Azure / Microsoft365R

R SDK for interacting with Microsoft 365 APIs
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list_emails fails with unused argument user_id #60

Closed brendanrbrown closed 3 years ago

brendanrbrown commented 3 years ago


ol <- get_business_outlook()

fails with the message

Error in initialize(...) : unused argument (user_id = "<id-omitted>")

The list_emails method ultimately calls ms_object$get_list_pager() in AzureGraph, which in turn calls ms_graph_pager$new().

At first glance it seems to me the user_id argument should be captured here then passed to class_gen$new, but that is where I lose the trail as I'm unsure which R6 class find_class_generator is resolving to at this point.

Thanks, and happy to pass along more info.

hongooi73 commented 3 years ago

What version of AzureGraph are you using? See if updating to the latest version helps.

brendanrbrown commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the reply. I did have the latest CRAN version of AzureGraph, 1.3.1. I just updated to the dev versions of both AzureGraph and Microsoft365R but get an identical error with the example above.

hongooi73 commented 3 years ago

I can't reproduce this. Please post your sessioninfo. Also, does the same problem occur with get_personal_outlook()?

brendanrbrown commented 3 years ago

This seems to be an issue with the build on my linux machines only. I could not reproduce it on a mac. In both cases below, I run the same code as in the issue post in a clean R session (after library(Microsoft365R)).

sessionInfo() for build that creates issue

R version 4.1.0 (2021-05-18)
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
Running under: Pop!_OS 20.04 LTS

Matrix products: default
BLAS:   /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/blas/
LAPACK: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/lapack/

 [1] LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NUMERIC=C               LC_TIME=en_US.UTF-8        LC_COLLATE=en_US.UTF-8    
 [5] LC_MONETARY=en_US.UTF-8    LC_MESSAGES=en_US.UTF-8    LC_PAPER=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NAME=C                 

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

other attached packages:
[1] Microsoft365R_2.2.1

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] httr_1.4.2       compiler_4.1.0   R6_2.5.0         tools_4.1.0      curl_4.3.2       rappdirs_0.3.3   jose_1.1.0      
 [8] jsonlite_1.7.2   AzureAuth_1.3.2  AzureGraph_1.3.1 openssl_1.4.4    askpass_1.1     

I reproduce the issue as well on a separate machine running Ubuntu 20.04 LTS with the same package and R versions --- not surprising since Pop is built on Ubuntu.

Edit: Now able to reproduce on this machine sessionInfo() for build failing to reproduce issue

R version 4.1.0 (2021-05-18)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin17.0 (64-bit)

Matrix products: default
LAPACK: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.1/Resources/lib/libRlapack.dylib

[1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8

|-- snip, remainder identical --|

I do not have a personal outlook account to test, and attempting to access my business account with get_personal_outlook fails at authentication --- no account found --- which makes sense.

Update: I am able to reproduce the error also on the same platform as the first sessionInfo above, this time with R versions 3.6.3 and 4.0.5.

hongooi73 commented 3 years ago

Unfortunately I'm still unable to repro the bug, both in Windows and Linux (WSL2).

How are you authenticating? Note that accessing your Outlook inbox only makes sense when there is a user account present ie you're using the authorization_code or device_code flows.

Try uninstalling and reinstalling both AzureGraph and Microsoft365R -- the error you're seeing is from a method defined in the former, and inherited in the latter.

hongooi73 commented 3 years ago

Actually I suspect I know what's going on. Run the following and post the result:

outl <- get_business_outlook(*)
inb <- outl$get_inbox()

This will retrieve your first email, so make sure there isn't anything confidential in there.

brendanrbrown commented 3 years ago

This does work as it should. Thoughts?

> outl <- get_business_outlook()
Loading Microsoft Graph login for default tenant
> inb <- outl$get_inbox()
> inb$do_operation("messages")$value[[1]]
[1] "<omitted>"

[1] "<omitted>"

[1] "2021-06-28T02:16:05Z"

[1] "2021-06-28T02:16:05Z"

[1] "<omitted>"


[1] "2021-06-28T02:16:05Z"

[1] "2021-06-28T02:16:02Z"


[1] "<omitted>@<omitted>>"

[1] "dummy"

[1] "dummy"

[1] "normal"

[1] "<omitted>"

[1] "<omitted>"

[1] "<omitted>"





[1] "<omitted>&exvsurl=1&viewmodel=ReadMessageItem"

[1] "focused"



[1] "text"

[1] "dummy"

[1] "Brendan Brown"

[1] "<omitted>"

[1] "Brendan Brown"

[1] "<omitted>"

[1] "Brendan Brown"

[1] "<omitted>"





[1] "notFlagged"

For some of your previous comments, note that I am attempting to authenticate the exact same way for the same account both in the cases when I can and cannot produce the issue. I am able to produce the issue on a fresh install of Microsoft365R and AzureGraph, even an entirely fresh R install with only those two packages. I can post details of how I authenticate. Let me know. But perhaps you already know what the issue is here.

hongooi73 commented 3 years ago

Ok, those properties look exactly like they should, which is puzzling.

Can you tell me what this returns:

# message properties from before
msg <- inb$do_operation("messages")$value[[1]]

# this should be an R6 generator for the `ms_outlook_email` class

# this should be TRUE only for the 'message' item
    function(i) AzureGraph:::.graph_classes[[i]]$check(msg)
brendanrbrown commented 3 years ago

This does look like a namespace / method dispatch issue, but I have no idea why it would be platform-specific.

> ol <- get_business_outlook()
Loading Microsoft Graph login for default tenant
Access token has expired or is no longer valid; refreshing
> inb <- ol$get_inbox()
> msg <- inb$do_operation("messages")$value[[1]]
> AzureGraph::find_class_generator(msg)
<ms_outlook_email> object generator
  Inherits from: <ms_outlook_object>
    user_id: NULL
    initialize: function (token, tenant = NULL, properties = NULL, user_id = NULL) 
    set_body: function (body = NULL, content_type = NULL) 
    set_subject: function (subject) 
    set_recipients: function (to = NULL, cc = NULL, bcc = NULL) 
    add_recipients: function (to = NULL, cc = NULL, bcc = NULL) 
    set_reply_to: function (reply_to = NULL) 
    add_attachment: function (object, type = c("view", "edit", "embed"), expiry = "7 days", 
    add_image: function (object) 
    get_attachment: function (attachment_name = NULL, attachment_id = NULL) 
    list_attachments: function (filter = NULL, n = Inf) 
    remove_attachment: function (attachment_name = NULL, attachment_id = NULL, confirm = TRUE) 
    download_attachment: function (attachment_name = NULL, attachment_id = NULL, ...) 
    send: function () 
    create_reply: function (comment = "", send_now = FALSE) 
    create_reply_all: function (comment = "", send_now = FALSE) 
    create_forward: function (comment = "", to = NULL, cc = NULL, bcc = NULL, send_now = FALSE) 
    get_message_headers: function () 
    copy: function (dest) 
    move: function (dest) 
    print: function (...) 
    clone: function (deep = FALSE) 
    make_attachment: function (object, inline, type, expiry, password, scope) 
  Parent env: <environment: namespace:Microsoft365R>
  Locked objects: TRUE
  Locked class: FALSE
  Portable: TRUE
> sapply(ls(AzureGraph:::.graph_classes), function(i) AzureGraph:::.graph_classes[[i]]$check(msg))
aadUserConversationMember               application                attachment 
                    FALSE                     FALSE                     FALSE 
                  channel               chatMessage                    device 
                    FALSE                     FALSE                     FALSE 
            directoryRole                     drive                 driveItem 
                    FALSE                     FALSE                     FALSE 
           fileAttachment                     group            itemAttachment 
                    FALSE                     FALSE                     FALSE 
                     list                  listItem                mailFolder 
                    FALSE                     FALSE                     FALSE 
                  message                      plan               plan_bucket 
                     TRUE                     FALSE                     FALSE 
                plan_task       referenceAttachment          servicePrincipal 
                    FALSE                     FALSE                     FALSE 
                     site                      team                      user 
                    FALSE                     FALSE                     FALSE 
hongooi73 commented 3 years ago

Let's go through this step by step. This is the basic code to get the list of emails, see if it works when entered from the commandline:

lst <- inb$do_operation("messages")
pag <- inb$get_list_pager(lst, user_id=inb$user_id)
brendanrbrown commented 3 years ago

All previous output is from the R console in the terminal initialized with R --no-save.

Here is the issue again, from a fresh session:

ol <- get_business_outlook()
inb <- ol$get_inbox()
lst <- inb$do_operation("messages")
pag <- inb$get_list_pager(lst, user_id=inb$user_id)
Error in initialize(...) : 
  unused argument (user_id = "<omitted>")

Does this imply ... is not being captured correctly here? That is how I read it, from the ms_graph_pager initialization, which should capture user_id here.

Edit Actually, perhaps not or at least not so clearly. See below.

AzureGraph::ms_graph_pager$new(inb$token, lst, user_id = inb$user_id)
<Graph pager object>
  output: object 
  has data: TRUE 

edited to remove annoying >

brendanrbrown commented 3 years ago

The error occurs here:

pager <- AzureGraph::ms_graph_pager$new(inb$token, lst, user_id = inb$user_id)
AzureGraph:::extract_list_values(pager, 1)
Access token has expired or is no longer valid; refreshing
Error in initialize(...) : 
  unused argument (user_id = "<omitted>")

Edit Actually this probably is an argument capture issue and lazy evaluation. Running AzureGraph::extract_list_values line by line on object pager above produces an error the first time I run it but succeeds the second time. I still have no idea why this would differ across platforms but perhaps something to do with the DOTSXP internals, of which I know little.

And further, once I have run the code below, if I then run AzureGraph:::extract_list_values(pager, 1) I get the correct result.

pager <- AzureGraph::ms_graph_pager$new(inb$token, lst, user_id = inb$user_id)
n <- 1
res <- NULL
[1] "object"

This produces the error the first time I run it. If I immediately run it again, it gives a correct <Outlook email> object.

bind_fn <- base::c
while(pager$has_data() && NROW(res) < n)  # not nrow()
        res <- bind_fn(res, pager$value)

Furthermore, once I have the correct output res in the previous line, AzureGraph:::extract_list_values(pager, 1) also now works correctly.

hongooi73 commented 3 years ago

The ms_graph_pager object is an iterator; accessing the $value component retrieves successive pages from the output of the messages REST endpoint. In turn, extract_list_values is just a convenience function that gets $value repeatedly until all the data has been retrieved.

Note that running extract_list_values on a pager object multiple times gives undefined results, meaning I don't know what the REST endpoint will pass you.

It looks like there may be a specific email message that is throwing off Microsoft365R. You can track it down by running the following:

lst <- inb$do_operation("messages")
pager <- inb$get_list_pager(lst, generate_objects=FALSE)
vals <- AzureGraph::extract_list_values(pager)
sapply(vals, function(v) AzureGraph::find_class_generator(v)$classname)

If everything is working correctly, the above should return ms_outlook_email for all the messages.

Actually this probably is an argument capture issue and lazy evaluation. Running AzureGraph::extract_list_values line by line on object pager above produces an error the first time I run it but succeeds the second time.

This suggests that the offending email is in the 1st page of results. In that case, to simplify things and avoid retrieving your entire inbox, you can run

lst <- inb$do_operation("messages")
pager <- inb$get_list_pager(lst, generate_objects=FALSE)
vals <- pager$value
sapply(vals, function(v) AzureGraph::find_class_generator(v)$classname)
brendanrbrown commented 3 years ago

First -- Thanks for the back-and-forth. This does seem to be going somewhere.

You are correct that several items from the output of the final code chunk above are ms_object class and not ms_outlook_email. This perhaps is part of the problem. Some questions as follow-up, though:

  1. Why should one platform produce an issue when another does not, if indeed the problem is with some particular offending email? Edit: I am able to reproduce it on the mac platform given above.

  2. Suppose the offending email, one with ms_object class, is at index 7 in the returned object from inb$do_operation("messages"). Then why should inb$do_operation("messages")$value[[7]] return the correct message output?

Edited ms_outlook changed to ms_object. typo. apologies.

hongooi73 commented 3 years ago

There shouldn't be anything with ms_outlook. Did you mean ms_outlook_folder?

hongooi73 commented 3 years ago

Can you post the names for one of the messages that returns ms_object?

How it works is that the REST endpoint returns a list of fields containing the data for an object. The AzureGraph framework then looks at the structure of the fields to determine what type of object it is: an email, a file in Onedrive, an AAD user, etc. In this case, the test it uses for an email is the presence of a bodyPreview field, and for whatever reason this is missing on some of the emails.

brendanrbrown commented 3 years ago

See below. bodyPreview does not seem to be missing. In fact all messages have that field.

lst <- inb$do_operation("messages")

bad <- purrr::keep(lst$value, 
                   ~ !("bodyPreview" %in% names(.x))
[1] 0

Request from the previous comment:

msg <- inb$do_operation("messages")$value[[7]]
 [1] "@odata.type"                "@odata.etag"                "id"     
 [4] "createdDateTime"            "lastModifiedDateTime"       "changeKey"    
 [7] "categories"                 "receivedDateTime"           "sentDateTime"    
[10] "hasAttachments"             "internetMessageId"          "subject"    
[13] "bodyPreview"                "importance"                 "parentFolderId"    
[16] "conversationId"             "conversationIndex"          "isDeliveryReceiptRequested"
[19] "isReadReceiptRequested"     "isRead"                     "isDraft"    
[22] "webLink"                    "inferenceClassification"    "unsubscribeData"    
[25] "unsubscribeEnabled"         "meetingMessageType"         "type"    
[28] "isOutOfDate"                "isAllDay"                   "isDelegated"    
[31] "responseRequested"          "allowNewTimeProposals"      "body"    
[34] "sender"                     "from"                       "toRecipients"    
[37] "ccRecipients"               "bccRecipients"              "replyTo"    
[40] "mentionsPreview"            "flag"                       "startDateTime"    
[43] "endDateTime"                "recurrence"                 "previousLocation"    
[46] "previousStartDateTime"      "previousEndDateTime"
hongooi73 commented 3 years ago

That is odd. Can you also post the contents of that message? Remove anything confidential first, of course.

I particularly want to know what the @odata.type field contains (AzureGraph uses this to determine the type of object, if it exists). Is this field also present for the other emails?

brendanrbrown commented 3 years ago

Another update: I am able to produce this error on the mac architecture as well now, which at least is more sane. I will edit the previous message.

brendanrbrown commented 3 years ago

Contents of inb$do_operation("messages")$value[[7]]

Loading Microsoft Graph login for default tenant
[1] "#microsoft.graph.eventMessageRequest"

[1] "W/\"CwAAABYAAAD+X8am1PlvQapDtTGiQTcaAAALjSH8\""

[1] "<omitted>"

[1] "2021-06-23T22:33:11Z"

[1] "2021-06-23T22:33:13Z"

[1] "<omitted>"


[1] "2021-06-23T22:33:11Z"

[1] "2021-06-23T22:33:04Z"


[1] "<omitted>@<omitted>>"

[1] "Stats Team Meeting"

[1] "________________________________________________________________________________\r\nMicrosoft Teams mee
ting\r\nJoin on your computer or mobile app\r\nClick here to join the meeting\r\nLearn More | Meeting option

[1] "normal"

[1] "<omitted>"

[1] "<omitted>"

[1] "<omitted>"



[1] TRUE


[1] "<omitted>=1&viewmodel=ReadMessageItem"

[1] "focused"



[1] "meetingRequest"

[1] "singleInstance"




[1] TRUE


[1] "html"

[1] "<html><head>\r\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\"><meta content=\"
text/html; charset=us-ascii\"></head><body><div><br><br><br><div style=\"width:100%; height:20px\"><span sty
le=\"white-space:nowrap; color:#5F5F5F; opacity:.36\">______________________________________________________
__________________________</span> </div><div class=\"me-email-text\" style=\"color:#252424; font-family:'Seg
oe UI','Helvetica Neue',Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif\"><div style=\"margin-top:24px; margin-bottom:20px\"><spa
n style=\"font-size:24px; color:#252424\">Microsoft Teams meeting</span> </div><div style=\"margin-bottom:20
px\"><div style=\"margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; font-weight:bold\"><span style=\"font-size:14px; color:
#252424\">Join on your computer or mobile app</span> </div><a class=\"me-email-headline\" href=\"https://nam<omitted>;sdata=<omitted>
" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\" title=\"<omitted>" style=\"font-size:14p
x; font-family:'Segoe UI Semibold','Segoe UI','Helvetica Neue',Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif; text-decoration:u
nderline; color:#6264a7\">Click here to join the meeting</a> </div><div style=\"margin-bottom:24px; margin-t
op:20px\"><a class=\"me-email-link\" target=\"_blank\" href=\"
/?url=<omitted>%2FJoinTeamsMeeting&amp;data=<omitted>\" originalsrc=\"\" shash=\"<omitted>
=\"font-size:14px; text-decoration:underline; color:#6264a7; font-family:'Segoe UI','Helvetica Neue',Helvet
ica,Arial,sans-serif\">Learn More</a> | <a class=\"me-email-link\" target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://nam1<omitted>">
<span style=\"white-space:nowrap; color:#5F5F5F; opacity:.36\">_____________________________________________
___________________________________</span> </div></div></body></html>"

[1] "<omitted>"

[1] "<omitted>"

[1] "<omitted>"

[1] "<omitted>"

[1] "<omitted>"

[1] "<omitted>"

[1] "<omitted>"

[1] "<omitted>"

[1] "<omitted>"

[1] "<omitted>"

[1] "<omitted>"

[1] "<omitted>"

[1] "Brendan Brown"

[1] "<omitted>"

[1] "<omitted>"

[1] "<omitted>"

[1] "<omitted>"

[1] "<omitted>"

[1] "<omitted>"

[1] "<omitted>"

[1] "<omitted>"

[1] "<omitted>"

[1] "<omitted>"

[1] "<omitted>"

[1] "<omitted>"

[1] "<omitted>"

[1] "<omitted>"

[1] "<omitted>"

[1] "<omitted>"

[1] "<omitted>"

[1] "<omitted>"

[1] "<omitted>"

[1] "<omitted>"

[1] "<omitted>"




[1] "notFlagged"

[1] "2021-06-23T18:00:00.0000000"

[1] "UTC"

[1] "2021-06-23T19:00:00.0000000"

[1] "UTC"



[1] "2021-06-23T18:00:00.0000000"

[1] "UTC"

[1] "2021-06-23T19:00:00.0000000"

[1] "UTC"
hongooi73 commented 3 years ago

Right, microsoft.graph.eventMessageRequest is a calendar invite, which is technically not an email (although it has the same structure as one). Currently Microsoft365R doesn't have support for calendars and events. However, it should do something more sensible than throwing an error when it finds an invite.

hongooi73 commented 3 years ago

I've pushed a workaround in the outlook-calendar-fix branch. Can you give it a go and see if it fixes the error?

brendanrbrown commented 3 years ago

Ah, that at least does make some sense. I agree there should be more information than an error, but more practically: It would be good to simply skip these in the iterator yielding messages, since I don't know apriori which elements are calendar invitations vs. genuine messages. Perhaps just a try-catch and pass on error is enough, or similar, in extract_list_values

brendanrbrown commented 3 years ago

Yes, I can confirm it works. Setting default_generator = ms_outlook_email in get_list_pager seems to have done the trick. Nice!