KubernetesConfiguration APIs also have powershell modules that get generated from the swagger defined in the readme. I had the below questions -
Currently, the powershell module generation is failing . I noticed that the packages all have the same name whereas the expectation is that this should be different. Could you help me understand how the package names are generated from the ReadMe Files and how I can fix this ? Are there any other considerations from your perspective with this change ?
In order to comply with uniform versioning guidelines, KubernetesConfiguration team is taking a one-time breaking change to split our APIs/SDKs/docs into a service group consisting of 6 sub-services. This is the https://github.com/Azure/azure-rest-api-specs/pull/31523 for the same.
KubernetesConfiguration APIs also have powershell modules that get generated from the swagger defined in the readme. I had the below questions -
Currently, the powershell module generation is failing . I noticed that the packages all have the same name whereas the expectation is that this should be different. Could you help me understand how the package names are generated from the ReadMe Files and how I can fix this ? Are there any other considerations from your perspective with this change ?
Thank you so much for your help!