Azure / ServiceConnector

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Invalid DNS due to spaces in logged in username #6

Closed alexparadigm5416 closed 2 days ago

alexparadigm5416 commented 2 weeks ago

Extension and version: serviceconnector-passwordless v2.0.3

What is the command being used: az webapp connection create postgres-flexible

What is the error: cli.azext_serviceconnector_passwordless._credential_free: Fail to connect to postgresql. invalid dsn: missing "=" after "Team" in connection info string

Why is this happening: The logged in service principal is named "Some Team Pipeline SPN", because the user name is not properly quoted when passed as part of the connection string in at line 830, when it tries to connect using conn = psycopg2.connect(conn_string) at line 798, it does not know how to parse the connection string.

Reproduction Steps:

  1. Run: az login --service-principal --username "$azlogin" --password "$clientDeploySecret" --tenant "$tenantId" where azlogin is the client id of a service principal with the username "Some Team Pipeline" or equivalent. The important part is the spaces
  2. Run:
    az webapp connection create postgres-flexible \
    --connection $dbConnectionName \
    --resource-group $resourceGroupName \
    --subscription $deploySubscription \
    --name $apiName \
    --target-resource-group $resourceGroupName \
    --server $dbServer \
    --database $dbName \
    --user-identity client-id=$identityId subs-id=$deploySubscription \
    --client-type java \
  3. Observe the error: Fail to connect to postgresql. invalid dsn: missing "=" after "Team" in connection info string
  4. Go to the located at /root/.azure/cliextensions/serviceconnector-passwordless/azext_serviceconnector_passwordless/ and modify the get_connection_string function to wrap the username in singlequotes. IE: conn_string = "host={} user='{}' dbname=postgres password={} sslmode=require".format(, self.admin_username, password)
  5. Repeat steps 1 and 2
  6. Observe that the connection was created without errors
brycechen1849 commented 1 week ago

Thanks @alexparadigm5416 for feedback. We are looking into the issue.