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Enforce consistency between datasets API and Models API #1824

Closed edgBR closed 1 year ago

edgBR commented 1 year ago

Currently AzureML Python SDK as well as the CLI does not support to filter datasets by using tags.

When doing :

from azureml.core import Run, Datastore, Workspace
from azureml.core import Dataset
ws = Workspace.from_config()

You get only the latest version of a dataset.

When you do:

from azureml.core import Run, Datastore, Workspace, Model
from azureml.core import Dataset
ws = Workspace.from_config()

You get all of the models versions and you can actually use Model.list(ws, tags=['key', ['key2', 'key2 value']]).

The behaviour with the Model API is what I expect. But the one with datasets is inconsistent.

In fact in the REST API it is possible to use the tags property:


edgBR commented 1 year ago

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