Azure / api-management-developer-portal

Developer portal provided by the Azure API Management service.
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No user feedback on incorrect credentials when sign in ia Basic form #2322

Closed henrik-edlund closed 8 months ago

henrik-edlund commented 8 months ago

Bug description

The "SIGN-IN FORM BASIC" does not provice feedback to the user about sign in errors:

The GET call https://{serviceurl}/subscriptions/000/resourceGroups/000/providers/Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/{servicename}/identity?api-version=2021-04-01-preview-preview fails with 401 Unauthorized, which can be seen in Console and Network tabs of the browser.

Reproduction steps

  1. Go to the page with the sign in form.
  2. Provide a valid email adress of a non-existing user.
  3. Press the "Sign In" button.
  4. The Sign In button is disabled for a second. No error or feedback is shown to the user.

Expected behavior

A message "Incorrect Credentials" or red visual highligting of the Email and Password Fields is shown.

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Additional context

Screenshot: Sign in no feedback (In the image the "SIGN-IN FORM BASIC" is inside a card, but this placement does not matter.)

The styling of the fields Form Controls - Text box is left unchanged/inherited for error. Red error box is correctly shown for invalid email format.

malincrist commented 8 months ago

Hello @henrik-edlund , thanks for reaching out. The signin widget does not show the error details by default. However, you can add the widget "Validation Summary" on the same page you have the signin widget, that will display the errors at runtime (as seen in the below screenshot).