Azure / api-management-developer-portal

Developer portal provided by the Azure API Management service.
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Activity Logs - Developer Portal #1208

Open campifoo opened 3 years ago

campifoo commented 3 years ago

Activity Logs do not capture Subscription Activity When Happens in Developer Portal

When I access the Subscription blade in Azure portal and create a subscription and regenerate keys, the activity is logged in the Activity Logs. When I do the same activity using the developer portal, I do not see the activity in the logs. Is there a way to ensure the Activity is captured when the subscription is created and keys are regenerated when a developer uses the dev portal?

mikebudzynski commented 3 years ago

Administrative actions are automatically included in the Activity Logs, because the API calls are routed through Azure Resource Manager, while developer portal actions are routed directly to API Management. At this moment, we're unsure about the scope of this improvement and can't provide an ETA.

In the coming months, we plan to provide support for events in API Management. You will be able to subscribe to an event feed and monitor it for actions such as rotation of subscription keys.

AnRei123 commented 3 years ago

@mikebudzynski: Do you plan to log user activities with the users ID, for example, when the user logs in to the DevPortal? We like to keep track on when a user has logged in the last time to the DevPortal. If a user that has been registered with a valid AAD account hasn´t logged in to the DevPortal for more than one year, we like to let him confirm if the account is still required or not. A prerequisite is that we are able to check an activity log for a DevPortal and check for events for a dedicated users id. Should I create a new ticket for this request or would this requirement already covered by your upcoming monitoring activities?

mikebudzynski commented 3 years ago

Do you plan to log user activities with the users ID, for example, when the user logs in to the DevPortal?

You integrate Application Insights or Google Analytics into the portal to track the log-in actions.

If a user that has been registered with a valid AAD account hasn´t logged in to the DevPortal for more than one year

I created a new feature request #1283 for providing developer ecosystem telemetry. It's been on our roadmap, but there's no ETA at this moment.

Sachin4dotnet commented 3 years ago

Can you give some custom URL to be triggered when someone subscribe the product? That URL must be configurable from portal.

mikebudzynski commented 3 years ago

Yes, you can use the delegation functionality:

DanMansfield520 commented 1 year ago

Administrative actions are automatically included in the Activity Logs, because the API calls are routed through Azure Resource Manager, while developer portal actions are routed directly to API Management. At this moment, we're unsure about the scope of this improvement and can't provide an ETA.

In the coming months, we plan to provide support for events in API Management. You will be able to subscribe to an event feed and monitor it for actions such as rotation of subscription keys.

Has a date been established to address the subscription log activity? Haven't seen any updates since last year.

DanMansfield520 commented 1 year ago

@mikebudzynski Has a date been established to address the subscription log activity? Haven't seen any updates since last year.