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Enable custom storage solution #48

Open Kokenberg opened 4 months ago

Kokenberg commented 4 months ago

What are you trying to achieve?

I would like the possibility to store the specification files into a storage account of our own. This, currently, does not seem to be possible. This would allow us to store our internal APIs for example on a storage account that we control.

Proposed solution

Allow API Center to be configured with a storage account.

pierceboggan commented 4 months ago

Thanks for logging this @Kokenberg!

I'd love to learn more about the scenario. What's the rationale for using your own storage account? I can imagine some reasons, but it would be helpful to know the particular reasons for you and your team.

Appreciate it!

Kokenberg commented 4 months ago

Our rationale mainly is control. For example, we are currently working on an environment in which we will have a private API Management instance. Having the APIs in a storage account not under our control feels counter intuitive. Also, we would like to extend the current API Center portal, which will only be accessible from within the organization, with Swagger UI so that we can provide the business with a more complete and in depth catalog of all APIs. We've found that, due to CORS restrictions, we cannot currently do this.

By using our own storage account we have complete control over security (think Managed Identity, RBAC etc.) and location. For example, we have a rule that our data can only be stored in West Europe, in other words compliance is key.