Azure / aztfexport

A tool to bring existing Azure resources under Terraform's management
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Failed to read schema for any Azure resource #501

Open Ghostw4lk opened 4 months ago

Ghostw4lk commented 4 months ago

Hi all,

I want to export a specific Azure resource (PostgreSQL Flexible Server) to Terraform.

The environment details are the following:

To export the resource, I executed the following command: [xxxxx@terraform-vm terraform-export]$ aztfexport query -n "resourceGroup =~ 'MY_RESOURCE_GROUP' and type contains 'Microsoft.DB'"

Error: Failed to import /subscriptions/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/resourceGroups/MY_RESOURCE_GROUP/providers/Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/flexibleServers/test-db as azurerm_postgresql_flexible_server.res-0: exit status 1

Error: failed to read schema for azurerm_postgresql_flexible_server.res-0 in failed to instantiate provider "" to obtain schema: fork/exec .terraform/providers/ permission denied

My user has the permission to read the resource group. I am able to get the whole list of 2637 items in that resource group through the following command: aztfexport resource-group MY_RESOURCE_GROUP

If I import a Azure resource through the command "terraform import", it works for me.

What could be the issue, that I can not export any Azure resource to Terraform?

stemaMSFT commented 4 months ago

Hey @Ghostw4lk are you able to export other resources, or is it not working for any resource? There's ways to configure what credentials you use in aztfexport, does the same error occur if you run with the flag --use-azure-cli-cred?

magodo commented 4 months ago

@Ghostw4lk The issue may cause by tmp is noexec on your OS. aztfexport under the hood will import the resources in parallel in the tmp dir. You can export TMPDIR to somewhere else to work around the issue. E.g. run export TMPDIR=~/tmp before running aztfexport to specify ~/tmp as the tmp dir.