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Clarity on downloading labelled dataset #1865

Open VirajVaitha123 opened 1 year ago

VirajVaitha123 commented 1 year ago


I used this code from here:

from azureml.core import Workspace, Dataset

subscription_id = ''
resource_group = ''
workspace_name = ''

workspace = Workspace(subscription_id, resource_group, workspace_name)

dataset = Dataset.get_by_name(workspace, name='')'.', overwrite=False)

This works created, downloading the labelled dataset in the COCO format. What if i wanted to download it in the AzureML format, or using aboslute bounding box co-ordinates?

I can manually export from the UI, but is there a way to do it programatically. I'm worried Azure will change this feature in the future, and my re-usable code will not be so re-useable.

