Azure / Vector-Search-AI-Assistant

Microsoft Official Build Modern AI Apps reference solutions and content. Demonstrate how to build Copilot applications that incorporate Hero Azure Services including Azure OpenAI Service, Azure Container Apps (or AKS) and Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL with Vector Search.
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Template will not depoy #11

Closed jeffmoore64 closed 8 months ago

jeffmoore64 commented 8 months ago

The following error occurs when this is deployed in US East. I have deleted all openAI resources and purged them. Still get this error. There is zero information I have found that is helpful in resolving this on the internet.

Another operation is being performed on the parent resource '/subscriptions/xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx/resourceGroups/CosmosRAG1/providers/Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/jeffmoore-openai'. Please try again later. (Code: RequestConflict)

jeffmoore64 commented 8 months ago

It doesn't matter what region I deploy in I get the same error as listed above.

Interestingly if I hard code a different supported region then I get an error stating that S0 (standard) is not a valid option, yet I can create that very resource manually in the region I've specified, eg eastus2

markjbrown commented 8 months ago

This was fixed by modifying the ARM template to have the models deploy one at a time by putting a dependsOn in the template.