Azure / api-management-developer-portal

Developer portal provided by the Azure API Management service.
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Api-Details Does Not Display the Version Selector #2287

Closed BenAtOB closed 10 months ago

BenAtOB commented 10 months ago

Every bug report should have precise description and reproduction steps; console traces or source code references are appreciated.

For assistance requests, contact Azure support or submit a post on Stack Overflow. We don't provide support through GitHub Issues. Feature requests can be raised on the Azure Feedback Forum.

Bug description

The api-details widget performs a check if the currently selected API has a version set associated. It then queries all available version sets for version sets for matches. The second query returns a pageable dataset and the KnockoutJS is only fetching the first page.

Reproduction steps

  1. Add a high number of APIs with version sets (approximately 150)
  2. Select an API with a version set that is returned by the first query to apis?$filter=isCurrent%20eq%20true&api-version=2021-04-01-preview
  3. Note the version selector is displayed
  4. Select an API with a version set that is not returned by the first query to apis?$filter=isCurrent%20eq%20true&api-version=2021-04-01-preview
  5. Note the version selector is not displayed

Expected behavior

I expect the KnockoutJS code to traverse all pages of the API result to make the determination on whether or not to display the version selector.

Is your portal managed or self-hosted?


Release tag or commit SHA (if using self-hosted version)

API Management service name


Additional context

Code to determine if API has version sets: image

Code to determine if the version selector should be displayed (bug here): image

malincrist commented 10 months ago

Hello @BenAtOB , thanks for reaching out and for the detailed explanation! 🙌 This issue was fixed (for managed portals) and will be shipped with the next release (ETA end of month).

Duplicate of #2201