Azure / avdaccelerator

AVD Accelerator deployment automation to simplify the setup of AVD (Azure Virtual Desktop) based on best practices
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FSLogix DSC package AAD logic update #527

Closed danycontre closed 8 months ago

danycontre commented 8 months ago


Replace this with a brief description of what this Pull Request fixes, changes, etc.

This PR fixes/adds/changes/removes

  1. Adding logic for DSC package to properly handle AAD scenarios.
  2. Updating default domain join credentials when using AAD.
  3. Changes on NTFS permission applied for AAD scenarios: Old: Write-Log "setting up NTFS permission for FSLogix" icacls ${DriveLetter}: /remove "BUILTIN\Administrators" icacls ${DriveLetter}: /grant "Creator Owner:(OI)(CI)(IO)(M)" icacls ${DriveLetter}: /remove "Authenticated Users" icacls ${DriveLetter}: /remove "Builtin\Users" Write-Log "ACLs set"

    AVD group permissions

    if ($SecurityPrincipalName -eq 'none' -or $IdentityServiceProvider -eq 'AAD') { Write-Log "AD group not provided or using Microsoft Entra ID joined session hosts, ACLs for AD group not set" } else { $Group = $DomainName + '\' + $SecurityPrincipalName icacls ${DriveLetter}: /grant "${Group}:(M)" Write-Log "AD group $Group ACLs set" }

New: Write-Log "setting up NTFS permission for FSLogix" icacls ${DriveLetter}: /inheritance:r icacls ${DriveLetter}: /remove "BUILTIN\Administrators" icacls ${DriveLetter}: /grant "Creator Owner:(OI)(CI)(IO)(M)" icacls ${DriveLetter}: /remove "BUILTIN\Users" Write-Log "ACLs set"

AVD group permissions

if ($SecurityPrincipalName -eq 'none' -or $IdentityServiceProvider -eq 'AAD') {
    Write-Log "AD group not provided or using Microsoft Entra ID joined session hosts, ACLs for AD group not set"
else {
    icacls ${DriveLetter}: /remove "Authenticated Users"
    $Group = $DomainName + '\' + $SecurityPrincipalName
    icacls ${DriveLetter}: /grant "${Group}:(M)"
    Write-Log "AD group $Group ACLs set"

Breaking Changes

  1. Renaming parameters or adding new ones on the storage bicep template:
    • domainJoinUserPassword changed to adminUserPassword
    • New: vmLocalUserName
  2. DSC package parameter updates:
    • DomainAdminUserName changed to AdminUserName
    • DomainAdminUserPassword changed to AdminUserPassword

Testing Evidence

Replace this with any testing evidence to show that your Pull Request works/fixes as described and planned (include screenshots, if appropriate).

As part of this Pull Request I have