Azure / autorest

OpenAPI (f.k.a Swagger) Specification code generator. Supports C#, PowerShell, Go, Java, Node.js, TypeScript, Python
MIT License
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error | Modelerfour/IncompatibleRequestBodies | Operation 'Imports/PostImportInGroup' content types [json, multipart] have the same body schema but cannot be used together #4956

Open KotanaSai21 opened 2 months ago

KotanaSai21 commented 2 months ago

We're facing the below error with our swagger file while including multipart/form-data. Check my swagger file here. image

We want to include both content type application/json & multipart/form-data to our request body header. But after migrating to Azure Core and generating files using autorest v3 we're facing the above error.

Could you please help us to resolve this issue?