Azure / ResourceModules

This repository includes a CI platform for and collection of mature and curated Bicep modules. The platform supports both ARM and Bicep and can be leveraged using GitHub actions as well as Azure DevOps pipelines.
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[PSRule] Discuss PSRule validation results and update modules/module tests accordingly #2151

Closed eriqua closed 2 months ago

eriqua commented 1 year ago

Analyze the output of PSRule validation. List all modules to be updated and open separated issues for each.

For each failed rule we should:


List of failed rules after running PSRule validation on RG, KV and VNET modules: image

Following the list of rules to be fixed:

### Tasks
- [ ] Azure/ResourceModules#2666
- [ ] Azure/ResourceModules#2667
- [ ] Azure/ResourceModules#2668
- [ ]
- [ ]
- [x]
- [ ]
- [ ]
- [x]
- [ ] [PSRule] Fix Rule Azure.VM.DiskSizeAlignment
- [ ] [PSRule] Fix Rule Azure.VM.Standalone
- [ ] [PSRule] Fix Rule Azure.VM.UseHybridUseBenefit
- [ ] [PSRule] Fix Rule Azure.VNET.UseNSGs
- [ ] [PSRule] Fix Rule Azure.WebPubSub.ManagedIdentity
- [ ] [PSRule] Fix Rule Azure.AppService.PlanInstanceCount
- [ ] [PSRule] Fix Rule Azure.Defender.AppServices
- [ ] [PSRule] Fix Rule Azure.Defender.Containers
- [ ] [PSRule] Fix Rule Azure.Defender.Servers
- [ ] [PSRule] Fix Rule Azure.Defender.SQL
- [ ] [PSRule] Fix Rule Azure.Defender.SQLOnVM
- [ ] [PSRule] Fix Rule Azure.Defender.Storage
- [ ] [PSRule] Fix Rule Azure.LB.Probe
- [ ] [PSRule] Fix Rule Azure.ServiceFabric.AAD
- [ ] [PSRule] Fix Rule Azure.SignalR.ManagedIdentity
- [ ] [PSRule] Fix Rule Azure.SQL.AAD
- [ ] [PSRule] Fix Rule Azure.SQL.Auditing
- [ ] [PSRule] Fix Rule Azure.SQL.DefenderCloud
- [ ] [PSRule] Fix Rule Azure.Storage.ContainerSoftDelete
- [ ] [PSRule] Fix Rule Azure.Storage.Firewall
- [ ] [PSRule] Fix Rule Azure.Storage.SoftDelete
- [ ] [PSRule] Fix Rule Azure.Deployment.AdminUsername
- [ ]
- [ ]
eriqua commented 1 year ago

Suggestion: keep in triage with the needsfurtherdiscussion label until refinement completion. This will include the list of modules to be fixed based on the outcome of issue Azure/ResourceModules#2425

rahalan commented 1 year ago

Team decides that issues should be created per rule, not per module

elanzel commented 1 year ago

Following list of failing rules:

Failed_PSRule_Output_v03 (3).xlsx


Rule Azure.Resource.UseTags

Error example: Error: AZR-000166: ***splhcom001 failed Azure.Resource.UseTags. Azure resources should be tagged using a standard convention. There are no modules where we need to add tags support. So the 2 scenarios are:

Error example Error: AZR-000144: ***apamgcom001 failed Azure.Policy.AssignmentAssignedBy. Policy assignments should use assignedBy metadata.

File path Action
Microsoft.Authorization/policyAssignments/.test/mg.common/deploy.test.bicep Add assignedby metadata on the existing metadata block
Microsoft.Authorization/policyAssignments/.test/rg.common/deploy.test.bicep Add assignedby metadata on the existing metadata block
Microsoft.Authorization/policyAssignments/.test/mg.min/deploy.test.bicep Metadata block is missing. Add the whole metadata block including the assignedby
Microsoft.Authorization/policyAssignments/.test/rg.min/deploy.test.bicep Metadata block is missing. Add the whole metadata block including the assignedby
Microsoft.Authorization/policyAssignments/.test/sub.min/deploy.test.bicep Metadata block is missing. Add the whole metadata block including the assignedby
Microsoft.Authorization/policyAssignments/.test/sub.common/deploy.test.bicep Add assignedby metadata on the existing metadata block

Example of metadata block

metadata: {
      category: 'Security'
      version: '1.0'
      assignedby: 'Carml' --> approved?

Rule Azure.Policy.AssignmentDescriptors

Error: AZR-000143: ***apasubmin001 failed Azure.Policy.AssignmentDescriptors. Policy assignments should use a display name and description.

:question: Validate with the team if the following actions are good:

  1. Set "description" and "displayName" as mandatory parameters in the deploy.bicep file.
  2. Add the following parameters on the deploy.test.bicep:
    description: '[Description] Policy Assignment at the management group scope'   
    displayName: '[Display Name] Policy Assignment at the management group scope'

    Above actions should be applied to the following files:

ResourceModules/ResourceModules/modules/Microsoft.Authorization/policyAssignments/.test/sub.min/deploy.test.bicep  ResourceModules/ResourceModules/modules/Microsoft.Authorization/policyAssignments/.test/rg.min/deploy.test.bicep  ResourceModules/ResourceModules/modules/Microsoft.Authorization/policyAssignments/.test/mg.min/deploy.test.bicep  ResourceModules/ResourceModules/modules/Microsoft.Authorization/policyAssignments/deploy.bicep 

Rule Azure.Policy.Descriptors

Error: AZR-000142: ***apdmgmin001 failed Azure.Policy.Descriptors. Policy and initiative definitions should use a display name, description, and category.

:question: Validate with the team if the following actions are good:

  1. Set "description" and "displayName" as mandatory parameters in the deploy.bicep file.
  2. Add the following parameters on the deploy.test.bicep:
  3. Add the "category" in to the metadata block
    description: '[Description] This policy definition is deployed at the management group scope'
    displayName: '[DisplayName] This policy definition is deployed at the management group scope'
    metadata: {
      category: 'Security'

    Above actions should be applied to the following files: ResourceModules/ResourceModules/modules/Microsoft.Authorization/policyDefinitions/.test/mg.min/deploy.test.bicep ResourceModules/ResourceModules/modules/Microsoft.Authorization/policyDefinitions/.test/sub.min/deploy.test.bicep ResourceModules/ResourceModules/modules/Microsoft.Authorization/policySetDefinitions/.test/mg.min/deploy.test.bicep ResourceModules/ResourceModules/modules/Microsoft.Authorization/policySetDefinitions/.test/sub.min/deploy.test.bicep

Rule Azure.Policy.ExemptionDescriptors

Error: AZR-000145: ***apemgmin001 failed Azure.Policy.ExemptionDescriptors. Policy exemptions should use a display name and description.

:question: Validate with the team if the following actions are good:

  1. Set "description" and "displayName" as mandatory parameters in the deploy.bicep file.
  2. Add the following parameters on the deploy.test.bicep:
    description: '[Description] Policy Assignment at the management group scope'   
    displayName: '[Display Name] Policy Assignment at the management group scope'

    Above actions should be applied to the following files:

ResourceModules/ResourceModules/modules/Microsoft.Authorization/policyExemptions/.test/mg.min/deploy.test.bicep ResourceModules/ResourceModules/modules/Microsoft.Authorization/policyExemptions/.test/rg.min/deploy.test.bicep ResourceModules/ResourceModules/modules/Microsoft.Authorization/policyExemptions/.test/sub.min/deploy.test.bicep

Rule Azure.VMSS.AMA

Error: AZR-000346: ***cvmsswin001 failed Azure.VMSS.AMA. Use Azure Monitor Agent for collecting monitoring data. HELP:

Set properties. Type to AzureMonitorWindowsAgent (Windows) or AzureMonitorLinuxAgent (Linux). Set properties. Publisher to Microsoft.Azure.Monitor.

In this way the errors will be solved for the following files: ResourceModules\modules\Microsoft.Compute\virtualMachineScaleSets.test\linux\deploy.test.bicep ResourceModules\modules\Microsoft.Compute\virtualMachineScaleSets.test\windows\deploy.test.bicep

ResourceModules\modules\Microsoft.Compute\virtualMachineScaleSets.test\linux.min\deploy.test.bicep ResourceModules\modules\Microsoft.Compute\virtualMachineScaleSets.test\windows.min\deploy.test.bicep ResourceModules\modules\Microsoft.Compute\virtualMachineScaleSets.test\linux.ssecmk\deploy.test.bicep

Action: extensionMonitoringAgentConfig: {      enabled: true    }

Rule Azure.VMSS.MigrateAMA

ℹ️ Automatically solved when the issue for Azure.VMSS.AMA is closed

Error: AZR-000318: ***cvmsswin001 failed Azure.VMSS.MigrateAMA. Use Azure Monitor Agent as replacement for Log Analytics Agent.

Rule Azure.VM.AMA

Error: AZR-000345: ***cvmwinatmg failed Azure.VM.AMA. Use Azure Monitor Agent for collecting monitoring data. HELP:

Set properties. Type to AzureMonitorWindowsAgent (Windows) or AzureMonitorLinuxAgent (Linux). Set properties. Publisher to Microsoft.Azure.Monitor.

In this way the errors will be solved for the following files: ResourceModules\modules\Microsoft.Compute\virtualMachines.test\linux\deploy.test.bicep ResourceModules\modules\Microsoft.Compute\virtualMachines.test\windows\deploy.test.bicepvirtualMachines

ResourceModules\modules\Microsoft.Compute\virtualMachines.test\windows.atmg\deploy.test.bicep ResourceModules\modules\Microsoft.Compute\virtualMachines.test\windows.ssecmk\deploy.test.bicep ResourceModules\modules\Microsoft.Compute\virtualMachines.test\windows.min\deploy.test.bicep ResourceModules\modules\Microsoft.Compute\virtualMachines.test\linux.min\deploy.test.bicep ResourceModules\modules\Microsoft.Compute\virtualMachines.test\linux.atmg\deploy.test.bicep


extensionMonitoringAgentConfig: {      enabled: true    }

Rule Azure.VM.DiskCaching

Error: AZR-000242: ***cvmwinatmg failed Azure.VM.DiskCaching. Check disk caching is configured correctly for the workload. HELP:

:question: This is not an error but only a reminder to check the right disk configuration. We can exclude this rule from the test.

Exclude PSrule from the following files: ResourceModules/modules/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/.test/windows.min/deploy.test.bicep ResourceModules/modules/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/.test/windows.ssecmk/deploy.test.bicep ResourceModules/modules/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/.test/windows.atmg/deploy.test.bicep

Note: PsRule doesn't fail the following file which includes "dataDisks: [ { caching: 'None' }]" ResourceModules/modules/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/.test/windows/deploy.test.bicep

Rule Azure.VM.DiskSizeAlignment

Error: AZR-000251: ***-cdimp001 failed Azure.VM.DiskSizeAlignment. Align to the Managed Disk billing model to improve cost efficiency. HELP:

:question: Validate with the team if the following actions are good:

  1. Set "diskSizeGB " as mandatory parameters in the deploy.bicep file.
  2. Add the following parameters on the deploy.test.bicep: diskSizeGB = 32

Above actions should be applied to the following files: ResourceModules/modules/Microsoft.Compute/disks/.test/import/deploy.test.bicep ResourceModules/modules/Microsoft.Compute/disks/.test/min/deploy.test.bicep ResourceModules/modules/Microsoft.Compute/disks/.test/image/deploy.test.bicep

Rule Azure.VM.DiskSizeAlignment

Error: AZR-000239: ***cvmwinatmg failed Azure.VM.Standalone. Use VM features to increase reliability and improve covered SLA for VM configurations. HELP:

:question: This is not an error but only a recommendation to consider using availability zones/ sets or only premium/ ultra disks to improve SLA. High availability not needed for temporary tests. We can exclude this rule from the test.

Exclude PSrule from the following files: ResourceModules/modules/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/windows.atmg/deploy.test.bicep ResourceModules/modules/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/windows.ssecmk/deploy.test.bicep ResourceModules/modules/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/windows.min/deploy.test.bicep

Rule Azure.VM.UseHybridUseBenefit

Error: AZR-000243: ***cvmwinatmg failed Azure.VM.UseHybridUseBenefit. Use Azure Hybrid Benefit for applicable virtual machine (VM) workloads.

:question: This is not an error but only a recommendation to consider using Azure Hybrid Benefit for eligible workloads. Not relevant for a test. We can exclude this rule from the test.

Exclude PSrule from the following files: ResourceModules/modules/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/windows.atmg/deploy.test.bicep ResourceModules/modules/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/windows.ssecmk/deploy.test.bicep ResourceModules/modules/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/windows.min/deploy.test.bicep

Rule Azure.VNET.UseNSGs

Error: AZR-000263: adp-***-vnet-sqlspe failed Azure.VNET.UseNSGs. Virtual network (VNET) subnets should have Network Security Groups (NSGs) assigned. HELP:

:question: This is not an error but only a recommendation to consider assigning a network security group (NSG) to the virtual network sybnet. It optional for testing private endpoint. We can exclude this rule from the test.

Exclude PSrule from the following files: ResourceModules/modules/Microsoft.Sql/servers/test/pe/deploy.test.bicep

Rule Azure.WebPubSub.ManagedIdentity

Error: AZR-000277: ***-srswpsmin-001 failed Azure.WebPubSub.ManagedIdentity. Configure Web PubSub Services to use managed identities to access Azure resources securely. HELP:

:question: Validate with the team if the following actions are good:

  1. Set "systemAssignedIdentity" as mandatory parameters in the deploy.bicep file.
  2. Add the following parameters on the deploy.test.bicep: systemAssignedIdentity= true

Above actions should be applied to the following files: ResourceModules\modules\Microsoft.SignalRService\webPubSub\deploy.bicep ResourceModules\modules\Microsoft.SignalRService\webPubSub.test\min\deploy.test.bicep ResourceModules\modules\Microsoft.SignalRService\webPubSub.test\pe\deploy.test.bicep

Rule Azure.AppService.PlanInstanceCount

Error: AZR-000071: ***wsfcom001 failed Azure.AppService.PlanInstanceCount. App Service Plan should use a minimum number of instances for failover.

:question: This is not an error but only a recommendation to have minimum two instances. Not needed for test. We can exclude this rule from the test.

Exclude PSrule from the following files: ResourceModules\modules\Microsoft.Web\serverfarms.test\common\deploy.test.bicep

Rule Azure.Defender.AppServices

Error: AZR-000295: AppServices failed Azure.Defender.AppServices. Enable Microsoft Defender for App Service.

:question: Validate with the team if the following actions are good:

  1. Set the "appServicesPricingTier" parameter to "Standard"

Above action should be applied to the following files: ResourceModules/modules/Microsoft.Security/azureSecurityCenter/.test/common/deploy.test.bicep

Rule Azure.Defender.Containers

Error: AZR-000290: Containers failed Azure.Defender.Containers. Enable Microsoft Defender for Containers.

:question: Validate with the team if the following actions are good:

  1. Set the "containersTier" parameter to "Standard"

Above action should be applied to the following files: ResourceModules/modules/Microsoft.Security/azureSecurityCenter/.test/common/deploy.test.bicep

Rule Azure.Defender.Servers

Error: AZR-000293: VirtualMachines failed Azure.Defender.Servers. Enable Microsoft Defender for Servers.

:question: Validate with the team if the following actions are good:

  1. Set the "virtualMachinesPricingTier" parameter to "Standard"

Above action should be applied to the following files: ResourceModules/modules/Microsoft.Security/azureSecurityCenter/.test/common/deploy.test.bicep

Rule Azure.Defender.SQL

Error: AZR-000294: SqlServers failed Azure.Defender.SQL. Enable Defender for SQL servers.

:question: Validate with the team if the following actions are good:

  1. Set the "sqlServersPricingTier" parameter to "Standard"

Above action should be applied to the following files: ResourceModules/modules/Microsoft.Security/azureSecurityCenter/.test/common/deploy.test.bicep

Rule Azure.Defender.SQLOnVM

Error: AZR-000297: SqlServerVirtualMachines failed Azure.Defender.SQLOnVM. Enable Defender for SQL servers on machines.

:question: Validate with the team if the following actions are good:

  1. Set the "sqlServerVirtualMachinesPricingTier" parameter to "Standard"

Above action should be applied to the following files: ResourceModules/modules/Microsoft.Security/azureSecurityCenter/.test/common/deploy.test.bicep

Rule Azure.Defender.Storage

Error: AZR-000297: SqlServerVirtualMachines failed Azure.Defender.SQLOnVM. Enable Defender for SQL servers on machines.

:question: Validate with the team if the following actions are good:

  1. Set the "storageAccountsPricingTier" parameter to "Standard"

Above action should be applied to the following files: ResourceModules/modules/Microsoft.Security/azureSecurityCenter/.test/common/deploy.test.bicep

Rule Azure.LB.Probe

Error: AZR-000126: ***nlbcom001 failed Azure.LB.Probe. Use a specific probe for web protocols. HELP:

:question: Validate with the team if the following actions are good:

  1. Row 92: Change "protocol: 'Tcp' " with "protocol: 'HTTPS' "
  2. Row 114: Change "protocol: 'Tcp' " with "protocol: 'HTTP' "

Above action should be applied to the following files: ResourceModules/modules/Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/.test/common/deploy.test.bicep

  1. Add exception for ResourceModules/modules/Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/.test/min/deploy.test.bicep

Rule Azure.ServiceFabric.AAD

Error: AZR-000179: ***sfcmin001 failed Azure.ServiceFabric.AAD. Use Azure Active Directory (AAD) client authentication for Service Fabric clusters. HELP:

:question: This is not an error but only a recommendation to enable Azure Active Directory (AAD) client authentication for Service Fabric clusters. We can exclude this rule from the test.

Exclude PSrule from the following files: ResourceModules/modules/Microsoft.ServiceFabric/clusters/.test/min/deploy.test.bicep ResourceModules/modules/Microsoft.ServiceFabric/clusters/.test/cert/deploy.test.bicep

Rule Azure.SignalR.ManagedIdentity

Error: AZR-000181: ***-srssrcom-001 failed Azure.SignalR.ManagedIdentity. Configure SignalR Services to use managed identities to access Azure resources securely. Path Identity.Type: The field 'Identity.Type' does not exist.

:question: Validate with the team if the following actions are good:

  1. Update the module adding Identity.Type as per

Above action should be applied to the following files: modules/Microsoft.SignalRService/signalR/deploy.bicep

"identity": { "type": "SystemAssigned" or "User.Assigned" }

Specify the type of identity in parameter files: ResourceModules/modules/Microsoft.SignalRService/signalR/.test/min/deploy.test.bicep ResourceModules/modules/Microsoft.SignalRService/signalR/.test/common/deploy.test.bicep

Rule Azure.SQL.AAD

Error: AZR-000188: ***-sqlspe failed Azure.SQL.AAD. Use Azure Active Directory (AAD) authentication with Azure SQL databases. HELP:

:question: This is not an error but only a recommendation to use Azure Active Directory (AAD) authentication with SQL databases. We can exclude this rule from the test.

Exclude PSrule from the following files: ResourceModules/modules/Microsoft.Sql/servers/.test/pe/deploy.test.bicep

Rule Azure.SQL.Auditing

Error: AZR-000187: ***-sqlsadmin failed Azure.SQL.Auditing. Enable auditing for Azure SQL logical server. HELP:

:question: This is not an error but only a recommendation to enable auditing for each SQL Database logical server . We can exclude this rule from the test.

Exclude PSrule from the following files: ResourceModules/modules/Microsoft.Sql/servers/.test/admin/deploy.test.bicep

Rule Azure.SQL.DefenderCloud

Error: AZR-000186: ***-sqlsadmin failed Azure.SQL.DefenderCloud. Enable Microsoft Defender for Azure SQL logical server. HELP:

:question: This is not an error but only a recommendation to enable Advanced Data Security and configuring Microsoft Defender for SQL logical servers. We can exclude this rule from the test.

Exclude PSrule from the following files: ResourceModules/modules/Microsoft.Sql/servers/.test/admin/deploy.test.bicep

Rule Azure.Storage.ContainerSoftDelete

Error: AZR-000289: ***ssamin001 failed Azure.Storage.ContainerSoftDelete. Enable container soft delete on Storage Accounts. A sub-resource of type 'Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/blobServices' has not been specified.


:question: Validate with the team if the following actions are good:

  1. Update the module adding a sub-resource of type 'Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/blobServices'

Above action should be applied to the following files: ResourceModules/modules/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/.test/v1/deploy.test.bicep

Rule Azure.Storage.ContainerSoftDelete

Error: AZR-000289: ***ssamin001 failed Azure.Storage.ContainerSoftDelete. Enable container soft delete on Storage Accounts. HELP:

:question: It is only a recommendation to enable container soft delete on storage accounts to protect blob containers from accidental deletion. Not needed for minimal test. We can remove this test to /min.

Exclude PSrule from the following files: ResourceModules/modules/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/.test/min/deploy.test.bicep ResourceModules/modules/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/.test/V1/deploy.test.bicep

Rule Azure.Storage.Firewall

Error: AZR-000202: ***ssamin001 failed Azure.Storage.Firewall. Storage Accounts should only accept explicitly allowed traffic. Path properties.networkAcls.defaultAction: The field 'properties.networkAcls.defaultAction' does not exist.


:question: Validate with the team if the following actions are good:

  1. Update the test.bicep adding the parameter networkAcls to "Deny"

Above action should be applied to the following files: ResourceModules/modules/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/.test/v1/deploy.test.bicep

:question: Validate if this will apply also to /min otherwise we can exclude the test. ResourceModules/modules/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/.test/min/deploy.test.bicep

Rule Azure.Deployment.AdminUsername

Error: AZR-000284: /home/runner/work/ResourceModules/ResourceModules/modules/Microsoft.Network/networkWatchers/.test/common/deploy.test.bicep failed Azure.Deployment.AdminUsername. Use secure parameters for sensitive resource properties.

REASON: | - The property 'adminUsername' uses a deterministic literal value.

HELP :question: Validate with the team if the following actions are good:

The issue is related to .test/common/dependencies.bicep where we have adminUsername: '${virtualMachineName}cake' , instead of a single parameter.


elanzel commented 1 year ago

@eriqua we have completed rules' review. Can we have a call to discuss all the decisions and create issues?

AlexanderSehr commented 2 months ago

Covered in AVM by the PSRule reliability tests