Azure / Moodle

Tooling and guidance on deploying Scalable Moodle Clusters on Azure.
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Resource Failed deployment #307

Open patrickselby opened 6 months ago

patrickselby commented 6 months ago

Getting an error: Resource /subscriptions/6a0cd6409ed5/resourceGroups/ETR_Dev/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/vnet-s4u6xu/subnets/db-subnet-s4u6xu cannot be updated using API version 2017-10-01 since it uses the property Delegations which has been set using a higher API version 2018-04-01. Please use api version greater than or equal to 2018-04-01 to update the resource. (Code: UpdateOnResourceNotAllowedWithApiVersion)

Looks like the [vnetTemplate] is failing but its confusing because "apiVersion": "2021-01-01", in the recipe.

Any thoughts?

shalitox commented 6 months ago

same here, anyone else?