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LUNA Deployment Issues #44

Open ankbs opened 4 years ago

ankbs commented 4 years ago

Hi, is there any documentation about the PowerShell Module Requirements? I try to deploy the latest build (from friday) and running in issues like "New-AzResourceGroupDeployment : 14:16:46 - Error: Code=InvalidTemplate; Message=Deployment template validation failed: 'Template parameter JToken type is not valid. Expected 'String, Uri'. Actual 'Object'. Please see for usage details.'." In C:\MS-Partner\Luna\Resources\Deployment\Deploy.ps1:287 Zeichen:1


Create AAD application for webapp authentication. WARNUNG: Breaking changes in the cmdlet 'Set-AzKeyVaultSecret' : WARNUNG: - "The output type 'Microsoft.Azure.Commands.KeyVault.Models.PSKeyVaultSecret' is changing"

What I need to configure the PowerShell session? Thanks for your support Michael