Azure / Synapse-workspace-deployment

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sqlPool object is missing from TemplateForWorkspace.json after validate #68

Closed jdwilkin closed 1 year ago

jdwilkin commented 1 year ago

I am using the 'validate' option as part of a DevOps pipeline and the TemplateForWorkspace.json file is missing the reference to the sqlPool in one of the datasets defined. When publishing the end result is the dataset is not properly linked to the dedicated pool and thus none of the synapse pipelines that use that dataset work.

jdwilkin commented 1 year ago

Here is the segment from TemplateForWorkspace created from the "publish" button in synapse studio: { "name": "[concat(parameters('workspaceName'), '/LumenRiskSynapseDB')]", "type": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/datasets", "apiVersion": "2019-06-01-preview", "properties": { "parameters": { "DB_Name": { "type": "string" }, "Table_Name": { "type": "string" } }, "annotations": [], "type": "SqlPoolTable", "schema": [], "typeProperties": { "schema": { "value": "@dataset().DB_Name", "type": "Expression" }, "table": { "value": "@dataset().Table_Name", "type": "Expression" } }, "sqlPool": { "referenceName": "lumenanalyticsdb", "type": "SqlPoolReference" } }, "dependsOn": [ "[concat(variables('workspaceId'), '/sqlPools/lumenanalyticsdb')]" ] }

And here is the relevant segment using this plugin: { "name": "[concat(parameters('workspaceName'), '/LumenRiskSynapseDB')]", "type": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/datasets", "apiVersion": "2019-06-01-preview", "properties": { "parameters": { "DB_Name": { "type": "string" }, "Table_Name": { "type": "string" } }, "annotations": [], "type": "SqlPoolTable", "schema": [], "typeProperties": { "schema": { "value": "@dataset().DB_Name", "type": "Expression" }, "table": { "value": "@dataset().Table_Name", "type": "Expression" } } }, "dependsOn": [] }

notice the missing 'sqlPool' object

lordozb commented 1 year ago

The fix is currently being tested. This should be released soon. You will not be required to update anything on your end.

ArthurSteijn commented 1 year ago

Is this fix for the GitHub Actions task only? Or for the Azure DevOps task as well?

lordozb commented 1 year ago

@ArthurSteijn For both

jdwilkin commented 1 year ago

Was this closed because the fix was released?

lordozb commented 1 year ago

Yes, it has been released.

jdwilkin commented 1 year ago

Thank you for the update... I am using this plugin in Azure Pipelines do you know if the azure pipeline version has been release as well?

lordozb commented 1 year ago

Yes it has been released.

jdwilkin commented 1 year ago

for reference here is a microsoft feedback issue referencing the same:

lordozb commented 1 year ago

I mentioned earlier that no action will be required from your side. The package with the fix is downloaded during runtime. You don't need to update the extension.

jdwilkin commented 1 year ago

my testing today and yesterday show the same problem, namely the sqlPool object is not correctly created in the dataset.

jdwilkin commented 1 year ago

Maybe this is the wrong place for this as this is specific to the GitHub action, however this problem still exists when using the plugin from Azure Devops. If there is a better place to open this please let me know otherwise this ticket should be reopened

lordozb commented 1 year ago

Please raise a support ticket on Azure portal.