Azure / PSRule.Rules.Azure

Rules to validate Azure resources and infrastructure as code (IaC) using PSRule.
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VisitAKSCluster fails to get vnetSubnetID property when kubenet network plugin is used #920

Closed ArmaanMcleod closed 3 years ago

ArmaanMcleod commented 3 years ago

Description of the issue

When running Export-AzRuleData on a RG with my AKS cluster that is using kubenet instead of Azure CNI, the following error happens:

VisitAKSCluster: C:\Users\armcleod\Documents\github-repos\PSRule.Rules.Azure\out\modules\PSRule.Rules.Azure\PSRule.Rules.Azure.psm1:1140:60
Line |
1140 |  … ainerService/managedClusters' { VisitAKSCluster @PSBoundParameters; }
     |                                    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
     | The property 'vnetSubnetID' cannot be found on this object. Verify that the property exists.

To Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the issue:

Export-AzRuleData -Subscription '<subID>' -Tenant '<tenantID>' -ResourceGroupName '<rgName>'

Expected behaviour

Not error out for invalid vnetSubnetID property.

I think this should check if properties.networkProfile.networkPlugin is not set to kubenet before adding this property. Could also just check if it set to azure.

Let me know if I'm not running something properly here 😄 .

ArmaanMcleod commented 3 years ago

Something like this should work:

function VisitAKSCluster {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ValueFromPipeline = $True)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
    process {
        $resources = @();
        if ($Resource.Properties.networkProfile.networkPlugin -eq 'azure') {
            $nodePools = @($Resource.Properties.agentPoolProfiles);
            foreach ($nodePool in $nodePools) {
                $vnetId = $nodePool.vnetSubnetID;
                $resources += GetResourceById -ResourceId $vnetId -ApiVersion '2020-05-01' -Context $Context;
        $Resource | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name resources -Value $resources -PassThru;
BernieWhite commented 3 years ago

@ArmaanMcleod Thanks. Makes sense to me. I'll review the PR.