer
Did you refer to the TSG before filing this issue?
Workflow JSON
Screenshots or Videos
Microsoft Edge.
Additional context
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