Azure / autorest.clicommon

Autorest Cli Common Modules
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Property name is changed after clicommon #86

Open chunyu3 opened 4 years ago

chunyu3 commented 4 years ago

The property names may changed to lowcase after clicommon. e.g. SQL is changed to Sql. Because in clicommon it will transform to PASCAL , then CAMEL, then PASCAL, then some keywords with with all uppercase Characters will be changed to lowcase. e.g. In Securityinsights

Some property names have changed to lowcase after clicommon.


chunyu3 commented 4 years ago

Need to check the rules of how to handle those keywords in Modeler v4, and apply those rules into clicommon.

shawncx commented 4 years ago

I tried Securityinsights. The output of clicommon seems correct

- schemaName: TIDataConnector
          cli-discriminator-value: ThreatIntelligence
          cliKey: TIDataConnector
          cli-complexity: object_complex

- schemaName: MCASDataConnector
          cli-discriminator-value: MicrosoftCloudAppSecurity
          cliKey: MCASDataConnector
          cli-complexity: object_complex

I think it is because we have following override in cli readme

                cmyk : CMYK
                $host: $host
                LRO: LRO
                rp: RP
                db: DB
                adls: ADLS
                dw: DW
                ti: TI
                MCAS: MCAS
                mdatp: MDATP
                aad: AAD
                aat: AAT
                asc: ASC
                aatp: AATP
                UTC: UTC
                SSL: SSL
                Sql: SQL
                Rc: RC
                Gb: GB

Could you double check the issue? Thanks