Azure / aks-app-routing-operator

Kubernetes operator that implements AKS Application Routing
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export subject access review function for NginxIngressControllers #141

Closed OliverMKing closed 8 months ago

OliverMKing commented 8 months ago


Exports our Subject Access Review check function for NginxIngressControllers. This is needed so we can create custom webhooks outside this repo that use the same logic.

Type of change

Please delete options that are not relevant.

How Has This Been Tested?

E2e and unit tested


coveralls commented 8 months ago

Pull Request Test Coverage Report for Build 7023244561

Warning: This coverage report may be inaccurate.

We've detected an issue with your CI configuration that might affect the accuracy of this pull request's coverage report. To ensure accuracy in future PRs, please see these guidelines. A quick fix for this PR: rebase it; your next report should be accurate.

Changes Missing Coverage Covered Lines Changed/Added Lines %
pkg/webhook/nginxingress.go 3 4 75.0%
<!-- Total: 3 4 75.0% -->
Totals Coverage Status
Change from base Build 7023241996: 1.0%
Covered Lines: 2990
Relevant Lines: 3692

💛 - Coveralls
OliverMKing commented 8 months ago

/ok-to-test sha=61754b0

OliverMKing commented 8 months ago

/ok-to-test sha=61754b0