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Error INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE mlflow exceptions with Yolov8 #1926

Open Diegoigerencia opened 1 year ago

Diegoigerencia commented 1 year ago

I have problems with training a model in Azure ML, I'm trying train a Yolov8 model for object detection and I just use mlflow.autolog() and the version of mlflow is the last, but I have the error:

mlflow.exceptions.RestException: INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE: Response: {'Error': {'Code': 'ValidationError', 'Severity': None, 'Message': 'The request is invalid.', 'MessageFormat': None, 'MessageParameters': None, 'ReferenceCode': None, 'DetailsUri': None, 'Target': None, 'Details': [], 'InnerError': None, 'DebugInfo': None, 'AdditionalInfo': None}, 'Correlation': {'operation': '262191915b4055bf8d6ca5b81e232344', 'request': 'dfd448b0dff6cbed'}, 'Environment': 'eastus', 'Location': 'eastus', 'Time': '2023-07-05T19:46:04.6606402+00:00', 'ComponentName': 'mlflow', 'error_code': 'INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE'}

I was trying to use the parameters too:

run = mlflow.start_run() mlflow.set_experiment(experiment_name='') mlflow.end_run()

Different commbination but I have the same error.

The information of the job (graphs, metrics, parameters) are save and show in the canvage of Azure ML but the job in the end show the error and show like a job failed.