Azure / az-hop

The Azure HPC On-Demand Platform provides an HPC Cluster Ready solution
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Grafana login not working #1529

Closed MaximilianoAguirre closed 1 year ago

MaximilianoAguirre commented 1 year ago



In what area(s)?

/area ansible

Expected Behavior

Grafana can be logged in from the OOD dashboard

Actual Behavior

Login fails

Steps to Reproduce the Problem

Access grafana after deployment.

Config.yml file used:

# yaml-language-server: $schema=config.schema.json

# name of the cluster
project_name: az-hop
# azure location name as returned by the command : az account list-locations -o table
location: eastus
# Name of the resource group to create all resources
resource_group: azhop
# If using an existing resource group set to true. Default is false
# When using an existing resource group make sure the location match the one of the existing resource group
use_existing_rg: false
# If set to true, will disable telemetry for azhop. See
#optout_telemetry: true

# A log analytics workspace can be created for monitoring or alerting 
# Alternatively, you can use an existing workspace. 
# To use an existing workspace set create to false and specify the resource group, name and subscription the target workspace lives in
  create: true
  # An existing log analytics workspace can be used instead. The resource group, name and subscription id of the workspace will need to be specified.
  # Grant the role "Log Analytics Contributor" on the target Log Analytics Workspace for the identity used to deploy az-hop
  #subscription_id: # Optional, if not specified the current subscription will be used

# Option to install the monitoring agent on static infra VMs. Can be disabled if the agent is installed by policy.  
  install_agent: true

#If set to true, it will create alert rules associated with az-hop. Enablement of alerting will require the specification of an admin email to send alerts to.
  enabled: true
  local_volume_threshold: 80

# Additional tags to be added on the Resource Group
  env: dev
# Define an Azure Netapp Files (ANF) account, single pool and volume
# If not present, assume that there is an existing NFS share for the users home directory
  create: true
  # Size of the ANF pool and unique volume (min: 4TB, max: 100TB)
  homefs_size_tb: 4
  # Service level of the ANF volume, can be: Standard, Premium, Ultra
  homefs_service_level: Standard
  # dual protocol
  dual_protocol: false # true to enable SMB support. false by default
  # If alerting is enabled, this value will be used to determine when to trigger alerts 
  alert_threshold: 80 # alert when ANF volume reaches this threshold

# For small deployments you can use Azure Files instead of ANF for the home directory
  create: false
  size_gb: 1024

# These mounts will be listed in the Files menu of the OnDemand portal and automatically mounted on all compute nodes and remote desktop nodes
  # mount settings for the user home directory
  home: # This home name can't be changed
    # type of mount : existing, anf or azurefiles, default to existing. One of the three should be defined in order to mount the home directory
    # When using existing, the mountpoint, server, export and options should be defined, for other cases leave the values as defined with the curly braces
    type: anf
    mountpoint: /anfhome # /sharedhome for example
    server: '{{anf_home_ip}}' # Specify an existing NFS server name or IP, when using the ANF built in use '{{anf_home_ip}}'
    export: '{{anf_home_path}}' # Specify an existing NFS export directory, when using the ANF built in use '{{anf_home_path}}'
    options: '{{anf_home_opts}}' # Specify the mount options. Default to rw,hard,rsize=262144,wsize=262144,vers=3,tcp,_netdev
#  mount1:
#    mountpoint: /mount1 
#    server: a.b.c.d # Specify an existing NFS server name or IP
#    export: myexport1 # Specify an existing NFS export name
#    options: my_options # Specify the mount options.

# name of the admin account
admin_user: clusteradmin
# List of identities (object ids) to grant read access to az-hop key vault (optional)
# key_vault_readers:
# Network
  # Create Network and Application Security Rules, true by default, false when using an existing VNET if not specified
  create_nsg: true
    name: hpcvnet # Optional - default to hpcvnet
    #id: # If a vnet id is set then no network will be created and the provided vnet will be used
    address_space: "" 
    # Special VNET Tags
    # tags:
    #   key1: value1
    # When using an existing VNET, only the subnet names will be used and not the adress_prefixes
    subnets: # all subnets are optionals
    # name values can be used to rename the default to specific names, address_prefixes to change the IP ranges to be used
    # All values below are the default values
        name: frontend
        address_prefixes: ""
        create: true # create the subnet if true. default to true when not specified, default to false if using an existing VNET when not specified
        name: admin
        address_prefixes: ""
        create: true
        name: netapp
        address_prefixes: ""
        create: true
      # the outbounddns is optional and only when deploying an Azure Private DNS Resolver
      # outbounddns:
      #   name: outbounddns
      #   address_prefixes: ""
      #   create: true
        name: ad
        address_prefixes: ""
        create: true
      # Bastion and Gateway subnets are optional and can be added if a Bastion or a VPN need to be created in the environment
      # bastion: # Bastion subnet name is always fixed to AzureBastionSubnet
      #   address_prefixes: "" # CIDR minimal range must be /26
      #   create: true
      # gateway: # Gateway subnet name is always fixed to GatewaySubnet
      #   address_prefixes: "" # Recommendation is to use /27 or /26 network
      #   create: true
        name: compute
        address_prefixes: ""
        create: true
  # Specify the Application Security Groups mapping if already existing
# asg:
#   resource_group: # name of the resource group containing the ASG. Default to the resource group containing azhop resources
#   names: # list of ASG names mapping to the one defined in az-hop
#     asg-ssh: asg-ssh
#     asg-rdp: asg-rdp
#     asg-jumpbox: asg-jumpbox
#     asg-ad: asg-ad
#     asg-ad-client: asg-ad-client
#     asg-lustre: asg-lustre
#     asg-lustre-client: asg-lustre-client
#     asg-pbs: asg-pbs
#     asg-pbs-client: asg-pbs-client
#     asg-cyclecloud: asg-cyclecloud
#     asg-cyclecloud-client: asg-cyclecloud-client
#     asg-nfs-client: asg-nfs-client
#     asg-telegraf: asg-telegraf
#     asg-grafana: asg-grafana
#     asg-robinhood: asg-robinhood
#     asg-ondemand: asg-ondemand
#     asg-deployer: asg-deployer
#     asg-guacamole: asg-guacamole
#     asg-mariadb-client: asg-mariadb-client

#  peering: # This list is optional, and can be used to create VNet Peerings in the same subscription.
#    - vnet_name: #"VNET Name to Peer to"
#      vnet_resource_group: #"Resource Group of the VNET to peer to"
#      vnet_allow_gateway: false # optional: allow gateway transit (default: true)

# Specify DNS forwarders available in the network
# dns:
#   forwarders:
#     - { name:, ips: "," }

# When working in a locked down network, uncomment and fill out this section
  enforce: false
#   grant_access_from: [a.b.c.d] # Array of CIDR to grant access from, see
  public_ip: true # Enable public IP creation for Jumpbox, OnDemand and create images. Default to true

# Base image configuration. Can be either an image reference or an image_id from the image registry or a custom managed image
linux_base_image: "OpenLogic:CentOS:7_9-gen2:latest" # publisher:offer:sku:version or image_id
# linux image plan if required, format is publisher:product:name
windows_base_image: "MicrosoftWindowsServer:WindowsServer:2019-Datacenter-smalldisk:latest" # publisher:offer:sku:version or image_id
lustre_base_image: "azhpc:azurehpc-lustre:azurehpc-lustre-2_12:latest"
# The lustre plan to use. Only needed when using the default lustre image from the marketplace. use "::" for an empty plan
lustre_base_plan: "azhpc:azurehpc-lustre:azurehpc-lustre-2_12" # publisher:product:name

# Jumpbox VM configuration, only needed when deploying thru a public IP and without a configured deployer VM
  vm_size: Standard_B2ms
  # SSH port under which the jumpbox SSH server listens on the public IP. Default to 22
  # Change this to, e.g., 2222, if security policies (like "zero trust") in your tenant automatically block access to port 22 from the internet
  #ssh_port: 2222
# Active directory VM configuration
  vm_size: Standard_B2ms
  hybrid_benefit: false # Enable hybrid benefit for AD, default to false
  high_availability: false # Build AD in High Availability mode (2 Domain Controlers) - default to false

# On demand VM configuration
  vm_size: Standard_D4s_v5
  #fqdn: # When provided it will be used for the certificate server name
  generate_certificate: true # Generate an SSL certificate for the OnDemand portal. Default to true
# Grafana VM configuration
  vm_size: Standard_B2ms
# Guacamole VM configuration
  vm_size: Standard_B2ms
# Scheduler VM configuration
  vm_size: Standard_B2ms
# CycleCloud VM configuration
  vm_size: Standard_B2ms
  # version: 8.3.0-3062 # to specify a specific version, see

# Lustre cluster is optional and can be used to create a Lustre cluster in the environment.
  create: false # true or false to create a lustre cluster
  rbh_sku: "Standard_D8d_v4"
  mds_sku: "Standard_D8d_v4"
  oss_sku: "Standard_D32d_v4"
  # oss_count: 1
  hsm_max_requests: 8
  mdt_device: "/dev/sdb"
  ost_device: "/dev/sdb"
  # optional to use existing storage for the archive
  # if not included it will use the azhop storage account that is created
  # hsm:
  #   storage_account: #existing_storage_account_name
  #   storage_container: #only_used_with_existing_storage_account
# List of users to be created on this environment
  # name: username - must be less than 20 characters
  # uid: uniqueid
  # shell: /bin/bash # default to /bin/bash
  # home: /anfhome/<user_name> # default to /homedir_mountpoint/user_name
  # groups: list of groups the user belongs to
  - { name: hpcadmin, uid: 10001, groups: [5001, 5002] }
  - { name: hpcuser, uid: 10002 }
  # - { name: user1, uid: 10003, groups: [6000] }
  # - { name: user2, uid: 10004, groups: [6001] }

# These group names could be changed but not the gids as names will be mapped by gids
  - name: azhop-users # All users will be added to this group by default
    gid: 5000
  - name: azhop-admins
    gid: 5001
    description: "For users with azhop admin privileges"
  - name: azhop-localadmins
    gid: 5002
    description: "For users with sudo right or local admin right on nodes"
# For custom groups use gid >= 6000
  # - name: project1 # For project1 users
  #   gid: 6000
  # - name: project2 # For project2 users
  #   gid: 6001

# Enable cvmfs-eessi - disabled by default
  enabled: false

# scheduler to be installed and configured (openpbs, slurm)
queue_manager: slurm

# Specific SLURM configuration
  # Enable SLURM accounting, this will create a SLURM accounting database in a managed MariaDB server instance
  accounting_enabled: false
  # SLURM version to install. Currently supported: only 20.11.9 and 22.05.3.
  # Other versions can be installed by building from source (See build_rpms setting in the slurmserver role)
  slurm_version: 20.11.9
  # Name of the SLURM cluster for accounting (optional, default to 'slurm')
  # WARNING: changing this value on a running cluster will cause slurmctld to fail to start. This is a
  # safety check to prevent accounting errors. To override, remove /var/spool/slurmd/clustername
  cluster_name: slurm_azhop

  enroot_version: 3.4.1

# If using an existing Managed MariaDB instance for SLURM accounting and/or Guacamole, specify these values
  # Admin user of the database for which the password will be retrieved from the azhop keyvault
  #user: sqladmin
  # FQDN of the managed instance
  # IP of the managed private endpoint if the FQDN is not registered in a private DNS

# Create a Bastion in the bastion subnet when defined
  create: false

# Create a VPN Gateway in the gateway subnet when specified
  create: false

# Authentication configuration for accessing the az-hop portal
# Default is basic authentication. For oidc authentication you have to specify the following values
# The OIDCClient secret need to be stored as a secret named <oidc-client-id>-password in the keyvault used by az-hop
  httpd_auth: basic # oidc or basic
  # User mapping
  # You can specify either a map_match or a user_map_cmd
  # Domain users are mapped to az-hop users with the same name and without the domain name
  # user_map_match: '^([^@]+)$'
  # If using a custom mapping script, update it from the ./playbooks/files directory before running the playbook
  # user_map_cmd: /opt/ood/ood_auth_map/bin/
  # ood_auth_openidc:
  #   OIDCProviderMetadataURL: # for AAD use '{{tenant_id}}/.well-known/openid-configuration'
  #   OIDCRemoteUserClaim: # for AAD use 'upn'
  #   OIDCScope: # for AAD use 'openid profile email groups'
  #   OIDCPassIDTokenAs: # for AAD use 'serialized'
  #   OIDCPassRefreshToken: # for AAD use 'On'
  #   OIDCPassClaimsAs: # for AAD use 'environment'

  create: false # Create the shared image gallery to store custom images

# List of images to be defined
  # - name: image_definition_name # Should match the packer configuration file name, one per packer file
  #   publisher: azhop
  #   offer: CentOS
  #   sku: 7_9-gen2
  #   hyper_v: V2 # V1 or V2 (V1 is the default)
  #   os_type: Linux # Linux or Windows
  #   version: 7.9 # Version of the image to create the image definition in SIG. Pattern is major.minor where minor is mandatory

  # Pre-defined images
  - name: azhop-compute-almalinux-8_7
    publisher: azhop
    offer: almalinux
    sku: 8_7-hpc-gen2
    hyper_v: V2
    os_type: Linux
    version: 8.7
  - name: azhop-centos79-v2-rdma-gpgpu
    publisher: azhop
    offer: CentOS
    sku: 7.9-gen2
    hyper_v: V2
    os_type: Linux
    version: 7.9
  # Image definition when using a custom image to build compute nodes images
  - name: azhop-centos79-v2-rdma-ci
    publisher: azhop
    offer: CentOS
    sku: 7.9-gen2-ci
    hyper_v: V2
    os_type: Linux
    version: 7.9
  # Image definition when using a custom image to build remote viz nodes images
  - name: azhop-centos79-desktop3d-ci
    publisher: azhop
    offer: CentOS
    sku: 7.9-gen2-desktop3d-ci
    hyper_v: V2
    os_type: Linux
    version: 7.9
  - name: azhop-centos79-desktop3d
    publisher: azhop
    offer: CentOS
    sku: 7.9-gen2-desktop3d
    hyper_v: V2
    os_type: Linux
    version: 7.9
  - name: azhop-compute-centos-7_9
    publisher: azhpc
    offer: azhop-compute
    sku: centos-7_9
    hyper_v: V2
    os_type: Linux
    version: 7.9
  - name: azhop-desktop-centos-7_9
    publisher: azhpc
    offer: azhop-desktop
    sku: centos-7_9
    hyper_v: V2
    os_type: Linux
    version: 7.9
  - name: azhop-compute-ubuntu-1804
    publisher: azhpc
    offer: azhop-compute
    sku: ubuntu-1804
    hyper_v: V2
    os_type: Linux
    version: 18.04
  - name: azhop-win10
    publisher: azhop
    offer: Windows-10
    sku: 21h1-pron
    hyper_v: V1
    os_type: Windows
    version: 10.19043
  # Base image when building your own HPC image and not using the HPC marketplace images
  - name: base-centos79-v2-rdma
    publisher: azhop
    offer: CentOS
    sku: 7.9-gen2-rdma-nogpu
    hyper_v: V2
    os_type: Linux
    version: 7.9

# Autoscale default settings for all queues, can be overriden on each queue depending on the VM type if needed
  idle_timeout: 1800 # Idle time in seconds before shutting down VMs - default to 1800 like in CycleCloud

# List of queues (node arrays in Cycle) to be defined
# don't use queue names longer than 8 characters in order to leave space for node suffix, as hostnames are limited to 15 chars due to domain join and NETBIOS constraints.
  - name: execute # name of the Cycle Cloud node array
    # Azure VM Instance type
    vm_size: Standard_F2s_v2
    # maximum number of cores that can be instanciated
    max_core_count: 1024
    # Use the pre-built azhop image from the marketplace
    image: azhpc:azhop-compute:centos-7_9:latest
    # Use this image ID when building your own custom images
    #image: /subscriptions/{{subscription_id}}/resourceGroups/{{resource_group}}/providers/Microsoft.Compute/galleries/{{sig_name}}/images/azhop-centos79-v2-rdma-gpgpu/latest
    # Image plan specification (when needed for the image). Terms must be accepted prior to deployment
    # plan: publisher:product:name
    # Set to true if AccelNet need to be enabled. false is the default value
    EnableAcceleratedNetworking: false
    # spot instance support. Default is false
    spot: false
    # Set to false to disable creation of placement groups (for SLURM only). Default is true
    ColocateNodes: false
    # Specific idle time in seconds before shutting down VMs, make sure it's lower than autoscale.idle_timeout
    idle_timeout: 300
    # Set the max number of vm's in a VMSS; requires additional limit raise through support ticket for >100; 
    # 100 is default value; lower numbers will improve scaling for single node jobs or jobs with small number of nodes
    MaxScaleSetSize: 100
  - name: hc44rs
    vm_size: Standard_HC44rs
    max_core_count: 440
    image: azhpc:azhop-compute:centos-7_9:latest
    spot: true
    EnableAcceleratedNetworking: true
  - name: hb120v2
    vm_size: Standard_HB120rs_v2
    max_core_count: 1200
    image: azhpc:azhop-compute:centos-7_9:latest
    spot: true
    EnableAcceleratedNetworking: true
  - name: hb120v3
    vm_size: Standard_HB120rs_v3
    max_core_count: 1200
    image: azhpc:azhop-compute:centos-7_9:latest
    spot: true
    EnableAcceleratedNetworking: true
    # Queue dedicated to GPU remote viz nodes. This name is fixed and can't be changed
  - name: viz3d
    vm_size: Standard_NV12s_v3
    max_core_count: 48
    # Use the pre-built azhop image from the marketplace
    image: azhpc:azhop-desktop:centos-7_9:latest
    # Use this image ID when building your own custom images
    #image: /subscriptions/{{subscription_id}}/resourceGroups/{{resource_group}}/providers/Microsoft.Compute/galleries/{{sig_name}}/images/azhop-centos79-desktop3d/latest
    ColocateNodes: false
    spot: false
    EnableAcceleratedNetworking: true
    max_hours: 12 # Maximum session duration
    min_hours: 1 # Minimum session duration - 0 is infinite
    # Queue dedicated to share GPU remote viz nodes. This name is fixed and can't be changed
  - name: largeviz3d
    vm_size: Standard_NV48s_v3
    max_core_count: 96
    image: azhpc:azhop-desktop:centos-7_9:latest
    ColocateNodes: false
    EnableAcceleratedNetworking: true
    spot: false
    max_hours: 12
    min_hours: 1
    # Queue dedicated to non GPU remote viz nodes. This name is fixed and can't be changed
  - name: viz
    vm_size: Standard_D8s_v5
    max_core_count: 200
    image: azhpc:azhop-desktop:centos-7_9:latest
    ColocateNodes: false
    spot: false
    EnableAcceleratedNetworking: true
    max_hours: 12
    min_hours: 1

# Remote Visualization definitions
enable_remote_winviz: false # Set to true to enable windows remote visualization

  - name: winviz # This name is fixed and can't be changed
    vm_size: Standard_NV12s_v3 # Standard_NV8as_v4 Only NVsv3 and NVsV4 are supported
    max_core_count: 48
    image: "MicrosoftWindowsDesktop:Windows-10:21h1-pron:latest"
    ColocateNodes: false
    spot: false
    EnableAcceleratedNetworking: true

# Application settings
    enabled: true
    enabled: true
    enabled: true
    enabled: true
    enabled: true
    enabled: true
    enabled: true
    enabled: true
xpillons commented 1 year ago

closed by #1530