Azure / aks-app-routing-operator

Kubernetes operator that implements AKS Application Routing
MIT License
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annotation permanent-redirect do not support '%20' #245

Open TomBalt opened 3 days ago

TomBalt commented 3 days ago

Hello Y'all,

We were migrating from on-prem K8s to AKS. As we started to use "Managed NGINX ingress with the application routing add-on" we ran in to some issues with annotation validation.

For example: if I set permanent-redirect value to something that contains '%20' I receive and error - validators.go:237] validation error on ingress prod-ns/redirect-org: annotation permanent-redirect contains invalid value

This is real example:


  1. Is there a way to make it work?
  2. If not, can annotation validation be disabled for Managed Nginx ingress?

P.S. I have used this article to setup Nginx ingress class and ingress controller - P.S.S. Old version of nginx installed from Helm works fine.