This is an ingress controller that can be run on Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) to allow an Azure Application Gateway to act as the ingress for an AKS cluster.
enhance the AGIC to add the possibility to redirect the traffic to a existing ingress service ip inside a onPrem AKSARC // AzureStack HCI AKS(ARC)
something like this...
agic.hybrid.enable: true
agic.hybrid.ingressClassName: ingressClassName (nginx-ingress)
agic.hybrid.ingressPublicIP: [PublicIP of the ingress]
if hyrid enabled, agic works similar but takes ingress information from k8s-ingress with this specific ingressClassName and tells the azure agw to redirect all traffic to the configured publicIP...
TLS Certs and probes are pushed like before from the k8s-ingress config into the azure-agw
enhance the AGIC to add the possibility to redirect the traffic to a existing ingress service ip inside a onPrem AKSARC // AzureStack HCI AKS(ARC)
something like this...
agic.hybrid.enable: true agic.hybrid.ingressClassName: ingressClassName (nginx-ingress) agic.hybrid.ingressPublicIP: [PublicIP of the ingress]
if hyrid enabled, agic works similar but takes ingress information from k8s-ingress with this specific ingressClassName and tells the azure agw to redirect all traffic to the configured publicIP... TLS Certs and probes are pushed like before from the k8s-ingress config into the azure-agw