Open danbrad opened 3 years ago
To add to the above when a Hub script is re-run, and in Azure a spoke environment e.g. dev has created the vnet peering to the hub already.
On the hub script run what-if is shown as deleting the peering when it is actually ignored. (The Hub script contains no vnet peering code, the vnet peering is done by the Dev spoke Bicep file. So the Hub bicep file should show this in what-if as ignored.
~ Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/nonprod-we-vnet [2021-02-01]
- properties.virtualNetworkPeerings: [
name: "dev-we-vnet-peering"
properties.allowForwardedTraffic: true
properties.allowGatewayTransit: false
properties.allowVirtualNetworkAccess: true
properties.doNotVerifyRemoteGateways: false
properties.peeringSyncLevel: "FullyInSync"
properties.remoteAddressSpace.addressPrefixes: [
0: ""
] "/subscriptions/xxxxxxxx/resourceGroups/network-nonprod-dev-we-rg/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/dev-we-vnet"
properties.remoteVirtualNetworkAddressSpace.addressPrefixes: [
0: ""
properties.useRemoteGateways: false
We also have this issue where peerings are always stated as being deleted when deploying a vnet without peerings, is there any update?
Describe the noise
Resource type
apiVersion (i.e. 2019-04-01)
Relevant ARM Template code (we only need the resource object for the above
, but if it's easier you can include the entire templateExpected response (i.e. "I expected no noise since the template has not been modified since the resources were deployed)
I expected no noise since the template has not been modified since the resources were deployed)
Current (noisy) response (either include a screenshot of the what-if output, or copy/paste the text)