Azure / api-management-developer-portal

Developer portal provided by the Azure API Management service.
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Migrating to the new developer portal does not show user accounts subscriptions and products. #2295

Closed stormshaun closed 3 months ago

stormshaun commented 9 months ago

Every bug report should have precise description and reproduction steps; console traces or source code references are appreciated.

For assistance requests, contact Azure support or submit a post on Stack Overflow. We don't provide support through GitHub Issues. Feature requests can be raised on the Azure Feedback Forum.

Bug description

Migrating to the new developer portal does not show user accounts subscriptions and products.

Reproduction steps

  1. Create a Product in API-M that starts with e.g. "products-xxx"
  2. Add API in the created product
  3. Subscribe a user to the Product
  4. Check the user's Profile page in the new developer portal to verify if his/her subscriptions and products are still visible.

Expected behavior

User should be able to view the same subscription he/she has in the deprecated developer portal to the new developer portal.

Is your portal managed or self-hosted?


Release tag or commit SHA (if using self-hosted version)


API Management service name

[e.g., contoso-api]


Additional context

The deprecated developer portal is due to retire on October 2023 - can this be extended due to this breaking bug on the new developer portal or until the fix is implemented?

### Tasks
JMach1 commented 9 months ago

Hello @stormshaun thank you for reporting the issue! This bug was already fixed and will be part of the next developer portal release, ETA ~ 1 month.

stormshaun commented 9 months ago

Hello @stormshaun thank you for reporting the issue! This bug was already fixed and will be part of the next developer portal release, ETA ~ 1 month.

Thanks! Would you also be able to confirm that the fix will be released prior to the scheduled retirement date of the deprecated developer portal?

JMach1 commented 9 months ago

Yes, you can be sure about that.

stormshaun commented 9 months ago

Yes, you can be sure about that.

Thank you! Can the PR be linked or referenced here for visibility?

marcelseifert commented 8 months ago

Hello, is this bug really still open? Unfortunately, this is a real showstopper for us! When will there be the next version? Or more precisely, when will the outdated developer portal be retired?

stormshaun commented 7 months ago

Hello, is this bug really still open? Unfortunately, this is a real showstopper for us! When will there be the next version? Or more precisely, when will the outdated developer portal be retired?

It is still open AFAIK. We still cannot fully move our development teams to use the new developer portal. @JMach1 - Would you be able to confirm or share a timeline if possible? Thank you!

JMach1 commented 7 months ago

Release with a fix is in progress right now, it should take all regions within a week.

stormshaun commented 5 months ago

Release with a fix is in progress right now, it should take all regions within a week.

It is now 2024 - and a lot more than a week from the last update has passed. Are there any expected ETAs when the bugfix will be released? We are unable to advertise the usage of the new developer portal in our Organization. Thanks

stormshaun commented 5 months ago

Seems that this is still not fixed as the Subscriptions under User Profile will display as empty when a user is subscribed to a Product that has an ID that starts with products-* Confirming if this is the case?

JMach1 commented 5 months ago

@stormshaun we had to rollback the release as it was causing some issues. We started new release yesterday, it should be out within week or two. Sorry for the delay.

stormshaun commented 5 months ago

@stormshaun we had to rollback the release as it was causing some issues. We started new release yesterday, it should be out within week or two. Sorry for the delay.

Thanks for the update - to confirm our understanding, we will wait for a succeeding release to 2.25.0 which will come within the next two weeks

stormshaun commented 5 months ago

We have published a new developer portal today which should have automatically picked up the latest software version 2.25.0. However, we are still encountering the same behavior

malincrist commented 5 months ago

@stormshaun , release 2.25 was not deployed in all the regions yet, for the managed portals. Please give it a few more days to be deployed everywhere.

stormshaun commented 5 months ago

Is there a way to know which software version is our developer portal when we publish?

malincrist commented 5 months ago

@stormshaun , you can check it at <dev-portal-url>/internal-status-0123456789abcdef. What you are interested in is the version from CodeVersion. Release 2.25 should start with "202401.."

stormshaun commented 5 months ago

@stormshaun , you can check it at <dev-portal-url>/internal-status-0123456789abcdef. What you are interested in is the version from CodeVersion. Release 2.25 should start with "202401.."

Thank you for this. Looks like we still don't have it yet.


mrcarlosdev commented 3 months ago

This issue is related to managed developer portal. We advise you to create a Azure support request to get assistance on this issue. Please refer to the below link to create a new Azure support request, Please select Problem Type = "Developer Portal" in the request to route it appropriately.