Azure / Microsoft365R

R SDK for interacting with Microsoft 365 APIs
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Microsoft365R opens up a blank page. #163

Closed mxshiv closed 1 year ago

mxshiv commented 1 year ago

Hello. Am reaching out to you to get your assistance in looking into getting access to IM on Workbench. The Workbench is configured on a RHEL system.

We are using the ‘Microsoft365R’ package. Authorisation is triggered by just trying to use the app: library(Microsoft365R) list_sharepoint_sites()

On Workbench, the localhost page is not working to finish off the authorisation.

Looking forward to your support. Many thanks.

http://[localhost](http://localhost:1410/ => shows a blank page MS365R Web Page

hongooi73 commented 1 year ago

This is addressed in the authentication vignette, although it could probably be made clearer. You have to use the device_code flow when authenticating in an R session running anywhere other than on your local machine.

list_sharepoint_sites(*, auth_type="device_code")
mxshiv commented 1 year ago

Thanks a ton for your kind help. I was able to authenticate on Workbench using your advice. This required to then manually going to a separate browser window, and entering a code, then entering my email address, then approving on authenticator, then confirming etc. So, it’s a bit of a process, though it does work.

Would SAML approach be an alternate option that could be more seamless for the same outcome?

Aso, I have a similar query for Connect and Shiny app as well. Will open another thread for the same.


hongooi73 commented 1 year ago

SAML isn't supported; I don't really know much about it. It could be added to AzureAuth (the package that handles authentication for all the AzureR packages) if there's enough demand.

mxshiv commented 1 year ago

Understood. Thanks.

I need to be able to use MS365R on Posit Connect host as well (RHEL 8). Can you please guide me to the correct procedure to make it work? Many thanks.