Azure / api-management-developer-portal

Developer portal provided by the Azure API Management service.
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Font file added to managed portal does not appear on SHP #2362

Open sjvarun opened 5 months ago

sjvarun commented 5 months ago

Every bug report should have precise description and reproduction steps; console traces or source code references are appreciated.

For assistance requests, contact Azure support or submit a post on Stack Overflow. We don't provide support through GitHub Issues. Feature requests can be raised on the Azure Feedback Forum.

Bug description

Font file added to managed portal does not appear on SHP

Reproduction steps

  1. Go to HapiDevAPIM , open managed portal
  2. Upload font files into the portal
  3. Publish the portal , font files uploaded in managed portal should also be available in self hosted portal
  4. Font files are missing from self hosted portal

Expected behavior

Font files uploaded to managed portal should appear on self hosted portal

Is your portal managed or self-hosted?


Release tag or commit SHA (if using self-hosted version)

[e.g., release 2.0.0, commit c45da9778b70d369aba60fa2e63c191efe2b548f]

API Management service name



Additional context

Add any other context about the problem here, including screenshots.

malincrist commented 5 months ago

Hello @sjvarun , thanks for reaching out. I am not able to reproduce the issue you described. I have uploaded a font to the managed portal, set it for the paragraph and published the portal.

Then, ran the self hosted portal:

I have also published locally the self-hosted portal, and the font is applied as expected.

Could you please share any additional information or steps that I might have missed? Thanks.