Azure / aksArc

# Welcome to the Azure Kubernetes Service on Azure Stack HCI repo This is where the AKS-HCI team will track features and issues with AKS-HCI. We will monitor this repo in order to engage with our community and discuss questions, customer scenarios, or feature requests. Checkout our projects tab to see the roadmap for AKS-HCI!
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Known issue - AKS Arc billing status goes out-of-policy - can be fixed without re-installation #372

Open Elektronenvolt opened 1 month ago

Elektronenvolt commented 1 month ago

An AKS Arc cluster billing status had been out of sync and limited cluster operations. image

Sync-AksHciBilling returns Upload Successful! but Get-AksHciBillingStatus | ConvertTo-Json shows a ConnectionStatus OutOfPolicy and the LastConnected date is higher than 30 days.

It is documented in the known issues with the only way to fix as a redeploy with a clean installation.

With help from support, we fixed the issue by deleting the billing-manager pods. kubectl get pods -n azure-arc --kubeconfig (get-kvaconfig).kubeconfig showed the billing-manager deployment older than 76 days


We created multiple workload clusters after initial setup, but did not touch them for more than 60 days.