Azure / api-management-developer-portal

Developer portal provided by the Azure API Management service.
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Developer Portal not working with Custom Domain names in StandardV2 SKU #2479

Closed AndyNorris closed 4 months ago

AndyNorris commented 4 months ago

Bug description

Unable to provision developer portal with custom host names when using StandardV2 SKU. The custom domain names can be entered and validated, but when saving and the service is updated without error the custom domain names are ignored and connectivity to the portal can only be made using the default host name.

Reproduction steps

  1. Deploy new APIM instance using StandardV2 SKU

  2. Implement custom domain names for gateway as per documentation image

  3. Implement custom domain name for developer portal as per documentation image

  4. Save changes and APIM is updated image image

  5. Changes dropped with no updates in UI, but the following log is created. screencapture-portal-azure-2024-05-03-09_55_58-edit Certificate not found is correct and same as used for working gateway. Error message is referencing correct thumbprint of certificate

Expected behavior

Developer Portal available via custom domain name

Is your portal managed or self-hosted?


API Management service name



kommundsen commented 4 months ago

I have the same problem

sthirthala commented 4 months ago

Please raise Azure support request for managed portal issues for further investigation.