Azure / api-management-developer-portal

Developer portal provided by the Azure API Management service.
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Developer Portal Reports Page - Add Date Input for Filtering #2499

Open kevinpearce opened 3 weeks ago

kevinpearce commented 3 weeks ago

Feature Request

End Users that adhere to the Microsoft Quota Policy have no way to check their monthly stats on the Reports page when Subscriptions start part way though a month. I believe this feature was present on the Deprecated Developer Portal and was not replicated.

Please add a way for End Users to specify both a Start and End date on the Reports page.

Potential Reproduction steps

Paperbits already offers some form of Form/Date input, so it should be feasible that this could be implemented considering this underpins most, if not all of the Developer Portal.

Suggestion - add a date picker option in the empty space next to existing buttons?


The existing buttons appear to just be setting background dates to populate various REST calls so these could easily take the date input without much effort in their StartTime/EndTime params.

Expected behavior

End Users should have a way to check monthly quota's and this should be considered a CORE part of APIM functionality.

Is your portal managed or self-hosted?


Release tag or commit SHA (if using self-hosted version)


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Additional context

Also relevant (but very old and way down the backlog) - Issue #733

I would have used the link as specified above but checking it - it requires some heavy SPAM Bot filtering as it is unfortunately currently useless.