Azure / Moodle

Tooling and guidance on deploying Scalable Moodle Clusters on Azure.
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Your deployment failed #284

Closed Aman123mishra closed 1 year ago

Aman123mishra commented 1 year ago


I have tried to deploy all template but all template getting same error under the scaleSetTemplate.

"VM has reported a failure when processing extension 'setup_moodle'. Error message: "Enable failed: failed to execute command: command terminated with exit status=1 [stdout]

Script Start Thu Jun 1 05:18:00 UTC 2023

Invalid fileServerType () given. Only 'gluster', 'azurefiles', 'nfs', 'nfs-ha' or 'nfs-byo' are allowed. Exiting"

Can some one help me on this.


MarekSuwart commented 1 year ago

Same here (error when deploying scale set template):

{"code":"DeploymentFailed","message":"At least one resource deployment operation failed. Please list deployment operations for details. Please see for usage details.","details":[{"code":"VMExtensionProvisioningError","message":"VM has reported a failure when processing extension 'setup_moodle'. Error message: \"Enable failed: failed to execute command: command terminated with exit status=1\n[stdout]\n### Script Start Fri Jun 2 10:16:05 UTC 2023###\nInvalid fileServerType () given. Only 'gluster', 'azurefiles', 'nfs', 'nfs-ha' or 'nfs-byo' are allowed. Exiting\n\n[stderr]\nluster-vm-v74jpr0\",\"glusterVolName\":\"data\",\"nfsByoIpExportPath\":\"\",\"nfsHaLbIP\":\"\",\"nfsHaExportPath\":\"/drbd/data\",\"fileServerDiskSize\":128},\"phpProfile\":{\"phpVersion\":\"7.4\"}}'\n++ jq -r .fileServerProfile.fileServerDiskSize\n/usr/bin/jq: line 1: syntax error near unexpected tokennewline'\n/usr/bin/jq: line 1: <!DOCTYPE html>'\n+ export fileServerDiskSize=\n+ fileServerDiskSize=\n++ jq -r .phpProfile.phpVersion\n++ echo '{\"siteProfile\":{\"siteURL\":\"\",\"httpsTermination\":\"VMSS\",\"thumbprintSslCert\":\"None\",\"thumbprintCaCert\":\"None\"},\"moodleProfile\":{\"version\":\"MOODLE_38_STABLE\",\"dbName\":\"moodle\",\"dbUser\":\"moodle\",\"dbUserAzure\":\"moodle\",\"dbPassword\":\"9#36^4jprfjhkERCQ\",\"adminPassword\":\"XLjprfjhk,1*8\",\"storageAccountName\":\"absv74jprnaf\",\"storageAccountKey\":\"IF3oa847XHA88TrSWRy090OT07NNrUx9C8wk0hYY1N6iZi9/8yVrfNJEGFfz1WJ1mmuBzULUjEE7+AStYQPd6Q==\",\"storageAccountType\":\"Standard_LRS\",\"redisDns\":\"\",\"redisKey\":\"None\",\"elasticVm1IP\":\"\",\"installO365pluginsSwitch\":false,\"installObjectFsSwitch\":false,\"installGdprPluginsSwitch\":false,\"searchType\":\"none\",\"azureSearchKey\":\"None\",\"azureSearchNameHost\":\"\",\"tikaVmIP\":\"none\",\"syslogServer\":\"controller-vm-v74jpr\",\"webServerType\":\"nginx\",\"htmlLocalCopySwitch\":true,\"isMigration\":false},\"dbServerProfile\":{\"type\":\"mysql\",\"fqdn\":\"\",\"adminLogin\":\"dbadmin\",\"adminLoginAzure\":\"dbadmin\",\"adminPassword\":\"bv74jprfjhk*7PFIWB\",\"mssqlDbServiceObjectiveName\":\"S1\",\"mssqlDbEdition\":\"Standard\",\"mssqlDbSize\":\"250GB\"},\"fileServerProfile\":{\"type\":\"nfs\",\"nfsVmName\":\"controller-vm-v74jpr\",\"glusterVmName\":\"gluster-vm-v74jpr0\",\"glusterVolName\":\"data\",\"nfsByoIpExportPath\":\"\",\"nfsHaLbIP\":\"\",\"nfsHaExportPath\":\"/drbd/data\",\"fileServerDiskSize\":128},\"phpProfile\":{\"phpVersion\":\"7.4\"}}'\n/usr/bin/jq: line 1: syntax error near unexpected tokennewline'\n/usr/bin/jq: line 1: <!DOCTYPE html>'\n+ export phpVersion=\n+ phpVersion=\n++ echo '{\"siteProfile\":{\"siteURL\":\"\",\"httpsTermination\":\"VMSS\",\"thumbprintSslCert\":\"None\",\"thumbprintCaCert\":\"None\"},\"moodleProfile\":{\"version\":\"MOODLE_38_STABLE\",\"dbName\":\"moodle\",\"dbUser\":\"moodle\",\"dbUserAzure\":\"moodle\",\"dbPassword\":\"9#36^4jprfjhkERCQ\",\"adminPassword\":\"XLjprfjhk,1*8\",\"storageAccountName\":\"absv74jprnaf\",\"storageAccountKey\":\"IF3oa847XHA88TrSWRy090OT07NNrUx9C8wk0hYY1N6iZi9/8yVrfNJEGFfz1WJ1mmuBzULUjEE7+AStYQPd6Q==\",\"storageAccountType\":\"Standard_LRS\",\"redisDns\":\"\",\"redisKey\":\"None\",\"elasticVm1IP\":\"\",\"installO365pluginsSwitch\":false,\"installObjectFsSwitch\":false,\"installGdprPluginsSwitch\":false,\"searchType\":\"none\",\"azureSearchKey\":\"None\",\"azureSearchNameHost\":\"\",\"tikaVmIP\":\"none\",\"syslogServer\":\"controller-vm-v74jpr\",\"webServerType\":\"nginx\",\"htmlLocalCopySwitch\":true,\"isMigration\":false},\"dbServerProfile\":{\"type\":\"mysql\",\"fqdn\":\"\",\"adminLogin\":\"dbadmin\",\"adminLoginAzure\":\"dbadmin\",\"adminPassword\":\"bv74jprfjhk*7PFIWB\",\"mssqlDbServiceObjectiveName\":\"S1\",\"mssqlDbEdition\":\"Standard\",\"mssqlDbSize\":\"250GB\"},\"fileServerProfile\":{\"type\":\"nfs\",\"nfsVmName\":\"controller-vm-v74jpr\",\"glusterVmName\":\"gluster-vm-v74jpr0\",\"glusterVolName\":\"data\",\"nfsByoIpExportPath\":\"\",\"nfsHaLbIP\":\"\",\"nfsHaExportPath\":\"/drbd/data\",\"fileServerDiskSize\":128},\"phpProfile\":{\"phpVersion\":\"7.4\"}}'\n++ jq -r .moodleProfile.isMigration\n/usr/bin/jq: line 1: syntax error near unexpected tokennewline'\n/usr/bin/jq: line 1: <!DOCTYPE html>'\n+ export isMigration=\n+ isMigration=\n+ echo\n+ echo\n+ echo\n+ echo\n+ echo\n+ echo\n+ echo\n+ echo\n+ echo\n+ echo\n+ echo\n+ echo\n+ echo\n+ echo\n+ check_fileServerType_param\n+ local fileServerType=\n+ '[' '' '!=' gluster -a '' '!=' azurefiles -a '' '!=' nfs -a '' '!=' nfs-ha -a '' '!=' nfs-byo ']'\n+ echo 'Invalid fileServerType () given. Only '\\''gluster'\\'', '\\''azurefiles'\\'', '\\''nfs'\\'', '\\''nfs-ha'\\'' or '\\''nfs-byo'\\'' are allowed. Exiting'\n+ exit 1\n\"\r\n\r\nMore information on troubleshooting is available at "}]}

MarekSuwart commented 1 year ago

looks like the storage account needs to be in Premium SKU, so it can have NFS enabled (currently the standard sku is in the template))

Aman123mishra commented 1 year ago

I don't think so, Bcz in my case already in premium and in the march month i was successfully deployed Large size template for the testing purpose but this time all template getting same error. As i have seen in the file, check_fileServerType_parm() function where fileservertype not passed may be that is the reason. 3214b6b1-6870-446c-8a66-722ebd044508

MarekSuwart commented 1 year ago

yes, thou not Premium but i think NFS should be enabled on the storage account, and what i can see after the deployment it is not.

naioja commented 1 year ago

The PR should fix the issue.

@MarekSuwart please make sure that you edit your comment as it contains sensitive data.

MarekSuwart commented 1 year ago

thanks, but all resources are already gone :)

Aman123mishra commented 1 year ago

The PR #285 should fix the issue.

@MarekSuwart please make sure that you edit your comment #284 (comment) as it contains sensitive data.

Hi Joian,

Thanks, but still facing same issue.

The resource write operation failed to complete successfully, because it reached terminal provisioning state 'Failed'. (Code: ResourceDeploymentFailure)

VM has reported a failure when processing extension 'setup_moodle'. Error message: "Enable failed: failed to execute command: command terminated with exit status=1 [stdout]

Script Start Thu Jun 8 07:01:56 UTC 2023

Invalid fileServerType () given. Only 'gluster', 'azurefiles', 'nfs', 'nfs-ha' or 'nfs-byo' are allowed. Exiting

MarekSuwart commented 1 year ago

it works fine for me :)

Aman123mishra commented 1 year ago

Which template you using ?

MarekSuwart commented 1 year ago


Aman123mishra commented 1 year ago

I don't know why i am getting same error.

@MarekSuwart getting this error with minimal template

VM has reported a failure when processing extension 'setup_moodle'. Error message: "Enable failed: failed to execute command: command terminated with exit status=1 [stdout]

Script Start Thu Jun 8 10:20:15 UTC 2023

Invalid fileServerType () given. Only 'gluster', 'azurefiles', 'nfs', 'nfs-ha' or 'nfs-byo' are allowed.

@naioja can you please help.

naioja commented 1 year ago

@Aman123mishra I actually tested with the Minimal deployment as well and that was successful, I wondering if there's not something else. Are you doing any customizations to the deployment template ?

Aman123mishra commented 1 year ago

@naioja No Without any customization, I have tried with minimal deployment and also tried redeploy but same issue occur.

MarekSuwart commented 1 year ago

fully customizeable also works

naioja commented 1 year ago

@naioja No Without any customization, I have tried with minimal deployment and also tried redeploy but same issue occur.

Please make sure you are deploying from our master branch and if you use your own fork please update it.

Make sure that the _artifacts Location points to the right updated repo branch as in the screenshot below. Basically you would need to make sure the following PR is present


saikondapalli11 commented 1 year ago

@naioja No Without any customization, I have tried with minimal deployment and also tried redeploy but same issue occur.

Hi Aman,

Please retry the steps as naioja mentioned and let us know how the deployment goes on.


Aman123mishra commented 1 year ago

Hi @naioja, Now Maximum template deployed successfully. There was so many conflicts because previously so many time i tried to deploy these templates in different different resource groups but now finally its done. Now i have start to migrate current running Moodle into this template. I will keep updating. Thanks for you support.🙂

@saikondapalli11 Yes, Now its working Thanks for your support. 🙂

naioja commented 1 year ago

@Aman123mishra for any other problem with this deployment please open another issue.