Azure / aks-engine

AKS Engine: legacy tool for Kubernetes on Azure (see status)
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Windows kubelet logs have deprecation notices #722

Closed jsturtevant closed 5 years ago

jsturtevant commented 6 years ago

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What version of acs-engine?:

Master Branch

Orchestrator and version (e.g. Kubernetes, DC/OS, Swarm) Kubernetes 1.11.2 - windows

What happened: When working on issue #3707, Looking at the Windows kubelet logs found depreciation notices:

ERROR: The process "azure-vnet-ipam.exe" not found.
ERROR: The process "azure-vnet.exe" not found.
Flag --resolv-conf has been deprecated, This parameter should be set via the config file specified by the Kubelet's --config flag. See for more information.
Flag --allow-privileged has been deprecated, will be removed in a future version
Flag --enable-debugging-handlers has been deprecated, This parameter should be set via the config file specified by the Kubelet's --config flag. See for more information.
Flag --cluster-dns has been deprecated, This parameter should be set via the config file specified by the Kubelet's --config flag. See for more information.
Flag --cluster-domain has been deprecated, This parameter should be set via the config file specified by the Kubelet's --config flag. See for more information.
Flag --hairpin-mode has been deprecated, This parameter should be set via the config file specified by the Kubelet's --config flag. See for more information.
Flag --runtime-request-timeout has been deprecated, This parameter should be set via the config file specified by the Kubelet's --config flag. See for more information.
Flag --cgroups-per-qos has been deprecated, This parameter should be set via the config file specified by the Kubelet's --config flag. See for more information.
Flag --enforce-node-allocatable has been deprecated, This parameter should be set via the config file specified by the Kubelet's --config flag. See for more information.
I0821 22:17:41.366071     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --address=""
I0821 22:17:41.400017     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --allow-privileged="true"
I0821 22:17:41.400017     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --allowed-unsafe-sysctls="[]"
I0821 22:17:41.400017     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --alsologtostderr="false"
I0821 22:17:41.400017     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --anonymous-auth="true"
I0821 22:17:41.400017     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --authentication-token-webhook="false"
I0821 22:17:41.400017     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --authentication-token-webhook-cache-ttl="2m0s"
I0821 22:17:41.400017     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --authorization-mode="AlwaysAllow"
I0821 22:17:41.400017     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --authorization-webhook-cache-authorized-ttl="5m0s"
I0821 22:17:41.400017     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --authorization-webhook-cache-unauthorized-ttl="30s"
I0821 22:17:41.400017     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --azure-container-registry-config="c:\\k\\azure.json"
I0821 22:17:41.400017     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --bootstrap-checkpoint-path=""
I0821 22:17:41.400017     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --bootstrap-kubeconfig=""
I0821 22:17:41.400017     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --cadvisor-port="0"
I0821 22:17:41.400017     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --cert-dir="/var/lib/kubelet/pki"
I0821 22:17:41.400017     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --cgroup-driver="cgroupfs"
I0821 22:17:41.400017     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --cgroup-root=""
I0821 22:17:41.400017     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --cgroups-per-qos="false"
I0821 22:17:41.400017     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --chaos-chance="0"
I0821 22:17:41.400017     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --client-ca-file=""
I0821 22:17:41.400017     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --cloud-config="c:\\k\\azure.json"
I0821 22:17:41.400017     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --cloud-provider="azure"
I0821 22:17:41.400017     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --cluster-dns="[]"
I0821 22:17:41.400017     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --cluster-domain="cluster.local"
I0821 22:17:41.400017     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --cni-bin-dir="c:\\k\\azurecni\\bin"
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --cni-conf-dir="c:\\k\\azurecni\\netconf"
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --config=""
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --container-log-max-files="5"
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --container-log-max-size="10Mi"
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --container-runtime="docker"
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --container-runtime-endpoint="tcp://localhost:3735"
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --containerized="false"
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --contention-profiling="false"
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --cpu-cfs-quota="true"
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --cpu-manager-policy="none"
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --cpu-manager-reconcile-period="10s"
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --docker-disable-shared-pid="true"
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --docker-endpoint=""
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --dynamic-config-dir=""
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --enable-controller-attach-detach="true"
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --enable-debugging-handlers="true"
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --enable-server="true"
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --enforce-node-allocatable="[]"
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --event-burst="10"
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --event-qps="5"
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --eviction-hard="imagefs.available<15%,memory.available<100Mi,nodefs.available<10%,nodefs.inodesFree<5%"
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --eviction-max-pod-grace-period="0"
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --eviction-minimum-reclaim=""
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --eviction-pressure-transition-period="5m0s"
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --eviction-soft=""
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --eviction-soft-grace-period=""
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --exit-on-lock-contention="false"
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --experimental-allocatable-ignore-eviction="false"
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --experimental-bootstrap-kubeconfig=""
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --experimental-check-node-capabilities-before-mount="false"
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --experimental-dockershim="false"
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --experimental-dockershim-root-directory="/var/lib/dockershim"
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --experimental-fail-swap-on="true"
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --experimental-kernel-memcg-notification="false"
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --experimental-mounter-path=""
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --fail-swap-on="true"
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --feature-gates=""
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --file-check-frequency="20s"
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --google-json-key=""
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --hairpin-mode="promiscuous-bridge"
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --healthz-bind-address=""
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --healthz-port="10248"
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --help="false"
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --host-ipc-sources="[*]"
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --host-network-sources="[*]"
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --host-pid-sources="[*]"
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --hostname-override="18706k8s9010"
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --http-check-frequency="20s"
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --image-gc-high-threshold="85"
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --image-gc-low-threshold="80"
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --image-pull-progress-deadline="20m0s"
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --image-service-endpoint=""
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --iptables-drop-bit="15"
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --iptables-masquerade-bit="14"
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --keep-terminated-pod-volumes="false"
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --kube-api-burst="10"
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --kube-api-content-type="application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf"
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --kube-api-qps="5"
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --kube-reserved=""
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --kube-reserved-cgroup=""
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --kubeconfig="c:\\k\\config"
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --kubelet-cgroups=""
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --lock-file=""
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --log-backtrace-at=":0"
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --log-dir=""
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --log-flush-frequency="5s"
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --logtostderr="true"
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --make-iptables-util-chains="true"
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --manifest-url=""
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --manifest-url-header=""
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --master-service-namespace="default"
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --max-open-files="1000000"
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --max-pods="110"
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --maximum-dead-containers="-1"
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --maximum-dead-containers-per-container="1"
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --minimum-container-ttl-duration="0s"
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --minimum-image-ttl-duration="2m0s"
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --network-plugin="cni"
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --network-plugin-mtu="0"
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --node-ip=""
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --node-labels=""
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --node-status-max-images="50"
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --node-status-update-frequency="10s"
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --non-masquerade-cidr=""
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --oom-score-adj="-999"
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --pod-cidr=""
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --pod-infra-container-image="kubletwin/pause"
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --pod-manifest-path=""
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --pod-max-pids="-1"
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --pods-per-core="0"
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --port="10250"
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --protect-kernel-defaults="false"
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --provider-id=""
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --qos-reserved=""
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --read-only-port="10255"
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --really-crash-for-testing="false"
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --redirect-container-streaming="false"
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --register-node="true"
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --register-schedulable="true"
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --register-with-taints=""
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --registry-burst="10"
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --registry-qps="5"
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --resolv-conf=""
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --root-dir="/var/lib/kubelet"
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --rotate-certificates="false"
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --runonce="false"
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --runtime-cgroups=""
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --runtime-request-timeout="10m0s"
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --seccomp-profile-root="\\var\\lib\\kubelet\\seccomp"
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --serialize-image-pulls="true"
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --stderrthreshold="2"
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --streaming-connection-idle-timeout="4h0m0s"
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --sync-frequency="1m0s"
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --system-cgroups=""
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --system-reserved=""
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --system-reserved-cgroup=""
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --tls-cert-file=""
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --tls-cipher-suites="[]"
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --tls-min-version=""
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --tls-private-key-file=""
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --v="2"
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --version="false"
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --vmodule=""
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --volume-plugin-dir="c:\\k\\volumeplugins"
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --volume-stats-agg-period="1m0s"
I0821 22:17:41.401015     884 flags.go:27] FLAG: --windows-service="false"
I0821 22:17:41.402020     884 feature_gate.go:230] feature gates: &{map[]}
I0821 22:17:41.402020     884 feature_gate.go:230] feature gates: &{map[]}
I0821 22:17:41.410005     884 server.go:408] Version: v1.11.2
I0821 22:17:41.410005     884 feature_gate.go:230] feature gates: &{map[]}
I0821 22:17:41.411000     884 feature_gate.go:230] feature gates: &{map[]}

What you expected to happen:

How to reproduce it (as minimally and precisely as possible): deploy k8s 1.11 cluster

Anything else we need to know: cc: @PatrickLang, dependent on

PatrickLang commented 6 years ago

There's also a chance some of these may need to stay there to support K8s 1.9 or 1.10. Something I need to investigate

CecileRobertMichon commented 6 years ago

same as #2826 ?

jsturtevant commented 6 years ago

Some of the flags are the same some are different. I think some of the ones list above might be specifically related to windows configuration?

@PatrickLang @CecileRobertMichon Should we close this issue and add the depreciated flags to the #2826 and note they were obtained on Windows Nodes?

CecileRobertMichon commented 6 years ago

Let's keep them as two separate issues in that case since they will most likely get fixed in two different PRs, thanks @jsturtevant

stale[bot] commented 5 years ago

This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity. It will be closed if no further activity occurs. Thank you for your contribution. Note that acs-engine is deprecated--see instead.

stale[bot] commented 5 years ago

This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity. It will be closed if no further activity occurs. Thank you for your contributions.

PatrickLang commented 5 years ago

Still needs to be fixed

PatrickLang commented 5 years ago

also related to #377

stale[bot] commented 5 years ago

This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity. It will be closed if no further activity occurs. Thank you for your contributions.