Azure / Real-time-Payment-Transaction-Processing-at-Scale

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Missing AKS deployments scripts #14

Closed fonsecamar closed 11 months ago

fonsecamar commented 11 months ago

ERROR: C:\Temp\Azure\Real-time-Payment-Transaction-Processing-at-Scale\infrastructure\main.bicep(116,12) : Error BCP091: An error occurred reading file. Could not find a part of the path 'C:\Temp\Azure\Real-time-Payment-Transaction-Processing-at-Scale\infrastructure\AKS-Construction\bicep\main.bicep'.

Repo had a working version.

joelhulen commented 11 months ago

@hatboyzero can you please look into this issue?

joelhulen commented 11 months ago

@fonsecamar can you please verify that you included the --recurse-submodules command when you cloned the repo? It looks like you're missing those modules.

git clone --recurse-submodules

This is documented in each of the deployment types (standard, VM, and cloud shell)

fonsecamar commented 11 months ago

@joelhulen , I did include the --recurse-submodules, but it seems there is a missing link in the repo. Below is a side by side repo comparison.


joelhulen commented 11 months ago

@fonsecamar please try again. I just merged a PR from @hatboyzero to add this back in.

fonsecamar commented 11 months ago

@joelhulen , it solved the reference issue, but it's now failing with a different error.

ERROR: C:\Temp\Azure\Real-time-Payment-Transaction-Processing-at-Scale\infrastructure\AKS-Construction\bicep\main.bicep(130,16) : Error BCP104: The referenced module has errors. C:\Temp\Azure\Real-time-Payment-Transaction-Processing-at-Scale\infrastructure\AKS-Construction\bicep\network.bicep(173,5) : Error BCP353: The variables "aks_podSubnet", "aks_podsubnet" differ only in casing. The ARM deployments engine is not case sensitive and will not be able to distinguish between them. C:\Temp\Azure\Real-time-Payment-Transaction-Processing-at-Scale\infrastructure\AKS-Construction\bicep\network.bicep(192,5) : Error BCP353: The variables "aks_podSubnet", "aks_podsubnet" differ only in casing. The ARM deployments engine is not case sensitive and will not be able to distinguish between them. C:\Temp\Azure\Real-time-Payment-Transaction-Processing-at-Scale\infrastructure\main.bicep(116,12) : Error BCP104: The referenced module has errors.

@markjbrown , FYI

markjbrown commented 11 months ago

Hey @joelhulen can you guys take a look at this ASAP? Really want to get these fully baked ASAP.


joelhulen commented 11 months ago

@fonsecamar and @markjbrown the casing issue should be resolved now. Can you please do a new clone (with recurse sub-modules) and try again?

fonsecamar commented 11 months ago

@joelhulen , it looks like the casing issue is still there.

Those are the source lines with the issue under the branch linked:

I just changed locally and the deployment is now running.

var aks_basePodSubnet =  {
  name: aks_podSubnet_name
  properties: union({
      addressPrefix: vnetPodAddressPrefix
    }, privateLinks ? {
      privateEndpointNetworkPolicies: 'Disabled'
      privateLinkServiceNetworkPolicies: 'Enabled'
    } : {}, natGateway ? {
      natGateway: {
    } : {}, azureFirewalls ? {
      routeTable: {
        id: //resourceId('Microsoft.Network/routeTables', routeFwTableName)
    }: {})

var aks_subnet = networkSecurityGroups ? union(aks_baseSubnet, nsgAks.outputs.nsgSubnetObj) : aks_baseSubnet
var aks_podsubnet = networkSecurityGroups ? union(aks_basePodSubnet, nsgAks.outputs.nsgSubnetObj) : aks_basePodSubnet
joelhulen commented 11 months ago

@hatboyzero can you please double-check this casing issue? I remember you said you found the root cause the other day.

fonsecamar commented 11 months ago

@joelhulen and @hatboyzero , the code snippet I posted solved the deployment.

fonsecamar commented 11 months ago

@joelhulen and @hatboyzero , just cloned and now I'm facing a different error.

C:\Temp\Azure\Real-time-Payment-Transaction-Processing-at-Scale\infrastructure\main.bicep(139,5) : Error BCP037: The property "httpApplicationRouting" is not allowed on objects of type "params". Permissible properties include "aad_tenant_id", "acrAgentPoolSubnetAddressPrefix", "acrPrivatePool", "acrPushRolePrincipalId", "acrUntaggedRetentionPolicy", "acrUntaggedRetentionPolicyEnabled", "adminPrincipalId", "agentCountMax", "agentVMSize", "AksDiagCategories", "AksDisableLocalAccounts", "AksMetricAlertMetricFrequencyModel", "aksOutboundTrafficType", "AksPaidSkuForSLA", "appGWcount", "appGWenableFirewall", "appGwFirewallMode", "appgwKVIntegration", "appGWmaxCount", "appGWsku", "authorizedIPRanges", "automatedDeployment", "automationAccountScheduledStartStop", "automationStartHour", "automationStopHour", "automationTimeZone", "AutoscaleProfile", "availabilityZones", "azureFirewalls", "azureFirewallSku", "azurepolicy", "azurePolicyInitiative", "bastion", "bastionSubnetAddressPrefix", "blobCSIDriver", "byoAGWSubnetId", "byoAKSPodSubnetId", "byoAKSSubnetId", "byoUaiName", "certManagerFW", "cniDynamicIpAllocation", "containerLogsV2BasicLogs", "createAksMetricAlerts", "createEventGrid", "createNatGateway", "CreateNetworkSecurityGroupFlowLogs", "CreateNetworkSecurityGroups", "custom_vnet", "daprAddon", "daprAddonHA", "defenderForContainers", "diskCSIDriver", "dnsApiPrivateZoneId", "dnsPrefix", "dnsServiceIP", "dnsZoneId", "dockerBridgeCidr", "ebpfDataplane", "enableACRTrustPolicy", "enableNodePublicIP", "enablePrivateCluster", "enableSysLog", "enableTelemetry", "fileCSIDriver", "fluxGitOpsAddon", "imageNames", "ingressApplicationGateway", "istioIngressGatewayMode", "kedaAddon", "keyVaultAksCSIPollInterval", "keyVaultCreate", "keyVaultIPAllowlist", "keyVaultKmsByoKeyId", "keyVaultKmsByoRG", "keyVaultKmsCreate", "keyVaultKmsOfficerRolePrincipalId", "keyVaultOfficerRolePrincipalId", "keyVaultPurgeProtection", "keyVaultSoftDelete", "kubernetesVersion", "logDataCap", "managedNodeResourceGroup", "maxPods", "natGwIdleTimeout", "natGwIpCount", "networkPlugin", "networkPluginMode", "networkPolicy", "nodePoolName", "openServiceMeshAddon", "osDiskSizeGB", "osDiskType", "osSKU", "osType", "podCidr", "privateClusterDnsMethod", "privateIpApplicationGateway", "privateLinks", "privateLinkSubnetAddressPrefix", "restrictionLevelNodeResourceGroup", "serviceCidr", "serviceMeshProfile", "sgxPlugin", "SystemPoolCustomPreset", "SystemPoolType", "upgradeChannel", "vnetAddressPrefix", "vnetAksSubnetAddressPrefix", "vnetAppGatewaySubnetAddressPrefix", "vnetFirewallManagementSubnetAddressPrefix", "vnetFirewallSubnetAddressPrefix", "warIngressNginx".

fonsecamar commented 11 months ago

@joelhulen and @hatboyzero , looks like this deployment issue has been fixed. Closing the issue.