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Small Fix in Helper Doc #22

Closed jorlamd closed 2 years ago

jorlamd commented 2 years ago

The change to require identifier URIs to be a verified domain seems to be enforced now, making the app registration fail with error 'Values of identifierUris property must use a verified domain of the organisation or its subdomain'.

Made the rest of the parameters consistent.


Cyb3rWard0g commented 2 years ago

Thank you very much @jorlamd ! 🙏🏾 Let me do a quick test to validate that and merge the PR.

Cyb3rWard0g commented 2 years ago

Tested it and I confirmed that without a verified domain, the application registration App ID URI assignment fails. Thank you very much for letting me know @jorlamd :)

Cyb3rWard0g commented 2 years ago

Hello @jorlamd , I updated the doc by removing all Azure CLI commands to register App and create a Service Principal. I noticed that when I register an APP via the Azure Portal, the MS Graph User.Read delegated permission is granted by default. That's all we need for a basic OAuth app. I appreciate you taking the time to point out the issue and find the article. Thank you!