Azure / autorest.powershell

AutoRest PowerShell Generator
MIT License
113 stars 86 forks source link

PowerShell generator hangs forever... nodejs one works #208

Closed TylerLeonhardt closed 5 years ago

TylerLeonhardt commented 5 years ago


❯❯❯ autorest --input-file=./fdic.yml --output-folder=./FDIC --powershell --debug
AutoRest code generation utility [version: 3.0.5166; node: v10.15.0]
(C) 2018 Microsoft Corporation.
Network Enabled: true
Starting from /Users/tyler/.autorest/@microsoft.azure_autorest-core@3.0.5402
   Loading AutoRest core      '/Users/tyler/.autorest/@microsoft.azure_autorest-core@3.0.5402/node_modules/' (3.0.5402)
   Loading AutoRest extension '' (beta->2.0.348)
   Loading AutoRest extension '' (beta->2.0.213)
   Loading AutoRest extension '' (beta->2.0.227)
DEBUG: swagger-document/loader-swagger - START inputs = 0
DEBUG: openapi-document-override/md-override-loader-openapi - START inputs = 0
DEBUG: openapi-document/loader-openapi - START inputs = 0
DEBUG: swagger-document-override/md-override-loader-swagger - START inputs = 0
DEBUG: pipeline-emitter - START inputs = 0
DEBUG: configuration-emitter - START inputs = 0
DEBUG: Emitting 'pipeline' at file:///Users/tyler/Code/PowerShell/AutoRest/SeattleWebAppMeetup/FDIC/pipeline
DEBUG: Emitting 'configuration' at file:///Users/tyler/Code/PowerShell/AutoRest/SeattleWebAppMeetup/FDIC/configuration
DEBUG: pipeline-emitter - END
DEBUG: configuration-emitter - END
DEBUG: openapi-document-override/md-override-loader-openapi - END
DEBUG: swagger-document-override/md-override-loader-swagger - END
DEBUG: swagger-document/loader-swagger - END
DEBUG: swagger-document/individual/transform - SKIPPING
DEBUG: swagger-document/individual/schema-validator-swagger - SKIPPING
DEBUG: swagger-document/identity - SKIPPING
DEBUG: swagger-document/individual/identity - SKIPPING
DEBUG: openapi-document/openapi-document-converter - SKIPPING
DEBUG: openapi-document/loader-openapi - END
DEBUG: openapi-document/individual/transform - START inputs = 1
DEBUG: openapi-document/individual/transform - END
DEBUG: openapi-document/individual/schema-validator-openapi - START inputs = 1
DEBUG: openapi-document/individual/schema-validator-openapi - END
DEBUG: openapi-document/individual/identity - START inputs = 1
DEBUG: openapi-document/individual/identity - END
DEBUG: openapi-document/transform-immediate - START inputs = 2
DEBUG: openapi-document/transform-immediate - END
DEBUG: openapi-document/transform - START inputs = 1
DEBUG: openapi-document/transform - END
DEBUG: openapi-document/tree-shaker - START inputs = 1
DEBUG: openapi-document/tree-shaker - END
DEBUG: openapi-document/multi-api-merger - START inputs = 1
DEBUG: openapi-document/multi-api-merger - END
DEBUG: openapi-document/component-modifiers - START inputs = 1
DEBUG: openapi-document/component-modifiers - END
DEBUG: openapi-document/api-version-parameter-handler - START inputs = 1
DEBUG: openapi-document/api-version-parameter-handler - END
DEBUG: openapi-document/profile-filter - START inputs = 1
DEBUG: openapi-document/profile-filter - END
DEBUG: openapi-document/model-deduplicator - START inputs = 1
DEBUG: openapi-document/emitter - START inputs = 1
DEBUG: Emitting 'merged-oai3' at file:///Users/tyler/Code/PowerShell/AutoRest/SeattleWebAppMeetup/FDIC/merged%20oai3%20doc...
DEBUG: openapi-document/emitter - END
DEBUG: openapi-document/model-deduplicator - END
DEBUG: openapi-document/enum-deduplicator - START inputs = 1
DEBUG: openapi-document/enum-deduplicator - END
DEBUG: openapi-document/subset-reducer - START inputs = 1
DEBUG: openapi-document/subset-reducer - END
DEBUG: openapi-document/multi-api/identity - START inputs = 1
DEBUG: openapi-document/quick-check - START inputs = 1
DEBUG: openapi-document/multi-api/identity - END
DEBUG: openapi-document/quick-check - END
DEBUG: remodeler - START inputs = 1
DEBUG: openapi-document/multi-api/emitter - START inputs = 1
DEBUG: openapi-document/multi-api/emitter - END
DEBUG: remodeler - END
DEBUG: remodeler/emitter - START inputs = 1
DEBUG: tweakcodemodel - START inputs = 1
DEBUG: Emitting 'code-model-v3' at file:///Users/tyler/Code/PowerShell/AutoRest/SeattleWebAppMeetup/FDIC/code-model-v3
DEBUG: remodeler/emitter - END
DEBUG: tweakcodemodel - END
DEBUG: tweakcodemodelazure - START inputs = 1
DEBUG: tweakcodemodelazure - END
DEBUG: create-commands - START inputs = 1
DEBUG: detecting high level commands...


openapi: 3.0.0
  - description: API to serve banking industry data to the public.
    url: ''
  description: API to serve banking industry data to the public.
  version: 0.1.0
  title: FDIC Bank Data API (Beta)
  - name: Structure
    description: Financial institution demographic and location information
  - name: Historical
    description: Historical data from 1934 onward regarding financial institutions.
  - name: Failures
    description: List of bank failures to date
        - Structure
      summary: Get Financial Institutions
      operationId: getInstitutions
      description: Returns a list of financial institutions.
        - in: query
          name: filters
          description: |
            The filter for the bank search.
            * Filter by State name  
            `STNAME:"West Virginia"`    
            * Filter for any one of multiple State names  
            `STNAME:("West Virginia","Delaware")`    
            * Filter by last updated within an inclusive date range  
            `DATEUPDT:["2010-01-01" TO "2010-12-31"]`
            * Filter for deposits over 50,000,000 (50000 thousands of dollars)  
            `DEP:[50000 TO *]`
          required: false
          example: >-
            STALP:IA AND ACTIVE:1
            type: string
        - in: query
          name: fields
          description: Comma delimited list of fields to search.
          required: false
          example: >-
            type: string
        - in: query
          name: sort_by
          description: Field name by which to sort returned data
          required: false
          example: OFFICES
            type: string
            default: NAME
        - in: query
          name: sort_order
          description: Indicator if ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC)
          required: false
          example: DESC
            type: string
            default: ASC
        - in: query
          name: limit
          description: >-
            The number of records to return. Default is 10 and maximum is 10,000.
          required: false
          example: 10
            type: integer
            minimum: 0
            maximum: 10000
            default: 10
        - in: query
          name: offset
          description: The offset of page to return.
          required: false
          example: 0
            type: integer
            minimum: 0
            default: 0
        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/fileFormat'
        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/fileDownload'
        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/fileName'
          description: Successful Operation
                type: object
                    $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata'
                    type: array
                      $ref: '#/components/schemas/institution'
                type: string
                format: csv
          description: bad input parameter
        - Structure
      summary: Get Institution Locations
      operationId: getLocations
      description: Returns locations/branches of financial institutions.
        - in: query
          name: filters
          description: The filter for the location search.
          required: false
            type: string
        - in: query
          name: fields
          description: Comma delimited list of fields to return.
          required: false
            type: string
        - in: query
          name: sort_by
          description: Field name by which to sort returned data
          required: false
          example: NAME
            type: string
            default: NAME
        - in: query
          name: sort_order
          description: Indicator if ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC)
          required: false
          example: DESC
            type: string
            default: ASC
        - in: query
          name: limit
          description: The number of records to return. Default is 10 and maximum is 10,000.
          required: false
          example: 10
            type: integer
            minimum: 0
            maximum: 10000
            default: 10
        - in: query
          name: offset
          description: The offset of page to return.
          required: false
          example: 0
            type: integer
            minimum: 0
            default: 0
        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/fileFormat'
        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/fileDownload'
        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/fileName'
          description: Successful Operation
                type: object
                    $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata'
                    type: array
                      $ref: '#/components/schemas/location'
                type: string
                format: csv
          description: bad input parameter
        - Historical
      summary: Get Historical Aggregate Data by Year
      operationId: getHistorical
      description: Returns aggregate financial and structure data, subtotaled by year, regarding finanical institutions.  
        - in: query
          name: filters
          description: |
            The filter criteria that refines the records included in the calculated result.
            example: >-
            STNAME:"Alabama" AND YEAR:2005
            * Filter by Community Banks (CB) vs. Savings Institutions (SI)  
            * Filter by State name  
            * Filter for any one of multiple State names  
            `STNAME:("West Virginia","Delaware")`    
            * Filter data by the year range  
            `YEAR:["2015" TO "2017"]`
          required: false
          example: STNAME:"Alabama"
            type: string
        - in: query
          name: fields
          description: Comma delimited list of fields with aggregated annual financial data to return.
          required: false
            type: string
        - in: query
          name: sort_by
          description: Field name by which to sort returned data
          required: false
          example: YEAR
            type: string
            default: YEAR
        - in: query
          name: sort_order
          description: Indicator if ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC)
          required: false
          example: DESC
            type: string
            default: ASC
        - in: query
          name: limit
          description: The number of records to return. Default is 10 and maximum is 10,000.
          required: false
          example: 10
            type: integer
            minimum: 0
            maximum: 10000
            default: 10
        - in: query
          name: offset
          description: The offset of page to return.
          required: false
          example: 0
            type: integer
            minimum: 0
            default: 0
        - in: query
          name: agg_by
          description: The field(s) by which data will be aggregated. Valid values are 'YEAR' or 'YEAR,STNAME'.
          required: false
            type: string
        - in: query
          name: agg_term_fields
          description: The field(s) for which aggregations will be counted for each unique term.
          required: false
            type: string
        - in: query
          name: agg_sum_fields
          description: The field(s) for which aggregations will be summed or aggregated.
          required: false
            type: string
        - in: query
          name: agg_limit
          description: The limit on how many aggregated results will be displayed
          required: false
            type: integer
            minimum: 0
            maximum: 10000
        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/fileFormat'
        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/fileDownload'
        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/fileName'
          description: Successful Operation
                type: object
                    $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata'
                    type: array
                      $ref: '#/components/schemas/summary'
                type: string
                format: csv
          description: bad input parameter
        - Failures
      summary: Get detail on historical bank failures from 1934 to present.
      operationId: getFailures
      description: Returns details on failed financial institutions.
        - in: query
          name: filters
          description: |
            The filter criteria that refines the records returned. 
            * Filter by Location              
            `CITYST:"MEMPHIS, TN"`  
            * Filter by institution fail year range  
            `FAILYR:["2015" TO "2016"]`
          required: false
          example: FAILYR:["2014" TO "2015"]
            type: string
        - in: query
          name: fields
          description: Comma delimited list of fields of failed financial institutions to return.
          required: false
            type: string    
        - in: query
          name: sort_by
          description: Field name by which to sort returned data
          required: false
          example: FAILDATE
            type: string
            default: FAILDATE
        - in: query
          name: sort_order
          description: Indicator if ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC)
          required: false
          example: DESC
            type: string
            default: ASC
        - in: query
          name: limit
          description: The number of records to return. Default is 10 and maximum is 10,000.
          required: false
          example: 10
            type: integer
            minimum: 0
            maximum: 10000
            default: 100
        - in: query
          name: offset
          description: The offset of page to return.
          required: false
          example: 0
            type: integer
            minimum: 0
            default: 0
        - in: query
          name: total_fields
          description: Fields to sum up (in a totals response object). Only numeric columns are valid.
          required: false
          example: QBFDEP,QBFASSET,COST
            type: string
        - in: query
          name: subtotal_by
          description: The field by which data will be subtotaled (in totals response object). Only categorical values should be used.
          required: false
          example: RESTYPE
            type: string
        - in: query
          name: agg_by
          description: The field(s) by which data will be aggregated. Valid values are 'FAILYR' or 'FAILYR,PSTALP'.
          required: false
          example: FAILYR
            type: string
        - in: query
          name: agg_term_fields
          description: The field(s) for which aggregations will be counted for each unique term.
          required: false
          example: RESTYPE
            type: string
        - in: query
          name: agg_sum_fields
          description: The field(s) for which aggregations will be summed or aggregated.
          required: false
          example: QBFASSET,QBFDEP,COST
            type: string
        - in: query
          name: agg_limit
          description: The limit on how many aggregated results will be displayed
          required: false
          example: 10
            type: integer
            minimum: 0
            maximum: 10000
            default: 10
        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/fileFormat'
        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/fileDownload'
        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/fileName'
          description: Successful Operation
                type: object
                    $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata'
                    type: array
                      $ref: '#/components/schemas/failure'
                    $ref: '#/components/schemas/totals'
                type: string
                format: csv
          description: bad input parameter
  # /failures: 
  #   get:
  #     tags:
  #       - Failures
  #     summary: Get detail on historical bank failures from 1934 to present.
  #     operationId: getFailures
  #     description: Returns details on failed financial institutions.
  #     parameters:
  #       - in: query
  #         name: filters

  #         description: |
  #           The filter criteria that refines the records returned. 

  #           Examples:
  #           * Filter by Location              
  #           `CITYST:"MEMPHIS, TN"`  
  #           * Filter by institution fail year range  
  #           `FAILYR:["2015" TO "2016"]`

  #         required: false
  #         example: FAILYR:["2014" TO "2015"]
  #         schema:
  #           type: string
  #       - in: query
  #         name: fields
  #         description: Comma delimited list of fields of failed financial institutions to return.
  #         required: false
  #         schema:
  #           type: string    
  #       - in: query
  #         name: sort_by
  #         description: Field name by which to sort returned data
  #         required: false
  #         example: FAILDATE
  #         schema:
  #           type: string
  #           default: FAILDATE
  #       - in: query
  #         name: sort_order
  #         description: Indicator if ascending (asc) or descending (desc)
  #         required: false
  #         example: desc
  #         schema:
  #           type: string
  #           default: asc
  #       - in: query
  #         name: limit
  #         description: The number of records to return. Default is 10 and maximum is 1,000.
  #         required: false
  #         example: 10
  #         schema:
  #           type: integer
  #           minimum: 1
  #           maximum: 1000
  #           default: 100
  #       - in: query
  #         name: offset
  #         description: The offset of page to return.
  #         required: false
  #         example: 0
  #         schema:
  #           type: integer
  #           minimum: 0
  #           default: 0
  #     responses:
  #       '200':
  #         description: Successful Operation
  #         content:
  #           application/json:
  #             schema:
  #               type: array
  #               items:
  #                 $ref: '#/components/schemas/failures'
  #           text/csv:
  #             schema:
  #               type: string
  #               format: csv
  #       '400':
  #         description: bad input parameter
      in: query
      name: format
      description: The format of the data to return.
      required: false
      example: json
        type: string
        - json
        - csv
        in: query
        name: download
        description: Whether the data should be downloaded as a file.
        required: false
        example: false
          type: string
          - false
          - true
        in: query
        name: filename
        description: The filename to use when downloading data.
        required: false
        example: data_file
          type: string
      type: object
          type: object
              type: string
              title: inactive
              description: ' Institutions that are currently open and insured by the FDIC'
              type: string
              title: Physical Street Address
              description: >-
                Street address at which the institution or one of its branches is
                physically located.
              type: number
              title: Total assets
              description: >-
                The sum of all assets owned by the institution including cash,
                loans, securities, bank premises and other assets. This total does
                not include off-balance-sheet accounts.
              title: Bank Charter Class
                - 'N'
                - SM
                - NM
                - SB
                - SA
                - OI
              description: >-
                A classification code assigned by the FDIC based on the
                institution's charter type (commercial bank or savings institution),
                charter agent (state or federal), Federal Reserve membership status
                (Fed member, Fed nonmember)and its primary federal regulator (state
                chartered institutions are subject to both federal and state
                supervision).   N = commercial bank, national (federal) charter and
                Fed member, supervised by the Office of the Comptroller of the
                Currency (OCC)  SM = commercial bank, state charter and Fed member,
                supervised by the Federal Reserve (FRB)  NM = commercial bank, state
                charter and Fed nonmember, supervised by the FDIC  SB = savings
                banks, state charter, supervised by the FDIC  SA = savings
                associations, state or federal charter, supervised by the Office of
                Thrift Supervision (OTS)  OI = insured U.S. branch of a foreign
                chartered institution (IBA)
              type: string
              title: Community Bank
              description: >-
                FDIC community banks are identified based on criteria defined in the
                FDIC Community Banking Study. Using detailed balance sheet and
                geographic data, the study defines communtiy banks in terms of their
                traditional relationship banking and limited geographic scope of
              type: string
              title: Name of the Core Based Statistical Area
              description: >-
                The name associated with the numeric code that the U.S. Census
                Bureau Office of Management and Budget assigns for the CBSA. The
                2000 standards provide that each CBSA must contain at least one
                urban area of 10,000 or more population.  Metropolitan and
                micropolitan statistical areas are two categories of core based
                statistical areas. If an institution is not defined as a CBSA, the
                value of the field will be zero. For more information see:
              type: string
              title: Name of the Core Based Statistical Division
              description: >-
                The name associated with the numeric code given by the US Census
                Bureau office of Management and Budget (2000 standards) that
                represents the core based statistical division (CBSADIV). A
                metropolitan division is a county or group of counties within a core
                based statistical area that contains a core with a population of at
                least 2.5 million. A CBSA metropolitan division consists of one or
                more main/secondary counties that represent an employment center or
                centers, plus adjacent counties associated with the main county or
                counties through commuting ties. If an institution is not defined as
                a CBSA division the value of the field will be zero.
              type: string
              title: CBSA Statistical Area Flag
              description: >-
                A flag used to indicate whether an institution is in a CBSA division
                1=yes, 0=no
              type: string
              title: Core Based Statistical Division Number
              description: >-
                The numeric code given by the US Census Bureau office of Management
                and Budget that represents the core based statistical division
                (CBSADIV)under the year 2000 standards. A metropolitan division is a
                county or group of counties within a core based statistical area
                that contains a core with a population of at least 2.5 million. A
                CBSA metropolitan division consists of one or more main/secondary
                counties that represent an employment center or centers, plus
                adjacent counties associated with the main county or counties
                through commuting ties. If an institution is not defined as a CBSA
                division the value of the field will be zero. 
              type: string
              title: CBSA Metro Code
              description: >-
                Numeric code assigned by the U.S. Census Bureau's Office of
                Management and Budget for a metropolitan area within a CBSA
              type: string
              title: Metro Statistical Area Flag
              description: >-
                A flag used to indicate whether an institution is in a metropolitan
                statistical area.
              type: string
              title: CBSA Metro Name
              description: >-
                Name associated with the numeric code that the U.S. Census Bureau's
                Office of Management and Budget assigns for the metropolitan areas
                within a CBSA; are now also the basis for Metropolitan Statistical
                Areas (MSAs)
              type: string
              title: Micro Statistical Area Flag
              description: >-
                A flag used to indicate whether an institution is in a micropolitan
                statistical area
              type: string
              title: Numeric Code for the Core Based Statistical Area
              description: >-
                The numeric code that the U.S. Census Bureaus Office of Management
                and Budget assigns for the CBSA. The 2000 standards provide that
                each CBSA must contain at least one urban area of 10,000 or more
                population.  Metropolitan and micropolitan statistical areas are two
                categories of core based statistical areas. If an institution is not
                defined as a CBSA, the value of the field will be zero. For more
                information see:
              type: string
              title: 'FDIC Certificate #'
              description: >-
                A unique NUMBER assigned by the FDIC used to identify institutions
                and for the issuance of insurance certificates.
              type: string
              title: Directly owned by another bank (CERT)
              description: >-
                FDIC certificate number of the parent bank or savings institution
                with which the reported institution’s financial data has been
                consolidated. Beginning in March 1997, both the Thrift Financial
                Reports and Call Reports are completed on a fully consolidated
                basis.  Previously, the consolidation of subsidiary depository
                institutions was prohibited.  Now, parent institutions are required
                to file consolidated reports, while their subsidiary financial
                institutions are still required to file separate reports.  Click on
                the certificate number to identify the parent bank or thrift.
              type: string
              title: CFPB Effective Date
              description: Date the institution began secondary supervision by CFPB
              type: string
              format: date-time
              title: CFPB End Date
              description: Date the institution ended supervision by CFPB
              type: string
              format: date-time
              title: CFPB Flag
              description: >-
                Indicates secondary supervision by CFPB ('0' - not supervised by
                CFPB, '1'- secondarily supervised by CFPB)
              type: string
              type: string
              title: Change Code
              description: >-
                FDIC code used to signify a structural event relating to an
                institution.  Structure codes are as follows:
              title: Change Code
              description: >-
                FDIC code used to signify a structural event relating to an
                institution (see CHANGECODE for the key to the codes).
              type: string
              title: Change Code
              description: >-
                FDIC code used to signify a structural event relating to an
                institution (see CHANGECODE for the key to the codes).
              type: string
              title: Change Code
              description: >-
                FDIC code used to signify a structural event relating to an
                institution (see CHANGECODE for the key to the codes).
              type: string
              title: Change Code
              description: >-
                FDIC code used to signify a structural event relating to an
                institution (see CHANGECODE for the key to the codes).
              type: string
              title: OCC Charter Number
              description: >-
                A unique number assigned by the Office of the Comptroller of the
                Currency (OCC) used to identify institutions that it has chartered
                and regulates (i.e. national  banks).
              type: string
              title: Chartering Agency
              description: >-
                All Chartering Agencies - State and Federal  Comptroller of the
                Currency - Chartering authority for nationally chartered commercial
                banks and for federally chartered savings associations (The Office
                of Thrift Supervision (OTS) before 7/21/11)  State (includes U.S.
                Territories) - Chartering authority for institutions that are not
                chartered by the OCC or OTS
              type: string
              title: City
              description: >-
                City in which an institution's headquarters or one of its branches
                is physically located. Either the entire name or part of the name of
                a specific city may be entered to produce an Institution List.
              type: string
              title: City of High Holder
              description: >-
                City in which the headquarters of the institution's regulatory high
                holder are physically located.
              type: string
              title: Numeric code
              description: >-
                Numeric code which identifies the major and minor categories of an
              type: string
              title: Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Division Number
              description: >-
                The numeric code given by the US Census Bureau office of Management
                and Budget that represents the CMSA prior to the year 2000
                standards. 1=yes
              type: string
              title: Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Area
              description: >-
                The Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) Consolidated
                Metropolitan Statistical Area (CMSA) code is a number representing
                the institution location. CMSA consists of two or more contiguous
                Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSA) with a combined population of
                over 1 Million.  Note: If an institution is not located in a CMSA,
                the value of the field will be zeroes.
              type: string
              title: Conservatorship
              description: >-
                A flag (1=yes;0=no) that indicates if an institution is being
                operated in government conservatorship.
              type: string
              title: County
              description: >-
                County where the institution is physically located (abbreviated if
                the county name exceeds 16 characters).
              type: string
              title: Name of the Combined Statistical Area
              description: >-
                The name associated with the numeric code that the U.S. Census
                Bureau Office of Management and Budget assigns for the combined
                statistical area (CSA) per the 2000 standards. If an institution is
                not defined as a CSA, the value of the field will be blank. For more
                information see:
              type: string
              title: Numeric Code for the Combined Statistical Area
              description: >-
                The numeric code that the U.S. Census Bureau Office of Management
                and Budget assigns for the combined statistical area (CSA) per the
                2000 standards. If an institution is not defined as a CSA, the value
                of the field will be zero.  For more information see:
              type: string
              title: CSA Area Flag
              description: >-
                A flag used to indicate whether an institution is in a Combined
                Statistical Area. 1=yes and 0=no.
              type: string
              title: Last update
              description: The date of the last data update.
              type: string
              title: Denovo Institution
              description: >-
                A flag used to indicate whether an institution is a new institution
                (not a recharter). This flag is set quarterly. For instance, if
                REPDTE is 3/31/98 and DENOVO equals 1, the institution was a denovo
                during the first quarter of 1998.
              type: string
              title: Total deposits
              description: >-
                The sum of all deposits including demand deposits, money market
                deposits, other savings deposits, time deposits and deposits in
                foreign offices.
              type: number
              title: Deposits held in domestic offices
              description: >-
                The sum of all domestic office deposits, including demand deposits,
                money market deposits, other savings deposits and time deposits.
              type: number
              title: OTS Docket Number
              description: >-
                An identification number assigned to institutions chartered by the
                office of thrift supervision or members of the federal housing
                finance board (FHFB) and formerly by the federal home loan bank
                board.  The value is '00000' for institutions not members of the
              type: string
              title: Last Structure Change Effective Date
              description: Effective Start Date of the data contained in this row.
              type: string
              format: date-time
              title: End date
              description: >-
                The date that ends or closes out the last structural event relating
                to an institution. For closed institutions, this date represents the
                day that the institution became inactive.
              type: string
              title: Equity capital
              description: >-
                Total equity capital (includes preferred and common stock, surplus
                and undivided profits).
              type: string
              title: Established Date
              description: The date on which the institution began operations.
              type: string
              format: date-time
              title: FDIC Geographic Region
              description: >-
                The FDIC Office assigned to the geographic area.  The eight FDIC
                Regions and their respective states are:    Boston - Connecticut,
                Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont  New York
                - Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, New Jersey, New York,
                Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands  Atlanta - Alabama,
                Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, West
                Virginia  Memphis - Arkansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi,
                Tennessee  Chicago - Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin  
                Kansas City - Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North
                Dakota, South Dakota  Dallas - Colorado, New Mexico, Oklahoma,
                Texas  San Francisco - Alaska, American Samoa, Arizona, California,
                Guam, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, States of Micronesia,
                Utah, Washington, Wyoming
              type: string
              title: FDIC Supervisory Region
              description: >-
                The supervisory FDIC office assigned to the institution.  The eight
                FDIC Supervisory Regions and their respective states are:    Boston
                - Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island,
                Vermont  New York - Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, New
                Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands 
                Atlanta - Alabama, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina,
                Virginia, West Virginia  Memphis - Arkansas, Kentucky, Louisiana,
                Mississippi, Tennessee  Chicago - Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio,
                Wisconsin   Kansas City - Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri,
                Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota  Dallas - Colorado, New Mexico,
                Oklahoma, Texas  San Francisco - Alaska, American Samoa, Arizona,
                California, Guam, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, States of
                Micronesia, Utah, Washington, Wyoming
              type: string
              title: Federal Reserve District
              description: >-
                The supervisory FDIC office assigned to the institution. There are
                twelve Federal Reserve Districts, with two Districts serving one
                state in some instances. The list of Federal Reserve Districts and
                their respective states are as follows: Boston - Connecticut, Maine,
                Massachuestts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont New York -
                Connecticut, New Jersey, New York, Puerto Rico U.S. Virgin Islands 
                Phildelphia - Delaware, New Jersey, Pennsylvania Cleveland -
                Kentucky, Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia Richmond - Maryland,
                North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia Atlanta -
                Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee Chicago
                - Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Wisconsin St. Louis - Arkansas,
                Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, Tennessee
                Minneapolis - Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, North Dakota, South
                Dakota, Wisconsin Kansas City - Colorado, Kansas, Missouri,
                Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Wyoming Dallas - Louisiana, New
                Mexico, Texas San Francisco> - Alaska, American Samoa, Arizona,
                California, Guam, Hawaii, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, States of
                Micronesia, Utah, Washington
              type: string
              title: Federal Reserve ID Number
              description: >-
                A number used to identify the Federal Reserve district in which the
                institution is located. 01 – Boston, 02 - New York,03 –
                Philadelphia, 04 – Cleveland,05 – Richmond,06 – Atlanta,07 –
                Chicago,08 - St. Louis,09 – Minneapolis,10 - Kansas city,11 –
                Dallas,12 - San Francisco
              type: string
              title: Federal Reserve ID Number
              description: >-
                A unique number assigned by the Federal Reserve board as the
                entity's unique identifier
              type: string
              title: Federal charter flag
              description: >-
                A flag used to indicate whether the institution is chartered by an
                agent of the federal government.
              type: string
              title: FDIC Field Office
              description: The FDIC Field Office where an institution is physically located.
              type: string
              title: FFIEC Call Report 31 Filer
              description: >-
                A flag (1=yes,0=no) that indicates whether and institution filed an
                FFIEC 031 Call Report. Commercial banks with domestic and foreign
                offices are required to file such a report.
              type: string
              title: Bank Holding Company Type
              description: >-
                A flag used to indicate whether an institution is a member of a
                multibank holding company 1=yes, 0=no
              type: string
              title: Insured offices of foreign banks
              description: >-
                Includes Bank Insurance Fund insured branches in the U.S.
                established by banks chartered and headquartered in foreign
                countries.  These institutions are regulated by one of the three
                Federal commercial bank regulators and submit financial data to the
                Federal Reserve.
              type: string
              title: Inactive
              description: >-
                Institutions that are currently closed but were once insured by the
              type: string
              title: Insurance Fund Membership
              description: >-
                Deposit Insurance Fund (DIF), Bank Insurance Fund (BIF), Savings
                Association Insurance Fund (SAIF) 
              type: string
              title: Secondary Insurance Fund
              description: >-
                As a result of the establishment of a single Deposit Insurance Fund
                (DIF) effective April 1, 2006, the Secondary Insurance fund is no
                longer applicable. previously both bif and saif bank insurance fund
                - institutions that are members of the bank insurance fund savings
                association insurance fund - Institutions that are members of the
                Savings Association Insurance Fund
              type: string
              title: Bank Insurance Fund
              description: >-
                Institutions who are members of the Bank Insurance Fund. As of April
                1, 2006 BIF was merged together with the Savings Institution
                Insurance Fund (SAIF) to create a single Deposit Insurance Fund
                (DIF).  All FDIC insured BIF member institutions, that are still
                active or open, are now insured members of DIF.
              type: string
              title: Insured commercial banks
              description: >-
                Includes commercial banks insured by the FDIC.  These institutions
                are regulated by one of the three Federal commercial bank regulators
                (FDIC, Federal Reserve Board, or Office of the Comptroller of the
                Currency).  They submit financial reports to the Federal Reserve
                (state member banks) or the FDIC (state non-member banks and
                national banks).
              type: string
              title: Date of Deposit Insurance
              description: The date that an institution obtained federal deposit insurance.
              type: string
              format: date-time
              title: Deposit Insurance Fund member
              description: >-
                A flag used to indicate whether an institution is insured under the
                Deposit Insurance Fund (DIF).  As of April 1, 2006 the Bank
                Insurance Fund (BIF) was merged together with the Savings
                Institution Insurance Fund (SAIF) to create a single Deposit
                Insurance Fund (DIF).  All FDIC insured BIF and SAIF member
                institutions that are still active or open are now insured members
                of DIF.    0 = No, not DIF insured and 1 = Yes, DIF insured.  Note
                that institutions that became inactive prior to April 1006 will also
                have zero value.
              type: string
              title: FDIC Insured
              description: Includes institutions insured by the FDIC.
              type: string
              title: SAIF Insured
              description: >-
                Institutions who are members of the Savings Association Insurance
                Fund. As of April 1, 2006 SAIF was merged together with the Bank
                Insurance Fund (BIF) to create a single Deposit Insurance Fund
                (DIF).  All FDIC insured SAIF member institutions, that are still
                active or open, are now insured members of DIF.
              type: string
              title: Insured Savings Institution
              description: >-
                Includes savings institutions insured by the FDIC that operate under
                state or federal banking codes applicable to thrift institutions. 
                These institutions are regulated by and submit financial reports to
                one of two Federal regulators (FDIC or Office of Thrift
              type: string
              title: Agricultural lending institution indicator
              description: >-
                An indicator specifying whether an institution is primarily an
                agricultural lending institution.
              type: string
              title: Credit Card Institutions
              description: >-
                Institutions with total loans greater than 50% of total assets and
                credit card loans greater than 50% of total loans, including loans
                that have been securitized and sold.
              type: string
              title: Law Sasser Flag
              description: >-
                A flag, yes=1 and no=0 associated with OTS supervised savings
                associations that converted their charter to that of a commercial or
                savings bank.  Converted associations remain members of the SAIF,
                but they become subject to supervision by one of the three federal
                banking agencies. Not Applicable as of March 31, 2006.
              type: string
              title: Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA)
              description: >-
                The Metropolitan Statistical Areas based on Census Bureau data, as
                defined by the US Office of Management (OMB) prior to the year 2000.
              type: string
              title: Metropolitan Statistical Area Number
              description: >-
                The Metropolitan Statistical Area Number (MSA_NO) in which the
                institution is physically located.  The Office of Managment and
                Budget defines MSAs in terms of entire counties surrounding central
                cities, except in the six New England states where they are defined
                in terms of cities and towns within counties. Before 200 standards
              type: string
              title: Ownership Type
              description: >-
                Banking institutions fall into one of two ownership types, stock or
                non-stock. An institution which sells stock to raise capital is
                called a stock institution. It is owned by the shareholders who
                benefit from profits earned by the institution. A non-stock
                institution, or mutual institution, is owned and controlled solely
                by its depositors. A mutual does not issue capital stock.
              type: string
              title: Institution name
              description: The legal name of the institution.
              type: string
              title: Bank Holding Company (Regulatory Top Holder)
              description: >-
                Regulatory top holder is assigned by the Federal Reserve Board based
                on ownership and control percentages. Note: Information on bank
                holding companies is only as of quarter-end. Regulatory top holder
                is any company that directly or indirectly owns, controls or has
                power to vote 25 percent or more of a bank's or direct holding
                company's shares or  controls in any manner the election of a
                majority of the directors or trustees of a bank or direct holding
                company or  exercises a controlling influence over the management or
                policies of a bank or direct holding company.   Information on
                Thrift Holding Companies that own Savings Associations but do not
                own banks is not currently available in the ID System.  Source: 
                Federal Reserve Board National Information Center data base.
              type: string
              title: Net income
              description: >-
                Net interest income plus total noninterest income plus realized
                gains (losses) on securities and extraordinary items, less total
                noninterest expense, loan loss provisions and income taxes.
              type: number
              title: Net income - quarterly
              description: >-
                Quarterly net interest income plus total noninterest income plus
                realized gains (losses) on securities and extraordinary items, less
                total noninterest expense, loan loss provisions and income taxes.
              type: number
              title: New certificate number
              description: >-
                A new certificate number of an already existing FDIC-insured
                institution resulting from either a merger or an acquisition.
              type: string
              title: Oakar Institutions
              description: >-
                A member of one insurance fund that acquired deposits insured by the
                other fund, where that portion of the buyer's deposits remained
                insured by, and assessable by, the other fund.
              type: string
              title: Office of the Comptroller
              description: >-
                The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) District in
                which the institution is physically located. The six OCC Districts
                and their respective states are: Northeast - Connecticut, Delaware,
                District of Columbia, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire,
                New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island,
                Vermont, U.S. Virgin Islands  Southeast - Alabama, Florida, Georgia,
                Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia,
                West Virginia  Central - Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan,
                Ohio, Wisconsin  Midwest - Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri,
                Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota  Southwest - Arkansas,
                Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas  West - Alaska, American
                Samoa, Arizona, California, Colorado, Guam, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana,
                Nevada, Oregon, States of Micronesia, Utah, Washington, Wyoming 
              type: string
              title: Number of Domestic Offices
              description: >-
                The number of domestic offices (including headquarters) operated by
                active institutions in the 50 states of the U.S.A.
              type: number
              title: Number of Foreign Offices
              description: >-
                The number of foreign offices (outside the U.S.) operated by the
              type: number
              title: Office
              description: >-
                A branch/office is any location, or facility, of a financial
                institution, including its main office, where deposit accounts are
                opened, deposits are accepted, checks paid, and loans granted. Some
                branches include, but are not limited to, brick and mortar
                locations, detached or attached drive-in facilities, seasonal
                offices, offices on military bases or government installations,
                paying/receiving stations or units, nondeposit offices, Internet and
                PhoneBanking locations where a customer can open accounts, make
                deposits and borrow money. A branch does not include Automated
                Teller Machines (ATM), Consumer Credit Offices, Contractual Offices,
                Customer Bank Communication Terminals (CBCT), Electronic Fund
                Transfer Units (EFTU), and Loan Production Offices Summary of
                Deposits information is required for each insured office located in
                any State, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico
                or any U.S. territory or possession such as Guam or the U.S. Virgin
                Islands, without regard to the location of the main office.
              type: number
              title: Number of US Offices
              description: >-
                The number of offices operated by an FDIC-insured institution in all
                commonwealths and terrirtories of the US, along with those in freely
                associated states under the Compact of Free Association
              type: number
              title: OTS District
              description: >-
                Office of Thrift Supervision (OTS) District - Sunset (ended) 
              type: string
              title: Office of Thrift Supervision Region
              description: >-
                Prior to 7/21/11, the Office of Thrift Supervision (OTS) Region in
                which the institution is physically located. The five OTS Regions
                and their respective states are: Northeast - Connecticut, Delaware,
                Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York,
                Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, West Virginia Southeast -
                Alabama, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Maryland, North
                Carolina, Puerto Rico, South Carolina, U.S. Virgin Islands, Virginia
                Central - Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio, Tennessee,
                Wisconsin Midwest - Arkansas, Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana,
                Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, New Mexico, North
                Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas West - Alaska, American Samoa,
                Arizona, California, Guam, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, States of
                Micronesia, Oregon, Utah, Washington, Wyoming
              type: string
              title: Directly owned by another bank (CERT)
              description: >-
                The PARCERT number identifies the subsidiary institutions parent
                certificate number. Beginning in March 1997, both the Thrift
                Financial Reports and Call Reports are completed on a fully
                consolidated basis.  Previously, the consolidation of subsidiary
                depository institutions was prohibited.  Now, parent institutions
                are required to file consolidated reports, while their subsidiary
                financial institutions are still required to file separate
              type: string
              title: Last Structure Change Process Date
              description: >-
                A date field indicating the date that a change to this record was
                processed. Standard format = 'CCYYMMDD' (Length = 8) which has been
                converted to Month, Day, Year format for display purposes.
              type: string
              format: date-time
              title: Quarterly Banking Profile Commercial Bank Region
              description: >-
                The Quarterly Banking Profile (QBP) Commercial Bank Region in which
                the institution is physically located. Select from a drop down box.
                regional breakdown. group data by qbp region is only available for
                insured commercial banks and insured savings institutions and NOT
                All Insured Institutions, Insured Commercial Banks by asset size and
                Insured Savings Institutions by asset size. 
              type: string
              title: Regulator
              description: >-
                There are four Federal regulators of banks and savings and loan
                institutions (There are now three federal regulators of banks and
                savings and loan institutions. Berfore July 21, 2011, there were
                four federal regulators): federal deposit insurance corporation
                (fdic) - primary federal regulator responsible for state-chartered
                banks not members of the Federal Reserve System and state chartered
                savings banks. Federal Reserve Board (FRB) - Primary Federal
                regulator responsible for state-chartered commercial bank members of
                the Federal Reserve System. Office of the Comptroller of the
                Currency (OCC) - Primary Federal regulator responsible for
                nationally chartered commercial banks and federally chartered
                savings and loan associations. Before 7/21/11, Office of Thrift
                Supervision (OTS) - Primary Federal regulator responsible for
                federally chartered savings and loan associations, federal savings
                banks and state-chartered savings and loan associations. FDIC
                insured depository institutions are members of the Deposit Insurance
                Fund (DIF). 
              type: string
              title: Regulator 2 
              description: >-
                There are four Federal regulators of banks and savings and loan
                institutions (There are now three federal regulators of banks and
                savings and loan institutions. Berfore July 21, 2011, there were
                four federal regulators): federal deposit insurance corporation
                (fdic) - primary federal regulator responsible for state-chartered
                banks not members of the Federal Reserve System and state chartered
                savings banks. Federal Reserve Board (FRB) - Primary Federal
                regulator responsible for state-chartered commercial bank members of
                the Federal Reserve System. Office of the Comptroller of the
                Currency (OCC) - Primary Federal regulator responsible for
                nationally chartered commercial banks and federally chartered
                savings and loan associations. Before 7/21/11, Office of Thrift
                Supervision (OTS) - Primary Federal regulator responsible for
                federally chartered savings and loan associations, federal savings
                banks and state-chartered savings and loan associations. FDIC
                insured depository institutions are members of the Deposit Insurance
                Fund (DIF). 
              type: string
              title: Report Date
              description: The last day of the financial reporting period selected.
              type: string
              title: Report Date
              description: The financial reporting period selected in CCYYMM format.
              type: string
              format: date-time
              title: Return on assets (ROA)
              description: >-
                Net income after taxes and extraordinary items (annualized) as a
                percent of average total assets.
              type: number
              title: Pretax return on assets
              description: >-
                Annualized pre-tax net income as a percent of average assets. Note:
                Includes extraordinary items and other adjustments, net of taxes.
              type: number
              title: Quarterly Pretax return on assets
              description: >-
                Quarterly pre-tax net income as a percent of average assets. Note:
                Includes extraordinary items and other adjustments, net of taxes.
              type: number
              title: Quarterly return on assets
              description: >-
                Quarterly net income after taxes and extraordinary items as a
                percent of average total assets.
              type: number
              title: Return on Equity (ROE)
              description: >-
                Annualized net income as a percent of average equity on a
                consolidated basis.     Note: If retained earnings are  negative,
                the ratio is shown as NA. 
              type: number
              title: Quarterly return on equity
              description: >-
                Quarterly net income (including gains or losses on securities and
                extraordinary items) as a percentage of average total equity
              type: number
              title: RSSDID - High Regulatory Holder
              description: >-
                The unique number assigned by the Federal Reserve Board to the
                regulatory high holding company of the institution.
              type: string
              title: Run Date
              description: The day the institution information was updated.
              type: string
              format: date-time
              title: Sasser Institutions
              description: >-
                OTS supervised savings associations that converted their charter to
                that of a commercial or savings bank.  Converted associations remain
                members of the SAIF, but they become subject to supervision by one
                of the three federal banking agencies. Not Applicable as of March
                31, 2006.
              type: string
              title: Asset Concentration Hierarchy
              description: >-
                An indicator of an institution's primary specialization in terms of
                asset concentration
              type: string
              title: Specialization Group
              description: >-
                Name associated with the numeric indicator (SPECGRP) of an
                institution's primary specialization in terms of asset concentration
              type: string
              title: State Alpha code
              description: >-
                State in which the the headquarters are physically located. The FDIC
                Act defines state as any State of the United States, the District of
                Columbia, and any territory of the United States, Puerto Rico, Guam,
                American Samoa, the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, the
                Virgin Island, and the Northern Mariana Islands.
              type: string
              title: Regulatory holding company state location
              description: >-
                State location of the regulatory high holding company (either direct
                or indirect owner).
              type: string
              title: State Charter
              description: >-
                A flag (1=yes;0=no) that indicates if an institution is state
              type: string
              title: State and county number
              description: >-
                A five digit number representing the state and county in which the
                institution is physically located.  The first two digits represent
                the FIPS state numeric code and the last three digits represent the
                FIPS county numeric code.
              type: string
              title: Interstate Branches
              description: >-
                A 'yes' indicates that an institution has branches that can accept
                FDIC-insured deposits in more than one state.  The FDIC Act defines
                state as any State of the United States, the District of Columbia,
                and any territory of the United States, Puerto Rico, Guam, American
                Samoa, the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, the Virgin
                Island, and the Northern Mariana Islands.
              type: string
              title: State Name
              description: >-
                State in which the the institution is physically located. The FDIC
                Act defines state as any State of the United States, the District of
                Columbia, and any territory of the United States, Puerto Rico, Guam,
                American Samoa, the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, the
                Virgin Island, and the Northern Mariana Islands.
              type: string
              title: State Number
              description: >-
                The Federal Information Processing Standard code used to identify
              type: string
              title: Subchapter S Corporations
              description: >-
                The Small Business Job Protection Act of 1996 changed the Internal
                Revenue Code to allow financial institutions to elect Subchapter S
                corporation status, beginning in 1997. Banks are required to
                indicate on the Call Report whether there is currently in effect an
                election to file under Subchapter S. Thrifts have a similar
                requirement as of March 1998.  The most important IRS requirements
                to elect and maintain Subchapter S status are: There can be no more
                than 75 eligible shareholders and no more than one class of stock.
                (In general, shareholders can only be individuals, estates, and
                certain types of trusts. Certain retirement plans and charitable
                organizations will be eligible in 1998.) All shareholders must
                consent.  Banks and thrifts converting to Subchapter S status must
                use the specific charge-off method for tax purposes rather than the
                reserve method of accounting for bad debts and recapture tax bad
                debt reserves over a period of six years, if the reserve method had
                been used prior to conversion. (Note: even though the specific
                charge-off method is required for tax purposes, an adequate
                allowance for loan and lease losses must still be maintained on the
                financial statements and Call Reports.) Banks and thrifts are
                subject to a built-in gains (BIG) tax, if the aggregate fair market
                value of assets is greater than their aggregate adjusted bases on
                the date of conversion to Subchapter S status.     [Banks are
                required to indicate separately on the Call Report in December of
                each year, the deferred portion of income taxes reported in net
                income. For Subchapter S banks, some or all of their deferred tax
                assets and liabilities may be eliminated upon conversion to
                Subchapter S status; however, deferred taxes related to the BIG tax
                and the recapture of bad debt reserves must be recognized.].   A
                Subchapter S corporation is treated as a pass-through entity,
                similar to a partnership, for federal income tax purposes. It is
                generally not subject to any federal income taxes at the corporate
                level. Its taxable income flows through to its shareholders in
                proportion to their stock ownership, and the shareholders generally
                pay federal income taxes on their share of this taxable income. This
                can have the effect of reducing institutions' reported income tax
                expense and increasing their after-tax earnings..   The election of
                Subchapter S status may result in an increase in shareholders'
                personal tax liabilities. Therefore, S corporations typically
                increase the amount of earnings distributed as dividends to
                compensate for higher personal taxes.
              type: string
              title: Supervisory Region Number
              description: >-
                A numeric value associated with the name of an FDIC supervisory
              type: string
              title: Web Site URL 01
              description: >-
                URL of other public-facing internet web site the reporting
                institution uses to accept or solicit deposits from the public
              type: string
              title: Web Site URL 02
              description: >-
                URL of other public-facing internet web site the reporting
                institution uses to accept or solicit deposits from the public
              type: string
              title: Web Site URL 03
              description: >-
                URL of other public-facing internet web site the reporting
                institution uses to accept or solicit deposits from the public
              type: string
              title: Web Site URL 04
              description: >-
                URL of other public-facing internet web site the reporting
                institution uses to accept or solicit deposits from the public
              type: string
              title: Web Site URL 05
              description: >-
                URL of other public-facing internet web site the reporting
                institution uses to accept or solicit deposits from the public
              type: string
              title: Web Site URL 06
              description: >-
                URL of other public-facing internet web site the reporting
                institution uses to accept or solicit deposits from the public
              type: string
              title: Web Site URL 07
              description: >-
                URL of other public-facing internet web site the reporting
                institution uses to accept or solicit deposits from the public
              type: string
              title: Web Site URL 08
              description: >-
                URL of other public-facing internet web site the reporting
                institution uses to accept or solicit deposits from the public
              type: string
              title: Web Site URL 09
              description: >-
                URL of other public-facing internet web site the reporting
                institution uses to accept or solicit deposits from the public
              type: string
              title: Web Site URL 10
              description: >-
                URL of other public-facing internet web site the reporting
                institution uses to accept or solicit deposits from the public
              type: string
              title: Trade Name 01
              description: >-
                Trade name other than the institution's legal name used to identify
                one of the institution's physical offices at which deposits are
                accepted or solicited from the public
              type: string
              title: Trade Name 02
              description: >-
                Trade name other than the institution's legal name used to identify
                one of the institution's physical offices at which deposits are
                accepted or solicited from the public
              type: string
              title: Trade Name 03
              description: >-
                Trade name other than the institution's legal name used to identify
                one of the institution's physical offices at which deposits are
                accepted or solicited from the public
              type: string
              title: Trade Name 04
              description: >-
                Trade name other than the institution's legal name used to identify
                one of the institution's physical offices at which deposits are
                accepted or solicited from the public
              type: string
              title: Trade Name 05
              description: >-
                Trade name other than the institution's legal name used to identify
                one of the institution's physical offices at which deposits are
                accepted or solicited from the public
              type: string
              title: Trade Name 06
              description: >-
                Trade name other than the institution's legal name used to identify
                one of the institution's physical offices at which deposits are
                accepted or solicited from the public
              type: string
              title: ''
              description: >-
                Beyond having trust powers granted and exercised, institutions with
                fiduciary assets accounts, income, or other reportable fiduciary
                related service
              type: string
              title: Trust Powers
              description: >-
                A flag used to indicate an institution's Trust Powers Granted
                status. 0 = No Trust Power Granted 1 = Trust Power Granted Where
                Trust Power has been granted specific codes are: 00 - Trust powers
                not know 10 - Full trust powers granted 11 - Full trust powers
                granted, exercised 12 - Full trust powers granted, not exercised 20
                - Limited trust powers granted 21 - Limited trust powers granted,
                exercised 22 - Limited trust powers granted, not exercised 30 -
                Trust powers not granted 31 - Trust powers not granted, but
              type: string
              title: Ultimate Cert
              description: >-
                The cert number of the last successor or acquirer of the
              type: string
              title: FDIC's unique number
              description: >-
                FDIC's unique identifier number for holding companies, banks,
                branches and nondeposit subsidiaries.
              type: string
              title: Primary Internet Web Address
              description: >-
                The primary internet web address is the public internet site
                obtained from the most recent FFIEC Call Report (CALL) for
                commercial banks or from the supplemental information for Thrift
                Financial Reporters (TFR). The primary internet web address is
                included only for those institutions reporting an address on the
                most recent FFIEC Call Report or Thrift Financial Report.  This
                information resides in the most recent demographic information file.
                For some institutions users will find that for the item Primary
                Internet Web Address: the caption will read 'Web site not
                available'.  Possible reasons that a Web site may not be available
                are: The institution failed to file on the most recent call report
                or TFR. The institution filed a primary Internet Web address on its
                most recent FFIEC Call Report; however, the address filed by the
                institution was not in accordance with the instructions provided by
                the FFIEC on how to file a primary Internet Web address or FDIC
                attempts to validate and access the site were unsuccessful. Users
                may also experience instances where the URL provided for primary
                Internet Web address in ID returns an error stating that the site is
                not found. Possible reasons for such occurrences are: The
                institution?s reported primary Web address was valid as of the date
                that the demographic information was updated in ID, but is no longer
                valid. The institution?s reported Internet Web address is valid, but
                the institution?s Web site was inoperable at the time that the user
                attempted to access it due to technical problems being experienced
                by the institution?s Web site, the institution?s web provider, the
                user?s Web provider, or other issues not related to the validity of
                the Web address.  Users are advised to contact the institution on
                any questions regarding the services provided by the institution.
                For questions involving the reporting of primary Internet Web
                address by those institutions that file a FFIEC Call report, users
                are advised to contact  For questions
                involving the primary Internet Web address of institutions that file
                a Thrift Financial Report, users are advised to contact
       or call Ms. Schaar at (202) 906-7205.
                Disclaimer: The Primary Internet Web Addresses listed have been
                reported to the FDIC by each institution. The hyperlinks to
                institution Internet sites are provided solely as a convenience to
                users of the FDIC Internet site. The FDIC has made a limited effort
                to determine that these links function properly. However, linked
                sites are not under the control of FDIC, and FDIC is not responsible
                for the contents of any linked site, or any link contained in a
                linked site.  Even if you access an institution?s site by means of
                the link provided by FDIC, you are responsible for confirming the
                identity and authenticity of any institution you visit and transact
                business with online. The inclusion of a link does not imply or
                constitute an endorsement by FDIC of the institution, its ownership
                or management, the products or services it offers, or any
                advertisers or sponsors appearing on the institution?s web site.
              type: string
              title: Zip Code
              description: >-
                The first three, four, or five digits of the full postal zip code
                representing physical location of the institution or its branch
              type: string        
      type: object
          type: object
              type: string
              title: Branch Address
              description: Street address at which the branch is physically located.
              type: string
              title: Institution Class
              description: 'A classification code assigned by the FDIC based on the institution''s charter type (commercial bank or savings institution), charter agent (state or federal), Federal Reserve membership status (Fed member, Fed nonmember) and its primary federal regulator (state chartered institutions are subject to both federal and state supervision). N - Commercial bank, national (federal) charter and Fed member, supervised by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC); NM - Commercial bank, state charter and Fed nonmember, supervised by the FDIC; OI - Insured U.S. branch of a foreign chartered institution (IBA); SA - Savings associations, state or federal charter, supervised by the Office of Thrift Supervision (OTS); SB - Savings banks, state charter, supervised by the FDIC; SM - Commercial bank, state charter and Fed member, supervised by the Federal Reserve (FRB)'
                - 'N'
                - NM
                - OI
                - SA
                - SB
                - SM
              type: string
              title: Core Based Statistical Area Name (Branch)
              description: Name of the Core Based Statistical Area (CBSA) as defined by the US Census Bureau Office of Management and Budget.
              type: string
              title: Metropolitan Divisions Name (Branch)
              description: Name of the Core Based Statistical Division as defined by the US Census Bureau Office of Management and Budget.
              type: string
              title: Metropolitan Divisions Flag (Branch)
              description: A flag (1=Yes) indicating member of a Core Based Statistical Division as defined by the US Census Bureau Office of Management and Budget.
                - 0
                - 1
              type: string
              title: Metropolitan Divisions Number (Branch)
              description: Numeric code of the Core Based Statistical Division as defined by the US Census Bureau Office of Management and Budget.
              type: string
              title: Metropolitan Division Number (Branch)
              description: Numeric code of the Metropolitan Statistical Area as defined by the US Census Bureau Office of Management and Budget
              type: string
              title: Metropolitan Division Flag (Branch)
              description: A flag (1=Yes) used to indicate whether an branch is in a Metropolitan Statistical Area as defined by the US Census Bureau Office of Management and Budget
              type: string
              title: Metropolitan Division Name (Branch)
              description: Name of the Metropolitan Statistical Area as defined by the US Census Bureau Office of Management and Budget
              type: string
              title: Micropolitan Division Flag (Branch)
              description: A flag (1=Yes) used to indicate whether an branch is in a Micropolitan Statistical Area as defined by the US Census Bureau Office of Management and Budget
                - 0
                - 1
              type: string
              title: Core Based Statistical Areas (Branch)
              description: Numeric code of the Core Based Statistical Area (CBSA) as defined by the US Census Bureau Office of Management and Budget.
              type: string
              title: 'Institution FDIC Certificate #'
              description: A unique number assigned by the FDIC used to identify institutions and for the issuance of insurance certificates.
              type: string
              title: Branch City
              description: City in which branch is physically located.
              type: string
              title: Branch County
              description: County where the branch is physically located.
              type: string
              title: Combined Statistical Area Name (Branch)
              description: Name of the Combined Statistical Area (CSA) as defined by the US Census Bureau Office of Management and Budget
              type: string
              title: Combined Statistical Area Flag  (Branch)
              description: Flag (1=Yes) indicating member of a Combined Statistical Area (CSA) as defined by the US Census Bureau Office of Management and Budget
                - 0
                - 1
              type: string
              title: Combined Statistical Area Number  (Branch)
              description: Numeric code of the Combined Statistical Area (CSA) as defined by the US Census Bureau Office of Management and Budget
              type: string
              format: date-time
              title: Branch Established Date
              description: The date on which the branch began operations.
              type: string
              title: FDIC UNINUM of the Owner Institution
              description: 'This is the FDIC UNINUM of the institution that owns the branch.  A UNINUM is a unique sequentially number added to the FDIC database for both banks and  branches.  There is no pattern imbedded within the number.  The FI_UNINUM is updated with every merger or purchase of branches to reflect the most current owner.  '
              type: number
              title: Main Office
              description: Flag (1=Yes) indicating this location is the main office for the institution.
                - 0
                - 1
              type: string
              title: Institution Name
              description: Legal name of the FDIC Insured Institution
              type: string
              title: Office Name
              description: Name of the branch.
              type: string
              title: Branch Number
              description: The branch's corresponding office number.
              type: string
              format: date-time
              title: Run Date
              description: The day the institution information was updated.
              type: number
              title: Service Type Code
              description: "Define the various types of offices of FDIC-insured institutions. 11 - Full Service Brick and Mortar Office; 12 - Full Service Retail Office; 13 - Full Service Cyber Office; 14 - Full Service Mobile Office; 15 - Full Service Home/Phone Banking; 16 - Full Service Seasonal Office; 21 - Limited Service Administrative Office; 22 - Limited Service Military Facility; 23 - Limited Service Facility Office; 24 - Limited Service Loan Production Office; 25 - Limited Service Consumer Credit Office; 26 - Limited Service Contractual Office; 27 - Limited Service Messenger Office; 28 - Limited Service Retail Office; 29 - Limited Service Mobile Office; 30 - Limited Service Trust Office;"
                - 11
                - 12
                - 13
                - 14
                - 15
                - 16
                - 21
                - 22
                - 23
                - 24
                - 25
                - 26
                - 27
                - 28
                - 29
                - 30
              type: string
              title: Branch State Abbreviation
              description: 'State abbreviation in which the branch is physically located. The FDIC Act defines state as any State of the United States, the District of Columbia, and any territory of the United States, Puerto Rico, Guam, American Samoa, the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, the Virgin Island, and the Northern Mariana Islands.'
              type: string
              title: State and County Number
              description: A five digit number representing the state and county in which the institution is physically located.  The first two digits represent the FIPS state numeric code and the last three digits represent the FIPS county numeric code.
              type: string
              title: Branch State
              description: 'State in which the  branch is physically located. The FDIC Act defines state as any State of the United States, the District of Columbia, and any territory of the United States, Puerto Rico, Guam, American Samoa, the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, the Virgin Island, and the Northern Mariana Islands.'
              type: string
              title: Unique Identification Number for a Branch Office
              description: Unique Identification Number for a Branch Office as assigned by the FDIC
              type: string
              title: Branch Zip Code
              description: The first five digits of the full postal zip code representing physical location of the branch.       
      type: object
          type: object
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: (SI) All Other Loans
              description: All Other Loans
              type: integer
              title: (SI) New Charters to Absorb Another Charter
              description: "New savings institution charter created to absorb any other type of charter in its first quarter of operation."
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: Total Assets
              description: "Total Assets On A Consolidated Basis\nNote: For Banks With Foreign Operations Data For March &\nSeptember Of 1973 Through 1975 Are Reported On A\nDomestic Basis"
              type: integer
              title: (CB) Total Commercial Banks
              description: "Total Insured Commercial Banks filing 12/31 fincncial report  (See Notes to User for definition of commercial bank)"
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: Bank Premises and Equipment
              description: "Premises And Fixed Assets\nNote:\n(1) Premises And Fixed Assets (Including Capitalized Leases) On A Consolidated Basis\n(2) For Banks With Foreign Operations Data For March & September Of 1972 Through 1975 Was Reported On A Domestic Basis"
              type: integer
              title: (CB) Branches
              description: "Branches include all offices of a bank, other than its head office, at which deposits are received, checks paid or money lent. Banking facilities separate from a banking house, banking facilities at government installations, offices, agencies, paying or receiving stations, drive-in facilities and other facilities operated for limited purposes are defined as branches under the FDI Act (see Notes to User)"
              type: integer
              title: (CB) Banks with Branches
              description: "Banks with branches are institutions that operate one or more offices at which deposits are received or other banking business conducted in addition to the main or head office."
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: (SI) Memo - Brokered Deposits
              description: 'Borrowed Deposits (Represents funds which the reporting bank obtains, directly or indirectly, by or through any deposit broker for deposit into one or more deposit accounts. Includes both those in which the entire beneficial interest in a given bank deposit account or investment is held by a single depositor and those in which deposit broker sells participation in a given bank deposit account or instrument to one or more investors).'
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: Borrowed Funds
              description: Borrowed Funds - (1969-Present -- Represents Federal Funds purchase. securities sold under agreements to repurchase, demand notes issued to the US Treasury, mortgage indebtedness, liabilities under capitalized leases and all other liabilities for borrowed money. -- 1934-1968 -- Does not include mortgage indebtedness which is netted against bank premsises.)
              type: string
              x-elastic-type: keyword
              title: Commercial Banks (CB) vs. Savings Institution (SI)
              description: Differentiates the summarised data between the Commercial Banks and the Savings Institutions
                - CB
                - SI
              type: integer
              title: (SI) Charter Transfers From Commercial Banks
              description: "Represents the transfer of a commercial bank to a savings institution charter that meets the definition of a thrift (see Notes to Table SI-1) and has applied for and received FDIC insurance (BIF or SAIF)."
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: Cash & Due From Depository Inst
              description: "Total Cash And Balances Due From Depository Institutions Which Include Both Noninterest-Bearing And Interest-Bearing Deposits On A Consolidated Basis\nNote:\n(1): Additional Detail Can Be Found On Schedule Rc-A\n(2) For Banks With Foreign Operations Data For March And September 1972 Through 1975 Are Reported On A Domestic Basis"
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: Interest Earning Balances
              description: "Interest-Bearing Balances Due From Depository Institutions On A Consolidated Basis\nNote: Additional Detail Can Be Found On Schedule Rc-A"
              type: integer
              title: (SI) Non-insured Becoming insured
              description: "Represents the transfer of an existing institution that does not have deposit insurance to a savings institution charter with FDIC insurance from BIF or SAIF. Examples of such institutions include Trust Banks and savings institutions with state deposit insurance that apply for and receive FDIC insurance"
              type: integer
              title: (SI) Assisted Mergers with Thrifts
              description: "Represents the absorption of a failing savings institution by another savings institution with assistance from either the BIF or SAIF. (Included are RTC Accelerated Resolution Program (ARP) assisted mergers. These institutions were not placed in RTC conservatorship.)"
              type: integer
              title: (SI) Unassisted Mergers/Consolidations of Thrifts
              description: "Represents the absorption of a savings institution charter by another savings institution without assistance. Both institutions may be owned by the same holding company in a consolidation of affiliates."
              type: integer
              title: (SI) RTC Conservatorships
              description: "Institutions in RTC Conservatorship"
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: (SI) Other Debt Securities
              description: Other Debt Securities
              type: integer
              title: (SI) Total Savings Institutions
              description: All FDIC Insured Savings Institutions filing a 12/31 financial report
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: Loan & Lease Recoveries
              description: "Total Recoveries Of Loans And Lease Financing Receivables Credited To The Allowance For Loan And Lease Losses\nNote: For Banks With Foreign Operations, Data For December\n1972 Through December 1975 Are Domestic Only"
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: Deposits - Domestic Demand
              description: "Total Demand Deposits Included In Total Transaction Accounts Held In Domestic Offices\nNote: For Tfr Filers Between June 1989 Through March 1990 Includes Non-Interest Bearing Deposits"
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: Total Deposits
              description: "Total Deposits On A Consolidated Basis\nNote:\n(1) Additional Detail Can Be Found On Schedule Rc-E\n(2) For Banks With Foreign Operations Data For March & September Of 1972 Through 1975 Are Reported On A Domestic Basis"
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: Total Domestic Deposits
              description: 'Represents the sum of total deposits, domestic offices only'
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: (CB) Total Foreign Deposits
              description: 'Represents the sum of total deposits in foreign offices'
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: Interest Bearing Deposits
              description: "Interest-Bearing Consolidated Office Deposits\n\nNote:\n(1) Additional Detail Can Be Found On Schedule Rc-E\n(2) Tfr Filers With Less Than $300 Million In Assets And Risk-Based Capital Ratios In Excess Of 12 Percent Are Not Required To File Schedule Cmr Beginning March 1993, However, When Cmr Data Is Either Incorrect Or Not Filed Fts Assumes That All Deposits Are Interest-Bearing\n(3) Prior To Receipt Of The 75-Day Tfr Tape All Tfr Filers Deposits Are Assumed To Be Interest-Bearing\n(4) For Banks With Foreign Operations Data For March & September Of 1972 Through 1975 Are Reported On A Domestic Basis"
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: (CB) Foreign Deposits - Interest Bearing
              description: 'Represents any deposit in foreign offices, whether demand, savings or time, on which the bank pays or accrues interest'
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: (CB) Memo - Deposits - Non-Interest Bearing
              description: 'Represents any deposit on which the bank does not pay or accrue interest'
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: (CB) Foreign Deposits - Non Interest Bearing
              description: Represents any deposit in foreign offices on which the bank does not pay or accrue interest
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: Loan & Lease Charge-offs
              description: "Total Charged-Off Loans And Lease Financing Receivables Debited To The Allowance For Loan And Lease Losses\nNote: For Banks With Foreign Operations, Data For December 1972 Through December 1975 Are Domestic Only"
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: (SI) Memo - Amortization of Intangibles
              description: "Goodwill Impairment Losses And Amortization Expense And Impairment Loss For Other Intangible Assets On A Consolidated Basis\n\nNote:\n(1) Prior To March 2001, Listed As Memoranda Only And Is Included In All Other Noninterest Expense\n(2) Includes Only Amortization Of Goodwill For Tfr Filers"
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: Total Deposit Interest Exp
              description: "Interest Expense On Total Deposits (Domestic And Foreign) On A Consolidated Basis\nNote: For Banks With Foreign Operations, Data For December 1972 Through December 1975 Are Domestic Only"
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: (CB) Int Exp - Deposit in Domestic Offices
              description: "Interest Expense On Total Deposits Held In Domestic Offices\nNote: For Banks With Foreign Operations, Data For December 1972 Through December 1975 Are Domestic Only"
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: (CB) Int Exp - Deposits in Foreign Offices
              description: Deposit Interest Expense-For (1976-Present -- Represents all interests on all liabilities reportable as deposits in foreign offices. -- 1934-1975 -- Interest on foregin office deposits is not available. Reports of income were submitted on a domestic only basis.)
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: Fed Funds Purchased/Securities Sold
              description: 'Represents the gross expenses of all liabilities reportable under this category'
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: (SI) Int Exp Oth - Advances From FHLB
              description: "Interest Expense And The Amortization Of Any Related Yield Adjustments On Fhlbank Advances\nNote: Only Reported By Tfr Filers"
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: Int Exp - Fed Funds Purchased/Securities Sold
              description: "Interest Expense On Federal Funds Purchased And Securities Sold Under Agreements To Repurchase On A Consolidated Basis (Prior To March 1997 Was On A Consolidated Basis In Domestic Offices Of The Bank And Of Its Edge And Agreement Subsidiaries, And In Ibf'S)\nNote: For Banks With Foreign Operations, Data For December\n1972 Through December 1975 Are Domestic Only"
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: Total Interest Expense
              description: "Total Interest Expense On A Consolidated Basis\nNote: For Banks With Foreign Operations, Data For December\n1972 Through December 1975 Are Domestic Only"
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: Eintexp2
              description: Eintexp2
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: Provision For Ln & Lease Losses
              description: "Provision For Loan & Lease Losses On A Consolidated Basis\n\nNote:\n(1) Beginning March 2003, Includes The Provision For Allocated Transfer Risk Related To Loans\n(2) From March 1997 To December 2000, Defined As The Provision For Credit Losses & Allocated Transfer Risk Reserve Which Includes The Provision For Off-Balance Sheet Credit Losses For Call Report Filers\n(3) Prior To March 1997, Defined As The Provision For Loan And Lease Losses & Allocated Transfer Risk\n(4) For Tfr Filers, Consists Of The Provision For Loan And Lease Losses\n(5) Reflects Net Provision For Losses On Interest-Bearing Assets For Tfr Filers\n(6) For Banks With Foreign Operations, Data For December 1972 Through December 1975 Are Domestic Only"
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: All Other Non-Interest Expenses
              description: "All Other Noninterest Expense On A Consolidated Basis\n\nNote:\n(1) Prior To March 2001, Included The Amortization Of Intangible Assets For Call Reporters\n(2) Greater Detail Is Provided In Subsequent Data Fields For All Items In Excess Of 10% Of This Item All Other Noninterest Expense On A Consolidated Basis\n(3) Does Not Include Losses On Asset Sales For Tfr Filers Beginning June 1996, Such Gains (Losses) Are Included Net In Noninterest Income\n(4) Includes Loss On Sale Of Securities Held For Investments For Tfr Filers Between March 1984 Through December 1986\n(5) For Banks With Foreign Operations, Data For December 1972 Through December 1975 Are Domestic Only"
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: Occupancy Expense
              description: "Expenses Of Premises And Fixed Assets (Net Of Rental Income And Excluding Salaries And Employee Benefits And Mortgage Interest) On A Consolidated Basis\nNote: For Banks With Foreign Operations, Data For December 1972 Through December 1975 Are Domestic Only"
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: Total Equity
              description: 'Represents the sum of all capital accounts'
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: Total Cash Dividends Declared
              description: "Cash Dividends Declared On Common And Preferred Stock On A Consolidated Basis\nNote: For Banks With Foreign Operations, Data For December 1972 Through December 1975 Are Domestic Only"
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: Cash Dividends Declared (Common)
              description: "Cash Dividends Declared On Common Stock On A Consolidated Basis\n\nNote:\n(1) 034 Reporters Only File Data On The December Call\n(2) For Banks With Foreign Operations, Data For December 1972 Through December 1975 Are Domestic Only"
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: Cash Dividends Declared (Preferred)
              description: "Cash Dividends Declared On Preferred Stock On A Consolidated Basis\nNote:\n(1) 034 Reporters Only File Data On The December Call\n(2) For Banks With Foreign Operations, Data For December 1972 Through December 1975 Are Domestic Only"
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: Common Stock
              description: "Common Stock On A Consolidated Basis\nNote: For Banks With Foreign Operations, Data For March & September Of 1972 Through 1975 Are Reported On A Domestic Basis"
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: Total Cash Divident Declared
              description: 'The total of cash dividends declared on all preferred and common stock during the calendar year, regardless of when payable'
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: Total Equity Capital 
              description: Total Capital (Represents the total of all capital components, including FDIC net worth certificates.)
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: (SI) FDIC Net Worth Certifs.   
              description: Net Worth Certificates Represents The Outstanding Balances Issued To The Fdic In Exchange For Promissory Notes Received From The Fdic On A Consolidated Basis
              type: integer
              title: Other Capital
              description: "(CB) Other Capital"
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: Perpetual Preferred Stock
              description: "Perpetual Preferred Stock And Related Surplus On A Consolidated Basis\nNote: For Banks With Foreign Operations, Data For March & September Of 1972 Through 1975 Are Reported On A Domestic Basis"
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: Surplus
              description: "Surplus (Excludes All Surplus Related To Preferred Stock) On A Consolidated Basis\nNote: For Banks With Foreign Operations, Data For March & September Of 1972 Through 1975 Are Reported On A Domestic Basis\n"
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: (SI) Undivided Profits
              description: "Undivided Profits, Capital Reserves, Net Unrealized Holding Gains (Losses) On Available-For-Sale Securities And Other Equity Capital Components And/Or\nAccumulated Gains (Losses) On Cash Flow Hedges On A Consolidated Basis\n\nNote:\n(1) Prior To March 1999 Included Undivided Profits, Capital Reserves And Net Unrealized Gains (Losses) On Available-For-Sale Securities\n(2) Prior To March 1994 Included Undivided Profits And Capital Reserves Less Net Unrealized Loss On Marketable Equity Securities\n(3) This Item Includes Net Worth Certificates For Bif Thrifts\n(4) For Banks With Foreign Operations, Data For March & September Of 1972 Through 1975 Are Reported On A Domestic Basis"
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: Employee Salaries and Benefits
              description: 'Salaries And Employee Benefits On A Consolidated Basis Note: For Banks With Foreign Operations, Data For December 72 Through December 1975 Are Domestic Only'
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: Int Exp - Subordinated Notes
              description: "Interest Expense On Subordinated Notes And Debentures On A Consolidated Basis\nNote:\n1. This Item Is Not Reported By Form 51 Filers\n2. For Banks With Foreign Operations, Data For December 1972 Through December 1975 Are Domestic Only"
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: Net Extraordinary Items
              description: "Discontinued Operations, Net Of Applicable Income Taxes On A Consolidated Basis\n\nNote:\n(1) Prior To March 2016, Defined As Extraordinary Items And And Other Adjustments, Net Of Taxes On A Consolidated Basis\n(2) This Item Does Not Include The Tax Effects Related To Securities Gains And Losses And Extraordinary Items From June 1984 Through December 1985 For Bif Thrifts (Refer To Applicable Income Taxes)\n(3) For Banks With Foreign Operations, Data For December 1972 Through December 1975 Are Domestic Only"
              type: integer
              title: (SI) FDIC Supervised, BIF Insured Institutions
              description: "FDIC Supervised, BIF Insured Institutions"
              type: integer
              title: (SI) FDIC supervised, SAIF insured institutions
              description: "FDIC supervised SAIF insured institutions"
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: Federal Funds Sold
              description: "Federal Funds Sold And Securities Purchased Under Agreements To Resell On A Consolidated Basis\n\nNote:\n(1) Prior To March 1997, Includes Only Federal Funds Sold And Securities Purchased Under Agreements To Resell In Domestic Offices Of The Bank And Of Its Edge And Agreement Subsidiaries, And In Ibf'S\n(2) Prior To March 1998, Includes Only Federal Funds Sold For Tfr Filers\n(3) For Banks With Foreign Operations, Data For March & September Of 1972 Through 1975 Was Reported On A Domestic Basis"
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: Fed Funds & Repos Purchased
              description: "Federal Funds Purchased And Securities Sold Under Agreements To Repurchase On A Consolidated Basis \nNote:\n(1) Prior To March 1998, Includes Only Reverse Repurchase Agreements For Tfr Filers\n(2) For Banks With Foreign Operations Data For March & September Of 1972 Through 1975 Are Reported On A Domestic Basis"
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: Int Inc - Balances Due
              description: Total Interest Income On Balances Due From Depository Institutions On A Consolidated Basis
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: (SI) Fee Income
              description: Fee Income (Represents service charges on deposit accounts such as maintenance fees, activity charges, administrative charges, overdraft charges and check certification charges; mortgage loans servicing fees plus other fees and charges, including prepayment loan fees, late charges, assumption fees, and amortization of commitment fees.)
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: Int Inc - Fed Funds Sold/Securities Purchased
              description: "Interest Income On Federal Funds Sold And Securities Purchased Under Agreements To Resell On A Consolidated Basis\nNote:\n(1) Prior To March 1997 Included Only Income From Domestic Offices Of The Bank And Of Its Edge And Agreement Subsidiaries, And In Ibfs On A Consolidated Basis\n(2) For Banks With Foreign Operations Data For December 1972 Through 1975 Are Domestic Only"
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: Securities Gains And Losses
              description: "Realized Gains (Losses) On Held-To-Maturity And Available-For-Sale Debt Securities And Unrealized Holding Gains (Losses) On Equity Securities Not Held For Trading Before Adjustments For Income Taxes On A Consolidated Basis (Also Includes Realized Gains On Equity Securities Until The Institution Adopts Asu 2016-01)\nNote:\n1. Prior To March 2018, Defined As Realized Gains (Losses) On Held-To-Maturity And Available-For-Sale Securities Before Adjustments For Income Taxes On A Consolidated Basis\n2. Beginning In The 2018 Reporting Year, Includes Unrealized Gains (Losses) On Equity Securities For Institutions That Adopted Asu2016-01 And Includes Realized Gains (Losses) On Equity Securities For Institutions That Have Not Yet Adopted Asu2016-01\n3. Prior To March 1994 Defined As Gains (Losses) On Securities Not Held In Trading Accounts \n4. From March 1990 Through March 2009, Includes Gains (Losses) On Assets Held For Sale For Tfr Filers\n5. Includes Gains (Losses) On Loans Held For Investment From March 1984 Through December 1989 For Tfr Filers\n6. Tfr Filers Report Only Gains From March 1984 Through December 1986\n7. For Banks With Foreign Operations Data For December 1972 Through December 1975 Are Domestic Only"
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: (CB) Int Inc - Domestic Office Loans
              description: "Total Interest And Fees On Loans Held In Domestic Offices\nNote:\n(1) U-Size-Stratum = 0001 Means That Bank Has Total Assets Less Than $25 Million\n(2) U-Size-Stratum = 0002 Means That Bank Has Total Assets Equal To Or Greater Than $25 Million\n(3) For Banks With Foreign Operations, Data For December 1972 Through December 1975 Are Domestic Only"
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: (CB) Int Inc - Foreign Office Loans
              description: "Total Interest And Fees On Loans Held In Foreign Offices, Edge And Agreement Subsidiaries, And Ibf'S"
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: Int Inc - Total Loans & Leases
              description: "Interest And Fees On Loans And Lease Financing Receivables On A Consolidated Basis\nNote:\n(1) U-Size-Stratum = 0001 Means That Bank Has Total Assets Less Than $25 Million\n(2) U-Size-Stratum = 0002 Means That Bank Has Total Assets Equal To Or Greater Than $25 Million\n(3) For Banks With Foreign Operations, Data For December 1972 Through December 1975 Are Domestic Only"
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: (SI) Int Inc - Loans
              description: Loans (Represents all interest, fees and similar charges levied against or associated with all assets reportable as loans. Includes interest, yield related fees, commitment fees, service charges on loans and discount accretion. (One savings bank with an office in Canada has been reporting on the Domestic & Foregin Consolidated Call Report form (FFIEC 031). It does not, however, indicate any income or expenses related to foregin operations.))
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: Int Inc - Leases
              description: "Total Interest Income From Lease Financing Receivables On A\nConsolidated Basis"
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: Intangible Assets
              description: Intangible Assets On A Consolidated Basis
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: Total Interest Earning Assets
              description: Total Interest Earning Assets (Derived See Si-19) - Sc
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: Total Interest Bearing Liabilities
              description: Total Interest Bearing Liabilities (Derived See Si-19) - Sc
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: Total Interest Income
              description: "Total Interest Income On A Consolidated Basis\nNote: For Banks With Foreign Operations Data For December 1972 Through December 1975 Are Domestic Only"
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: INTINC2
              description: INTINC2
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: (SI) Memo - IRA's and Keogh Plan-Deposits
              description: "Individual Retirement Accounts (Ira'S) And Keogh Plan\nAccounts Held In Domestic Offices\nNote: Listed As Memoranda Only"
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: Int Inc - Investment Securities
              description: "Total Interest And Dividend Income On: U.S. Treasury Securities, U.S. Government Agency And Corporation Obligations, Securities Issued By States And Political\nSubdivision In The U.S., Other Domestic Debt Securities, Foreign Debt Securities, And Equity Securities (Including Investments In Mutual Funds) On A Consolidated Basis\nNote:\n(1) This Item Includes Interest Income On Deposits For Tfr Filers\n(2) Includes Interest Income On Assets Held In Trading Accounts For Tfr Filers For Two Distinct Periods: (A) March 1984 Through December 1989 And (B) June 1996\nAnd Following Quarters.\n(3) For Banks With Foreign Operations, Data For December 1972 Through December 1975 Are Domestic Only"
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: (CB) Service Charges on Deposit Accounts
              description: 'Represents service charges on deposit accounts in domestic offices such as maintenance fees, activity charges, administrative charges, overdraft charges, and check certification charges'
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: (CB) Applicable Income Taxes
              description: 'Represents Federal, state and local taxes on income. It does not include taxes relating to securities transactions or extraordinary items'
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: (CB) Pre-Tax Net Operating Income
              description: Pre-Tax Net Operating Income (Represents Net Interest Income plus Total Noninterest Income less Total Noninterest Expense and the Provision for Loan & Lease Losses.)
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: Int Inc - Trading Account Assets
              description: "Interest Income From Assets Held In Trading Accounts On A Consolidated Basis \nNote:\nBeginning March 2017, Reported As An Individual Income Category For Form 031 Filers Only And Is Included As A Component Of Other Interest Income For All Other Report Forms"
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: (SI) Total Liabilities
              description: "Total Liabilities Including Subordinated Notes And Debentures And Limited Life Preferred Stock And Related Surplus On A Consolidated Basis\nNote: Prior To March 2009, This Item Included Noncontrolling (Minority) Interests In Consolidated Subsidiaries For Call Report And Tfr Filers"
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: (CB) Total Liabilities and Equity Capital
              description: 'Total Liabilities, Limited-Life Preferred Stock, And Equity Capital On A Consolidated Basis Note: For Banks With Foreign Operations Data For March & September Of 1972 Through 1975 Are Reported On A Domestic Basis'
              type: integer
              title: (SI) Assisted Payouts
              description: "Represents all assisted payouts of FDIC-insured savings institutions that are not in RTC conservatorship."
              type: integer
              title: (SI) Voluntary Liquidations
              description: "Represents all instances where the owners of a thrift voluntarily surrender their charter with all liabilities including deposits paid down and all assets sold."
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: Agricultural Loans
              description: "Loans To Finance Agricultural Production And Other Loans To Farmers On A Consolidated Basis\nNote: For Banks With Foreign Operations, Data For All Periods Form December 1972 Through September 1978 Are Domestic Only"
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: (SI) All Other Loans to Individuals
              description: All Other Loans (1969-Present -- Represents Federal funds purchased, securities sold under agreements to repurchase, demand notes issued to the US Treasury, mortgage indebtedness, liabilities under capitalized leases and all other liabilities for borrowed money. -- 1934-1968 -- Does not include mortgage indebtedness which is netted against bank premises.)
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: Allowance for Losses Loans and Leases
              description: "Allowance For Loan And Lease Financing Receivable Losses And Allocated Transfer Risk On A Consolidated Basis\nNote:\n(1) From March 2001 To Dec 2002 Allocated Transfer Riskis Netted From Loans & Not Included As Part Of The Reserve\n(2) Additional Detail Can Be Found On Schedule Ri-B\n(3) For Tfr Filers Between March 1984 Through December 1989 Includes Allowance For Mortgage Pool Securities\n(4) For Banks With Foreign Operations, Data For March & September Of 1972 Through 1975 Was Reported On A Domestic Basis"
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: (CB) Memo - Loans to Individuals - Auto 
              description: 'Represents installment loans to purchase private passenger automobiles, both direct loans and purchased paper'
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: Commercial and Industrial Loans
              description: 'Commercial And Industrial Loans On A Consolidated Basis Note: For Banks With Foreign Operations, Data For All Periods From December 1972 Through September 1978 Are Domestic Only'
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: Total Loans to Individuals
              description: "Loans To Individuals For Household, Family, And Other Personal Expenditures (Consumer Loans) On A Consolidated Basis\nNote:\n(1) For Tfr Filers Includes Revolving Loans Secured By 1-4 Family Dwelling Units From March 1984 Through March 1988\n(1) For Banks With Foreign Operations, Data For All Periods From December 1972 Through September 1978 Are Domestic Only"
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: (SI) Loans to Individuals - Home Improvement
              description: "Installment Loans To Individuals To Repair And Modernize\nResidential Property Held In Domestic Offices"
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: (CB) Loans to Individuals - All Others
              description: 'Represents all other loans to individuals for household, family and other personal expenditures. It includes auto loans, both direct and indirect, mobile homes (unless secured by a real estate mortgage), education loans, other installment loans both secured by personal property or unsecured, and single payment loans (time or demand, secured or unsecured)'
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: Loans to Individuals - Credit Card Plans
              description: "Credit Cards Related Plans On A Consolidated Basis\n\nNote:\n(1)Prior To March 2001 Includes Credit Cards Related Plans-Loans To Individuals For Household, Family, And Other Personal Expenditures (Consumer Loans) Includes Check Credit And Other Revolving Credit Plans\n(2) For Tfr Filers Between March 1984 Through March 1988 This Figure Includes Home Equity Loans Based On The Creditworthiness Of The Borrower (T-Sc340)\n(3) For Banks With Foreign Operations, Data For All Periods From December 1972 Through September 1978 Are Domestic Only"
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: Loans to Deposit Institutions
              description: "Loans To Depository Institutions On A Consolidated Basis\nNote: For Banks With Foreign Operations, Data For All Periods From December 1972 Through September 1978 Are Domestic Only\nNote:(1) Beginning March 2001 Includes Acceptances Of Other Banks\n(2) Beginning March 2001, Includes Acceptances Of Other Banks For Ibas"
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: (CB) Gross Loans and Leases
              description: 'Represents the sum of all components of loans'
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: Total Loans And Leases
              description: "Loans And Lease Financing Receivables, Net Of Unearned Income, On A Consolidated Basis\nNote:\n(1) Additional Detail Can Be Found On Schedule Rc-C\n(2) For Tfr Filers This Item Is Net Of Unamortized Yield Adjustments For Mortgage Pool Securities From March 1984 Through December 1989\n(3) For Banks With Foreign Operations, Data For March & September Of 1972 Through 1975 Was Reported On A Domestic Basis"
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: Net Loans and Leases
              description: "Loans And Lease Financing Receivables, Net Of Unearned Income, Allowance, And Reserve On A Consolidated Basis\nNote:\n(1) For Tfr Filers This Item Is Net Of Valuation Allowances And Unamortized Yield Adjustments For Mortgage Pool Securities From March 1984 Through\n(2) For Banks With Foreign Operations, Data For March & September Of 1972 Through 1975 Are Reported On A Domestic Basis"
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: (CB) Memo - Loans to Individuals - Mobile Homes
              description: "Represents loans to individuals to purchase mobile homes. (If the bank's security interest in the loan was represented by a mortgage or deed of trust, the loan should be included in real estate loans)"
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: Loans to States and Politicial Sub-divisions
              description: Obligations (Other Than Securities And Leases) Of States And Political Subdivisions In The U.S. (Including Nonrated Industrial Development Obligations) On A Consolidated Basis
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: Total Real Estate Loans
              description: "Loans Secured By Real Estate On A Consolidated Basis\nNote:\n(1) For Tfr Filers Between March 1984 Through March 1988 This Figure Excludes Home Equity Loans Based On The Creditworthiness Of The Borrower (T-Sc340)\n(2) For Banks With Foreign Operations, Data For All Periods From December 1972 Through September 1978 Are Domestic Only"
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: (CB) R/E Loan - Farmland
              description: 'Represents loans secured by farmland, including improvements, and other land known to be used or usable for agricultural purposes, as evidenced by mortgages or other liens. It includes loans secured by farmland that are guaranteed by the Farmers Home Administration (FHA) or by the Small Business Administration'
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: R/E Loan - Construction & Land Develop
              description: "Construction And Land Development Loans Secured By Real Estate Held In Domestic Offices\nNote: For Tfr Filers Portions Of Lnrecons Were Included In Other Real Estate Loan Categories Prior To March 30, 1986"
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: (CB) Total R/E Loans in Domestic Offices
              description: 'Represents the total of all loans secured by real estate in domestic offices (U.S. and other areas)'
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: (CB) Total R/E Loans in Foreign Offices
              description: 'Represents all loans secured by real estate in foreign offices'
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: (SI) Memo - Home Equity Loans
              description: Revolving, Open-End Loans Secured By 1-4 Family Residential Properties And Extended Under Lines Of Credit Held In Domestic Offices
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: R/E Loans -  Multifamily
              description: Multifamily (5 Or More) Residential Properties Secured By Real Estate Held In Domestic Offices
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: R/E Loan -  Non-farm/Non-residential Prop
              description: "Nonfarm Nonresidential Properties Secured By Real Estate Held In Domestic Offices\nNote: For Tfr Filers This Figure Includes Mortgages On Properties That Are Used For Farming"
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: R/E Loan - 1-4 Family
              description: "Total Loans Secured By 1-4 Family Residential Properties Held In Domestic Offices\nNote: For Tfr Filers Between March 1984 Through March 1988 This Figure Excludes Home Equity Loans Based On The Creditworthiness Of The Borrower"
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: (SI) Allowance For Re Loan
              description: "Allowance For Loan Losses On Real Estate Loans On A Consolidated Basis\nNote: For Tfr Filers Includes Allowance For Mortgage Pool Securities Between March 1984 Through December 1989"
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: (CB) Memo - Loans to Individuals - Single Payment
              description: 'All loans both time or demand, secured or unsecured, to individuals for personal, family or other household expenditures'
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: Leases
              description: "Lease Financing Receivables (Net Of Unearned Income) On A Consolidated Basis\nNote: For Banks With Foreign Operations, Data For March & September Call Dates Are Domestic Only Through December 1975"
              type: integer
              title: (CB) Failures:Assisted Merger
              description: "Mergers, consolidations or absorptions entered into as a result of supervisory actions. The transaction may or may not have required FDIC assistance."
              type: integer
              title: (SI) Other Misc. Adjustments
              description: "Represents any FDIC-insured savings institution that did not file a financial report during the year in which the charter was added or deleted."
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: (CB) Mortgage and Other Borrowings
              description: 'Represents mortgage indebtedness and liabilities under capitalized leases'
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: Non-accrual Loans & Leases
              description: Total Nonaccrual Loans And Lease Financing Receivables On A Consolidated Basis
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: (SI) Net Loans And Leases Charge Offs
              description: Net Loans And Leases Charge Offs (-- 1984-1989 -- Represents Loan and Lease Charge-offs less Loan and Lease Recoveries. An amount enclosed in paraentheses indicates net recoveries. Not collected by TFR filers. -- 1990-Present -- Represents Loan and Lease Charge-offs less Loan and Lease Recoveries. An amount enclosed in paraentheses indicates net recoveries.)
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: Total Non-current Loans & Leases
              description: "Total Loans And Lease Financing Receivables 90 Days Or More Past Due And Nonaccrual On A Consolidated Basis\nNote: Includes Delinquent Loans (60 Or More Days Overdue) And Past Due Loans (One Or More Payments Missed) For Tfr Filers Prior To March 1990"
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: Net Income
              description: "Net Income Attributable To The Bank On A Consolidated Basis\nNote: For Banks With Foreign Operations, Data For December 1972 Through December 1975 Are Domestic Only"
              type: integer
              title: (SI) New Institutions Chartered
              description: "Institutions newly chartered by federal or state banking authorities including authorities in the U. S. Territories or possessions."
              type: integer
              title: (CB) New Charters
              description: "Institutions newly licensed or chartered by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (national banks) or by state banking authorities, including banking authorities in the U. S. territories or possessions. Includes de novo institutions as well as charters issued to take over a failing institution."
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: (CB) Int Exp - Borrowed Money
              description: 'Represents interest expense related to demand notes issued to the U. S. Treasury, mortgage indebtedness, obligations under capitalized leases, and other borrowed money'
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: (CB) All Other Assets
              description: "Represents all other assets not included in previously mentioned captions. Includes, for the most part, customers' liabilities on acceptances outstanding, income earned not collected as well as any other asset not included above"
              type: integer
              title: (CB) Corporate Bonds and Other Securities
              description: "Represents all securities, bonds, notes and debentures of domestic and foreign corporations. Also includes privately issued or guaranteed mortgage backed securities and certain detached U.S. Government security coupons held as a result of either their purchase or the bank's stripping them (CATS, TIGRs, COUGARs, LIONs and ETRs)."
              type: integer
              title: (CB) Trading Account Securities
              description: "Securities within the scope of ASC Topic 320, Investments – Debt Securities, that a bank has elected to report at fair value under a fair value option with changes in fair value reported in current earnings should be classified as trading securities. ("
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: (CB) Memo Valuation Reserves
              description: 'For all years except 1969-1973, investment securities are reflected net of general valuation reserves. Specific reserves are deducted from each security so reserved'
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: (CB) All Other Loans
              description: "Represents unplanned overdrafts and loans to: brokers and dealers in securities, any borrower for the purpose of purchasing and carrying securities, nonprofit institutions and organizations, individuals for investment purposes, real estate investment trusts, mortgage companies holding companies of depository institutions, insurance companies, finance companies, factors and other financial intermediaries, federally sponsored lending agencies, investment banks, the bank's own trust department, Small Business Investment Companies, foreign governments and official institutions, and any other loan not included in one of the above categories"
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: (CB) Borrowed Funds
              description: 'Represents Federal funds purchased, securities sold under agreements to repurchase, demand notes issued to the US Treasury, mortgage indebtedness, liabilities under capitalized leases and all other liabilities for borrowed money'
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: (CB) Other Liabilities
              description: 'Includes all liabilities not included above and limited life preferred stock'
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: (CB) Total Liabilities
              description: 'Represents the total of all components of liabilities'
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: (CB) Undivided Profits
              description: 'Represents undivided profits and related accounts'
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: (CB) Deposits - Individuals, Partnerships and Corporations
              description: 'Represents all deposits of individuals, partnerships and corporations in domestic and foreign offices'
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: (CB) Deposits - U.S. Government
              description: 'Represents all deposits of individuals, partnerships and corporations in domestic and foreign offices'
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: (CB) Deposits - States and Political Subdivisions
              description: 'Represents all deposits of states, counties and municipalities in domestic offices. Such deposits, if any, in foreign offices are not separately reported'
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: (CB) Deposits - All Other
              description: 'Represents all other deposits. Includes deposits of financial institutions, both domestic and foreign, deposits of foreign governments and official institutions and certified and official checks. Also includes deposits in foreign offices other than those of individuals, partnerships and corporations'
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: (CB) Deposits - Domestic Savings
              description: 'Represents all savings deposits in domestic offices'
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: (CB) Total Domestic Deposits
              description: "Total Domestic Deposits"
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: (CB) Demand Notes and Other Liabilities
              description: 'Represents demand notes issued to the U.S. Treasury (Treasury tax & loan account), and all other borrowings. Includes mortgage indebtedness and liabilities under capitalized leases for Call report filers. Includes FSLIC net worth certificates for TFR filers'
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: Interest Bearing Deposits
              description: 'Represents any deposit in domestic and foreign offices on which the banks pays or accrues interest'
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: Net Interest Income
              description: "Net Interest Income (Total Interest Income Minus Total Interest Expense) On A Consolidated Basis\nNote: For Banks With Foreign Operations, Data For December 1972 Through December 1975 Are Domestic Only"
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: Total Noninterest Income
              description: "Total Noninterest Income On A Consolidated Basis\nNote:\n(1) From March 1990 Through March 2009, Excludes Gains (Losses) On Assets Held For Sale For Tfr Filers, See Tfr Instructions For So430\n(2) Excludes Gains On The Sale Of Loans Held For Investments From March 1984 Through December 1989 For Tfr Filers\n(3) For Banks With Foreign Operations, Data For December 1972 Through December 1975 Are Domestic Only"
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: Total Non-interest Expense
              description: "Total Noninterest Expense On A Consolidated Basis\nNote:\n(1) Excludes Losses On Asset Sales For Tfr Filers Beginning June 1996\n(2) Includes Loss On Sale Of Mortgage Pool And Other Securities Held For Investment For Tfr Filers From March 1984 Through December 1986\n(3) Excludes Losses On Loans Held For Investment For Tfr Filers From March 1987 Through December 1989\n(4) For Banks With Foreign Operations, Data For December 1972 Through December 1975 Are Domestic Only"
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: (CB) Net Loan and Lease Charge Offs
              description: 'Represents Loan and Lease Charge-offs less Loan and Lease Recoveries. An amount enclosed in parentheses indicates net recoveries. Not collected by TFR filers'
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: (CB) Memo - Domestic Deposits Non-Transaction
              description: "Represents deposits that are not included in the definition of transaction accounts above or that do not satisfy the criteria necessary to be defined as a transaction account. MMDA's are specifically defined as nontransaction accounts"
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: (CB) Deposits - Domestic Time
              description: 'Represents all time certificates of deposit, time open accounts and similar deposits in domestic offices'
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: (SI) Memo - Time Deposits (Over $100K)
              description: "Time Deposits Over $100,000 Or More Held In Domestic Offices\nNote:\n(1) Listed As Memoranda Only And Is Included In Total Nontransaction Accounts\n(2) Prior To March 2007, Includes All Deposits (Not Just Time) Greater Than $100,000 For Tfr Filers. Except For December 2006, Includes All Nonretirement Deposits Over\n$100,000 And All Retirement Deposits Over $250,000 For Tfr Filers\n(3) Includes Time Deposits Of $100,000 Or More"
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: Number of F/T Employees
              description: "Number Of Full Time-Equivalent Employees On Payroll At The End Of The Current Period\nNote:\n(1) Listed As Memoranda Only\n(2) For Banks With Foreign Operations Data For March & September Of 1972 Through 1975 Are Reported On A Domestic Basis"
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: Other Earning Assests
              description: Other Earning Assests (-- 1984-1989 -- Represents Federal funds sold and securities purchased under agreements to resell (repurchase agreements). Items not separately reported by TFR filers. They are included in Secruties. -- 1990-Present -- Represents Federal funds sold and securities purchased under agreements to resell (repurchase agreements). Includes only Federal funds sold for TFR filers. Repurchase agreements are included in Securities.)
              type: integer
              title: (CB) Offices
              description: "Offices include: Multiple service offices, Military facilities, Drive-in facilities, Loan production offices, Consumer credit offices, Seasonal offices, Administrative offices, Messenger service offices, Supermarket banking offices, and Other offices."
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: (SI) Demand Notes And Other Borrowings
              description: Demand Notes And Other Borrowings (Represents demand notes issued to US Treasury (Treasury tax & loan account), and all other borrowings. Includes mortgage indebtedness and liabilities under capitalized leases for Call report filers. Includes FSLIC net worth certificates for TFR filers.)
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: Total Other Interest Expenses
              description: Total Other Interest Expenses (Federal Funds Purchased and Securities Sold -- Represents the gross expense of all liabilities reportable under this category. This item is not reported separately by TFR filers. It is included in Borrowed Money).
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: Total Other Interest Income
              description: Total Other Interest Income (Represents the total of all Other Interest Income components).
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: Other Non-Interest Income
              description: Other Non Interest Income (1984-1989 -- Same as Total Other Interest Income except gains on the sale of loans held for investment are excluded for TFR filers. -- 1990- Present -- Represents income derived from the sale of assets held for sale; office building operations; real estate held for investment; REO operations; LOCOM adjustments made to assets held for sale; net income (loss) from investements in service corporations/subsidiaries (other than operating or finance subsidiaires); leasing operations; realized and unrealized gains (losses) on trading assets; gains on the sale of REO real estate held for investment, and loans held for investment; and the amoritization of deferred gains (losses) on asset hedges.)
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: (CB) Other Real Estate Owned
              description: "Other Real Estate Owned On A Consolidated Basis\nNote:\n(1) Prior To June 2009, Includes Direct And Indirect Investments In Real Estate\n(2) For Banks With Foreign Operations Data For March & September Of 1972 Through 1975 Was Reported On A Domestic Basis"
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: (SI) Other Real Estate
              description: Other Real Estate (Represents other real estate owned net of reserves for losses). Not available for 1997. For 1986 through 1988 ORET = ORE + INVSUORE; for all other years ORET = ORE
              type: integer
              title: (SI) Non FDIC Supervised BIF Insured Institutions
              description: "Non FDIC supervised BIF insured institutions"
              type: integer
              title: (SI) Non FDIC Supervised SAIF Insured Institutions
              description: "Non FDIC supervised SAIF insured institutions"
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: All Other Assets
              description: All Other Assets (Same as Other Real Estate except that investment in service corporations/subsidiaries is reported gross of valuation allowances by TFR filers, and assets held in trading accounts are included in Securities for TFR filers. -- 1990-Present -- Represents all associations assets not previously mentioned. Includes all non real estate repossessed property, investment in service corporations/subsidiaries, property leased to others, income earned but not yet collected, assets held in the trading accounts, and miscellaneous assets) For 2009- present OTHASST = SUM (INVSUB + INVSUORE + CUSLI + OA)
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: (SI) Advances From FHLB
              description: "Other Liabilities From The Fhlb\nNote:Prior To March 2001 Only Reported On Tfrs"
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: (SI) Int Exp Oth - Borrowed Money
              description: Borrowed Money (Represents interest expense related to demand notes issued the US Treasury, mortage indebtedness, obligations under capitalized leases and on other borrowed money.
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: Other Equity
              description: >
                Represents all equity securities not held for trading: investment in mutual funds, common stock of FNMA, Student Loan Marketing Association, Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, Federal Reserve Bank stock, Federal Home Loan Bank stock, minority interests not meeting the definition of associated companies, "restricted" stock, and other equity securities in both domestic and foreign corporations
              type: integer
              title: (CB) Other
              description: "Withdrawals from FDIC insurance, voluntary liquidations, or conversions to institutions that are not considered commercial banks. Also includes relocation of banks from one state to another."
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: (SI) Other Liabilities
              description: Other Liabilities (Includes all liabilities not included above and limited life preferred stock. 2001- present -- Includes OTHER LIAB & MINOR IN SUBS).
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: (SI) Borrowed Funds
              description: Borrowed Funds (Includes federal funds purchased, securities sold under agreements to repurchase (reverse repurchase agreements), demand notes issued to the US Treasury, mortgage indebtedness, liabilities under capitalized leases and all other liabilities for borrowed money. Includes only reverse purchase agreements (securities sold under agreements to repurchase) and FSLIC net worth certificates for TFR filers)
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: (SI) Less - Other Contra Accounts
              description: Other Contracts (Represents amount reported by savings institutions that file on the Thrift Financial Report. Contra accounts include accrued interest receivable, unamortized yield adjustments and valuation allowances. Negative amounts reflect unamortized premiums and deferred direct costs exceeding unamortized discounts and deferred loan fees).
              type: integer
              title: (CB) Failures:Paid Off
              description: "Institutions that were declared insolvent, the insured deposits of which were paid by the FDIC."
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: Loans & Leases P/D 30-89 Days
              description: "Total Loans And Lease Financing Receivables Past Due 30 Through 89 Days And Still Accruing Interest On A Consolidated Basis\nNote:\n(1) Prior To March 2001,This Information On An Institution Level Is Considered Confidential By The Ffiec"
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: Loans & Leases P/D 90+ Days 
              description: Total Loans And Lease Financing Receivables Past Due 90 Or More Days And Still Accruing Interest On A Consolidated Basis
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: (SI) Pre-Tax Net Operating Income
              description: Pre-Tax Net Operating Income
              type: integer
              title: (CB) Conversions
              description: "Conversions of existing institutions of any type that meet the definition of commercial banks (see Definition of Total Commercial Banks and have applied for and received FDIC insurance. Also includes bank relocations from one state to another."
              type: integer
              title: (SI) Total Savings Institutions at Year End
              description: "Total Insured Savings Institutions including institutions that did not file a 12/31 fincncial report and other adjustments (See Notes to User)."
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: Total Investment Securities (Book Value)
              description: "Total Securities: The Sum Of Held-To-Maturity Securities At Amortized Cost, Available-For-Sale Securities At Fair Value And Equity Securities With Readily Determinable Fair Values Not Held For Trading On A Consolidated Basis\nNote:\n1. Prior To March 2018, Defined As Total Held-To-Maturity At Amortized Cost And Available-For-Sale At Fair Value Securities (Excludes Assets Held In Trading Accounts) On A Consolidated Basis\n2. Beginning In 2018, Includes Equity Securities For Institutions That Have Adopted Asu2016-01 And Those Institutions That Have Not Yet Adopted This Accounting\nStandard\n3. Prior To March 1994 Item Defined As Book Value\n4. Additional Detail Can Be Found On Schedule Rc-B\n5. For Tfr Filers Between March 1984 Through December 1989 Includes Interest-Earning Deposits In Fhlbs, Other Interest-Earning Deposits, Federal Funds Sold And Assets Held In Trading Accounts\n6. For Banks With Foreign Operations Data For March & September Of 1972 Through 1975 Are Reported On A Domestic Basis"
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: U.S. Agencies and Corporation Securities
              description: "Total U.S. Government Agency And Corporation Obligations On A Consolidated Basis\nNote:\n1) From June 2009 Through December 2010, This Item Excluded Other Commercial\nMortgage-Backed Securities\n2) Prior To June 2009, This Item Included Other Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities\n3) Beginning March 1994 Consists Of Held-To-Maturity At Amortized Cost And Available-For-Sale At Fair Value Securities\n4) Includes The Aforementioned Securities Held In Trading Accounts For Tfr Filers\n5) Includes U.S. Treasury Securities For Tfr Filers Between March 1984 Through December 1989 And After March 1996\n6) Does Not Include Mortgage Derivative Securities For Tfr Filers Between March 1984 Through December 1986\n7) For Banks With Foreign Operations, Data For March & September Of 1973 Through 1975 Are Reported On A Domestic Basis"
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: Equity Securities
              description: "Total Equity Securities Available-For-Sale At Fair Value On A Consolidated Basis\nNote:\n(1) Beginning March 2018 Does Not Include Equity Securities For Institutions That Have Adopted Asu 2016-01 See Sceqfv\n(2) Includes The Aforementioned Securities Held In Trading Accounts For Tfr Filers"
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: (SI) Memo - Mortgage Backed Securities
              description: "Mortgage Backed Securities On A Consolidated Basis\nIncludes:\n(1) U.S. Government Agency And Corporation Obligations Issued Or Guaranteed Certificates Of Participation In Pools Of Residential Mortgages,\n(2) U.S. Government Agency And Corporation Obligations Collateralized Mortgage Obligations Issued By Fnma And Fhlmc (Including Remics)\n(3) Other Domestic Debt Securities - Private (I.E., Non-Government-Issued-Or-Guaranteed) Certificates Of Participations In Pools Of Residential Mortgages, And\n(4) Other Domestic Debt Securities - Privately-Issued Collateralized Mortgage Obligations (Including Remics)"
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: States and Political Subdivisions Securities
              description: "Total Securities Issued By States And Political Subdivisions Held-To-Maturity At Amortized Cost And Available-For-Sale At Fair Value On A Consolidated Basis\nNote:\n(1) Prior To March 1994 Item Was Defined As Book Value\n(2) Includes The Aforementioned Securities Held In Trading Accounts For Tfr Filers\n(3) For Banks With Foreign Opeations, Data For March & September Of 1973 Through 1975 Are Reported On A Domestic Basis"
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: (CB) Market Values
              description: 'Represents the market (fair) value of all investment securities'
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: (SI) Less - Contra Accounts
              description: "Contra-Assets To Securities (Reserves)\nNote: For Tfr Filers Only"
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: U.S. Treasury & Agency
              description: "Total U.S. Treasury Securities And U.S. Government Agency And Corporation Obligations On A Consolidated Basis\nNote:\n1) From June 2009 Through December 2010 This Item Excluded Commercial Mortgage Backed Securities\n2) Prior To June 2009, This Item Included Commercial Mortgage Backed Securities\n3) Beginning March 1994 Consists Of Held-To-Maturity At Amortized Cost And Available-For-Sale At Fair Value Securities\n4) Does Not Include Mortgage Derivative Securities From March 1984 Through December 1986 For Tfr Filers\n5) Includes The Aforementioned Securities Held In Trading Accounts For Tfr Filers\n6) For Banks With Foreign Operations Data For March & September Of 1973 Through 1975 Are Reported On A Domestic Basis"
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: Securities Of Us Agencies
              description: Securities Of Us Agencies
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: U.S. Treasury Securities
              description: "U.S. Treasury Securities Held-To-Maturity At Amortized Cost And Available-For-Sale At Fair Value On A Consolidated Basis\nNote:\n(1) Beginning June 1996, Tfr Filers No Longer Report U.S. Treasury Securities Separately\n(2) Prior To March 1994 Item Was Defined As Book Value\n(3) Includes The Aforementioned Securities Held In Trading Accounts For Tfr Filers\n(4) For Banks With Foreign Operations, Data For March & September Of 1973 Through 1975 Are Reported On A Domestic Basis"
              type: string
              title: State Name
              description: State Name
              x-elastic-type: keyword
              type: string
              x-elastic-type: keyword
              title: State Number
              description: State Number
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: (SI) Subordinated Notes
              description: "Subordinated Notes And Debentures And Limited-Life Preferred Stock And Related Surplus On A Consolidated Basis\nNote: (1) Banks With Foreign Operations Data For March & September Of 1972 Through 1975 Are Reported On A Domesitc Basis"
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: (CB) Subordinated Notes/Debentures
              description: 'Represents all notes and debentures subordinated to deposits and all capital notes and debentures'
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: Total Other Interest Income
              description: Total Other Interest Income (Represents the sum of Other Interest Income - Investment Securities, Trading Account Assets, Federal Funds Sold and Securities Purchased, and Balanaces Due from Depository Institutions)
              type: integer
              title: (SI) Charter Transfers To Commercial Banks
              description: "Represents the charter transfer of existing FDIC-insured savings institutions to an FDIC-insured commercial bank charter."
              type: integer
              title: (SI) Assisted Mergers With Comm. Banks
              description: "Represents the absorption of a failing savings institution by a commercial bank with assistance from either the BIF or SAIF."
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: Total Other Interest Expense
              description: Total Other Interest Expense (Represents the sum of all components of Other Interest Expense)
              type: integer
              title: (SI) Unassisted Mergers With Commercial Banks
              description: "Represents the absorption of a savings institution charter by a commercial bank without assistance."
              type: integer
              title: (SI) Failures Transferred To The RTC
              description: "Represents institutions that were declared failed and placed under RTC conservatorship until a buyer(s) is(are) found or a payout to depositors occurs."
              type: integer
              title: (CB) Total Commercial Banks at Year End
              description: "Total Insured Commercial Banks including institutions that did not file a 12/31 fincncial report and other adjustments (See Notes to User)" 
              type: integer
              title: (SI) Total FDIC Supervised Savings Institutions
              description: "Total FDIC Supervised Savings Institutions"
              type: integer
              title: (SI) Total Non FDIC Supervised Savings Institutions
              description: "Total Non FDIC Supervised Savings Institutions"
              type: integer
              title: (SI) Total Savings Institutions
              description: "All FDIC Insured Savings Institutions filing a 12/31 financial report"
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: Total Loans and Leases Past Due
              description: Total Loans And Leases Past Due
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: Trading Account Assets
              description: "Assets Held In Trading Accounts On A Consolidated Basis\nNote:\n(1) Effective March 1994 Item Reported On A Gross Basis\n(2) Additional Detail Can Be Found On Schedule Rc-D\n(3) For Banks With Foreign Operations Data For March & September Of 1972 Through 1975 Are Reported On A Domestic Basis,\n(4) For Periods 1972 Through 1983 Includes Only Securities"
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: (SI) Less - Trading Accounts
              description: Trading Accounts
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: (CB) Memo - Domestic Deposits Transaction
              description: "Represents all demand deposits, NOW accounts, ATS accounts, accounts from which payments may be made to third parties by means of an automated teller machine, a remote service unit, or another electronic device, and accounts that permit third party payments through use of checks, drafts, negotiable instruments, or other similar instrument. (MMDA's are specifically excluded from the latter two definitions)"
              type: integer
              title: (CB) Unassisted Mergers
              description: "Voluntary mergers, consolidations or absorptions of two or more institutions."
              type: integer
              x-number-unit: Thousands of US Dollars
              title: Unearned Income
              description: "Unearned Income On Loans On A Consolidated Basis\nNote: For Banks With Foreign Operations, Data For March 1976 Through September 1978 Are Domestic Only"
              type: integer
              title: (CB) Unit Banks
              description: "Unit banks are institutions that are operating only one office at which deposits are received or other banking business is conducted."
              type: string
              x-elastic-type: keyword
              title: Year
              description: Statistics reported as of end of year.
      type: object
          type: object
              type: string
              x-elastic-type: keyword
              title: Institution Name
              description: This is the legal name of the institution. When available, the Institution's name links to useful information for the customers and vendors of these institutions. This information includes press releases, information about the acquiring institution, (if applicable), how your accounts and loans are affected, and how vendors can file claims against the receivership.  
              type: string
              x-elastic-type: keyword
              title: Cert
              description: The certificate number assigned by the FDIC used to identify institutions and for the issuance of insurance certificates. By clicking on this number, you will link to the Institution Directory (ID) system which will provide the last demographic and financial data filed by the selected institution.
              type: string
              x-elastic-type: keyword
              title: FIN
              description: Financial Institution Number (FIN) is a unique number assigned to the institution as an Assistance Agreement, Conservatorship, Bridge Bank or Receivership. 
              type: string
              x-elastic-type: keyword
              title: Location
              description: The city and state (or territory) of the headquarters of the institution.
              type: string
              format: date-time
              title: Effective Date
              description: The date that the failed / assisted institution ceased to exist as a privately held going concern. For institutions that entered into government ownership, such as FDIC Bridge Banks and RTC conservatorships, this is the date that they entered into such ownership.  
              type: string
              x-elastic-type: keyword
              title: Year
              description: The 4-digit year that the failed / assisted institution ceased to exist as a privately held going concern. For institutions that entered into government ownership, such as FDIC Bridge Banks and RTC conservatorships, this is the date that they entered into such ownership.  
              type: string
              x-elastic-type: keyword
              title: Insurance Fund
              description: Before 1989, there were two federal deposit insurance funds, one administered by the FDIC, which insured deposits in commercial banks and state-chartered savings banks, and another administered by the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation (FSLIC), which insured deposits in state- and federally-chartered savings associations. In 1989, the Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery and Enforcement Act (FIRREA) specified that thereafter the FDIC would be the federal deposit insurer of all banks and savings associations and would administer both the FDIC fund, which was renamed the Bank Insurance Fund (BIF) and the replacement for the insolvent FSLIC fund, which was called the Savings Association Insurance Fund (SAIF). Although it was created in 1989, the SAIF was not responsible for savings association failures until 1996. From 1989 through 1995, savings association failures were the responsibility of the Resolution Trust Corporation (RTC). In February 2006, The Federal Deposit Insurance Reform Act of 2005 provided for the merger of the BIF and the SAIF into a single Deposit Insurance Fund (DIF). Necessary technical and conforming changes to the law were made under The Federal Deposit Insurance Reform Conforming Amendments Act of 2005. The merger of the funds was effective on March 31, 2006. For additional information about deposit insurance fund and legislation, go to
                - BIF
                - RTC
                - FSLIC
                - SAIF
                - DIF
                - FDIC
              type: string
              x-elastic-type: keyword
              title: Transaction Type
              description: |-
                Institutions have been resolved through several different types of transactions. The transaction types outlined below can be grouped into three general categories, based upon the method employed to protect insured depositors and how each transaction affects a failed / assisted institution's charter. In most assistance transactions, insured and uninsured depositors are protected, the failed / assisted institution remains open and its charter survives the resolution process. In purchase and assumption transactions, the failed / assisted institution's insured deposits are transferred to a successor institution, and its charter is closed. In most of these transactions, additional liabilities and assets are also transferred to the successor institution. In payoff transactions, the deposit insurer - the FDIC or the former Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation - pays insured depositors, the failed / assisted institution's charter is closed, and there is no successor institution. For a more complete description of resolution transactions and the FDIC's receivership activities, see Managing the Crisis: The FDIC and RTC Experience, a study prepared by the FDIC's Division of Resolutions and Receiverships. Copies are available from the FDIC's Public Information Center.
                Category 1 - Institution's charter survives
                A/A - Assistance Transactions. These include: 1) transactions where assistance was provided to the acquirer, who purchased the entire institution. For a few FSLIC transactions, the acquirer purchased the entire bridge bank - type entity, but certain other assets were moved into a liquidating receivership prior to the sale, and 2) open bank assistance transactions, including those where assistance was provided under a systemic risk determination (in such cases any costs that exceed the amounts estimated under the least cost resolution requirement would be recovered through a special assessment on all FDIC-insured institutions).
                REP -   Reprivatization, management takeover with or without assistance at takeover, followed by a sale with or without additional assistance.
                Category 2 - Institution's charter is terminated, insured deposits plus some assets and other liabilities are transferred to a successor charter
                P&A - Purchase and Assumption, where some or all of the deposits, certain other liabilities and a portion of the assets (sometimes all of the assets) were sold to an acquirer. It was not determined if all of the deposits (PA) or only the insured deposits (PI) were assumed.
                PA - Purchase and Assumption, where the insured and uninsured deposits, certain other liabilities and a portion of the assets were sold to an acquirer.
                PI - Purchase and Assumption of the insured deposits only, where the traditional P&A was modified so that only the insured deposits were assumed by the acquiring institution.
                IDT - Insured Deposit Transfer, where the acquiring institution served as a paying agent for the insurer, established accounts on their books for depositors, and often acquired some assets as well. Includes ABT (asset-backed transfer, a FSLIC transaction that is very similar to an IDT).
                MGR - An institution where FSLIC took over management and generally provided financial assistance. FSLIC closed down before the institution was sold.
                Category 3
                PO - Payout, where the insurer paid the depositors directly and placed the assets in a liquidating receivership. Note: Includes transactions where the FDIC established a Deposit Insurance National Bank to facilitate the payout process. 
                - A/A
                - REP
                - P&A
                - PA
                - PI
                - IDT
                - MGR
                - PO
              type: string
              x-elastic-type: keyword
              title: Charter Class
              description: |-
                The FDIC assigns classification codes indicating an institution's charter type (commercial bank, savings bank, or savings association), its chartering agent (state or federal government), its Federal Reserve membership status (member or nonmember), and its primary federal regulator (state-chartered institutions are subject to both federal and state supervision). These codes are:
                N - National chartered commercial bank supervised by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency;
                SM - State charter Fed member commercial bank supervised by the Federal Reserve;
                NM - State charter Fed nonmember commercial bank supervised by the FDIC;
                SA - State or federal charter savings association supervised by the Office of Thrift Supervision or Office of the Comptroller of the Currency;
                SB - State charter savings bank supervised by the FDIC.
                - N
                - SM
                - NM
                - SA 
                - SB
              type: string
              x-elastic-type: keyword
              title: Failure/Assistance
              description: The given institution has failure stature or it can be assistance has been provided by FDIC in merging with other institution.
                - FAILURE
                - ASSISTANCE
              type: number
              x-elastic-type: double
              title: Total Deposits
              description: Total including demand deposits, money market deposits, other savings deposits, time deposits and deposits in foreign offices as of the last Call Report or Thrift Financial Report filed by the institution prior to the effective date. Note this does not necessarily reflect total deposits on the last report filed because in some cases reports were filed after the effective date.
              type: number
              x-elastic-type: double
              title: Total Assets
              description: The Total assets owned by the institution including cash, loans, securities, bank premises and other assets as of the last Call Report or Thrift Financial Report filed by the institution prior to the effective date. Note this does not necessarily reflect total assets on the last report filed because in some cases reports were filed after the effective date. This total does not include off-balance-sheet accounts.
              type: number
              x-elastic-type: double
              title: Estimated Loss
              description: |-
                The estimated loss is the difference between the amount disbursed from the Deposit Insurance Fund (DIF) to cover obligations to insured depositors and the amount estimated to be ultimately recovered from the liquidation of the receivership estate. Estimated losses reflect unpaid principal amounts deemed unrecoverable and do not reflect interest that may be due on the DIF's administrative or subrogated claims should its principal be repaid in full.
                Comprehensive data on estimated losses are not available for FDIC-insured failures prior to 1986, or for FSLIC-insured failures from 1934-88. Estimated loss is presented as "N/A" in years for which comprehensive information is not available.
                Estimated Loss data was previously referred to as 'Estimated Cost' in past releases of the Historical Statistic on Banking. For RTC receiverships, the 'Estimated Cost' included an allocation of FDIC corporate revenue and expense items such as interest expense on Federal Financing Bank debt, interest expense on escrowed funds and interest revenue on advances to receiverships. Other FDIC receiverships did not include such an allocation. To maintain consistency with FDIC receiverships, the RTC allocation is no longer reflected in the estimated loss amounts for failed / assisted institutions that were resolved through RTC receiverships.
                Beginning with the release of 2007 information, the 'Estimated Loss' in the Historical Statistics on Banking is presented and defined consistently with the aggregate Estimated Receivership Loss for FRF-RTC institutions and Estimated Losses for FDIC receiverships that are reported in the FDIC's Annual Report. The estimated loss is obtained from the FDIC's Failed Bank Cost Analysis (FBCA) report and the RTC Loss report. The FBCA provides data for receiverships back to 1986. The RTC Loss Report provides similar data back to 1989. 
                Questions regarding Estimated Loss should be sent to 
                Also, for more detail regarding resolution transactions and the FDIC's receivership activities, see Managing the Crisis: The FDIC and RTC Experience, a historical study prepared by the FDIC's Division of Resolutions and Receiverships. Copies are available from the FDIC's Public Information Center.
              type: string
              x-elastic-type: keyword
              title: State 
              description: Two-character alphanumeric code for US state or Territory
      type: object
          type: integer
          description: Total query result count
          type: object
          description: Query parameters supplied
          type: object
              type: string
              description: name of index used to retrieve data
              type: string
              format: date-time
              description: date/time index was created
      type: object
      description: Total and subtotal data (additional properties based on fields selected)
          type: integer
          description: Total result count

This spec comes from the FDIC:

fearthecowboy commented 5 years ago

It's not hanging, it's just going insane with all the non-required parameters.

Ugh. My variant strategy is getting the hell kicked out of itself on this.

I may have to make a change to use PowerShell optional parameters for those, instead of parameter sets.

fearthecowboy commented 5 years ago

New build handles this differently. Try autorest --reset and run it again.

TylerLeonhardt commented 5 years ago

Much faster and everything works! Thanks @fearthecowboy