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Azure CLI Code Generator
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Bug for action generation #851

Closed Juliehzl closed 3 years ago

Juliehzl commented 3 years ago

with autorest --az --use=, generated action code is very strange


Juliehzl commented 3 years ago

Add more: With the this version, action behavior will generate unexpected request body, which is different from the latest one. current body: "disks": [{"id": "['/subscriptions/0b1f6471-1bf0-4dda-aec3-cb9272f09590/resourceGroups/clitestvvarcemkd/providers/Microsoft.Compute/disks/diskolglea']"}], latest version: "disks": [{"id": "/subscriptions/0b1f6471-1bf0-4dda-aec3-cb9272f09590/resourceGroups/clitestvvarcemkd/providers/Microsoft.Compute/disks/diskolglea"}],

The root cause is the change in value_chunk_list is [["xxxxx"]] image