Azure / aksArc

# Welcome to the Azure Kubernetes Service enabled by Azure Arc (AKS Arc) repo This is where the AKS Arc team will track features and issues with AKS Arc. We will monitor this repo in order to engage with our community and discuss questions, customer scenarios, or feature requests. Checkout our projects tab to see the roadmap for AKS Arc!
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Better VM/FCM Resource naming and k8s node naming #122

Open eponerine opened 3 years ago

eponerine commented 3 years ago

Currently, when a VM is created, it has a name that looks like:



However, in k8s itself, the nodes take the format:



Some suggestions:

I understand that hostname size is probably limited to 15 chars because of the Windows worker nodes, so maybe trim the UID by a character or something?

Elektronenvolt commented 3 years ago

I understand that hostname size is probably limited to 15 chars because of the Windows worker nodes, so maybe trim the UID by a character or something?

One issue I had been running in at a preview release half a year before GA: To be able to configure gMSA for Windows containers we had to domain join the Windows worker nodes. The hostname had been set to workload clustername + UID. To stay within the 15 chars limit, the workload cluster name was limited to 4 chars, otherwise a domain join failed because of hostname too long.

Meanwhile, a domain join ist not required anymore: gMSA - non domain joined host. Possibly the 15 char limitation is not an issue anymore...