Azure / autorest.cli

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fail to create factory if not specify location parameter #97

Open arrownj opened 4 years ago

arrownj commented 4 years ago

Meet error when create resource group


az datafactory create -g RESOUCE_GROUP --name testdatafactory1


data factory is created, use the resource group default location


below error reported

The location property is required for this definition.

arrownj commented 4 years ago

Also meet problem while update location value.


az datafactory create -g RESOURCE_GROUP --name testdatafactory1 --location eastus az datafactory update -g RESOURCE_GROUP --name testdatafactory1 --location westus


testdatafactory1's location value is update from eastus to westus


below error reported

The resource 'testdatafactory1 ' already exists in location 'eastus' in resource group 'RESOURCE_GROUP'. A resource with the same name cannot be created in location 'westus'. Please select a new resource name.