Azure / Microsoft365R

R SDK for interacting with Microsoft 365 APIs
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.aspx displays as webpage in browser when manually uploaded, but downloads in browser when uploaded with Microsoft365R #212

Open mjbroerman opened 1 month ago

mjbroerman commented 1 month ago

I am trying to automate reporting for a private team using OneDrive, but .aspx files are handled differently wrt two methods of deployment:

  1. uploading folder at the web interface magically generate pages at webURL and interlinks them
  2. uploading folder with {Microsoft365R} only allows pages to be downloaded and no page at webURL

I want a webURL I can navigate to in the browser, uploaded by 2.

> library(Microsoft365R)
> odr <- Microsoft365R::get_business_onedrive()
Loading Microsoft Graph login for default tenant
> odr$upload_folder(src = "_site", dest = "alir_test/_site", recursive = TRUE)
> # odr$list_files(path = "alir/_site") 
> # odr$list_files(path = "alir_test/_site") 
> # respective ids retrieved
> about_alir <- odr$get_item(itemid = someid1) # web interface upload
> about_alir_test <- odr$get_item(itemid = someid2) # automated MS356R upload
> about_alir_test$properties$webUrl
[1] ""
> about_alir$properties$webUrl
[1] ""