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DockerBuildContext.from_local_directory is using the incorrect variable for the storage account url #1828

Open shaleenb opened 1 year ago

shaleenb commented 1 year ago

I'd been trying to create an environment using a local directory but I kept running into the following error:

ValueError: Invalid URL: https:///subscriptions/<subscription_id>/resourceGroups/<resource_group_name>/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/<storage_account_name>

On further inspection, I noticed that in the from_local_directory function, the incorrect variable is probably being passed to the account_url argument of the BlobServiceClient constructor. I suppose a storage account URL needs to be constructed using the storage account name and endpoint. However, the storage_account_full variable, is being passed to it instead.

azureml-core version: 1.45.0.post2