Azure / azhpc-images

Azure HPC/AI VM Images
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`mpiifort` not working in Almalinux 8.7 #211

Open JPchico opened 1 year ago

JPchico commented 1 year ago

The mpiifort command does not work in the almalinux 8.7 image as ifort was not configured with the oneapi setup.

No intel compiler is provided by default with the present configuration. It would be good to include them as several software stacks are much more efficient with intel compilers than with the GNU ones.

ltalirz commented 1 year ago

Hi @jpchico , are you saying this is a change with respect to previous images? I don't remember the intel compilers being bundled with the CentOS images but I may be wrong.

In any case, installing the Intel OneAPI compiler should be relatively straightforward (?)

JPchico commented 1 year ago

Hi @ltalirz ! I have only checked CentOS and Almalinux and yes none of those has ifort.

Yes, installing ifort with OneAPI is quite straightforward, I just wonder if it might not be a good idea to make it as part of the bundle that comes with intel-mpi and mkl. After all those are being installed using OneAPI for what I see in the scripts. Maybe it would be good to have it in there too?

This would make the Intel tool chain more complete and distinct from the GNU one, Of course this can lead to issues since you can then have openmpi compiled with ifort and intel-mpi with GNU compilers and so on. But just having a well defined Intel and GNU chains would help a lot.

ltalirz commented 1 year ago

@jithinjosepkl what are your thoughts on this?

abhamidipati-msft commented 1 year ago

@JPchico can you please share the image URI used?

JPchico commented 1 year ago

Hi @abhamidipati0614

This is the information that is available about the image when I look at the VM

            "imageReference": {
                "publisher": "azhpc",
                "offer": "azhop-compute",
                "sku": "almalinux-8_7",
                "version": "latest",
                "exactVersion": "2023.0313.1406"

If you need more information please let me know.

ltalirz commented 1 year ago

Just wanted to mention that using the Intel OneAPI compilers to build the HPC-X openmpi library, as described here, worked fine for me.

lorisercole commented 6 months ago

Hello, bringing this up again. Would it be possible to install the Intel compilers in the Almalinux images? Currently both GNU and AMD compilers are offered, but Intel ones are missing, although other Intel OneAPI libraries are installed. Thanks!